7 research outputs found

    Contrastive Initial State Buffer for Reinforcement Learning

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    In Reinforcement Learning, the trade-off between exploration and exploitation poses a complex challenge for achieving efficient learning from limited samples. While recent works have been effective in leveraging past experiences for policy updates, they often overlook the potential of reusing past experiences for data collection. Independent of the underlying RL algorithm, we introduce the concept of a Contrastive Initial State Buffer, which strategically selects states from past experiences and uses them to initialize the agent in the environment in order to guide it toward more informative states. We validate our approach on two complex robotic tasks without relying on any prior information about the environment: (i) locomotion of a quadruped robot traversing challenging terrains and (ii) a quadcopter drone racing through a track. The experimental results show that our initial state buffer achieves higher task performance than the nominal baseline while also speeding up training convergence

    Bridging the Gap Between Events and Frames Through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Reliable perception during fast motion maneuvers or in high dynamic range environments is crucial for robotic systems. Since event cameras are robust to these challenging conditions, they have great potential to increase the reliability of robot vision. However, event-based vision has been held back by the shortage of labeled datasets due to the novelty of event cameras. To overcome this drawback, we propose a task transfer method to train models directly with labeled images and unlabeled event data. Compared to previous approaches, (i) our method transfers from single images to events instead of high frame rate videos, and (ii) does not rely on paired sensor data. To achieve this, we leverage the generative event model to split event features into content and motion features. This split enables efficient matching between latent spaces for events and images, which is crucial for successful task transfer. Thus, our approach unlocks the vast amount of existing image datasets for the training of event-based neural networks. Our task transfer method consistently outperforms methods targeting Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for object detection by 0.26 mAP (increase by 93%) and classification by 2.7% accuracy

    ESS: Learning Event-Based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images

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    Retrieving accurate semantic information in challenging high dynamic range (HDR) and high-speed conditions remains an open challenge for image-based algorithms due to severe image degradations. Event cameras promise to address these challenges since they feature a much higher dynamic range and are resilient to motion blur. Nonetheless, semantic segmentation with event cameras is still in its infancy which is chiefly due to the lack of high-quality, labeled datasets. In this work, we introduce ESS (Event-based Semantic Segmentation), which tackles this problem by directly transferring the semantic segmentation task from existing labeled image datasets to unlabeled events via unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Compared to existing UDA methods, our approach aligns recurrent, motion-invariant event embeddings with image embeddings. For this reason, our method neither requires video data nor per-pixel alignment between images and events and, crucially, does not need to hallucinate motion from still images. Additionally, we introduce DSEC-Semantic, the first large-scale event-based dataset with fine-grained labels. We show that using image labels alone, ESS outperforms existing UDA approaches, and when combined with event labels, it even outperforms state-of-the-art supervised approaches on both DDD17 and DSEC-Semantic. Finally, ESS is general-purpose, which unlocks the vast amount of existing labeled image datasets and paves the way for new and exciting research directions in new fields previously inaccessible for event cameras

    Data-driven Feature Tracking for Event Cameras

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    Because of their high temporal resolution, increased resilience to motion blur, and very sparse output, event cameras have been shown to be ideal for low-latency and low-bandwidth feature tracking, even in challenging scenarios. Existing feature tracking methods for event cameras are either handcrafted or derived from first principles but require extensive parameter tuning, are sensitive to noise, and do not generalize to different scenarios due to unmodeled effects. To tackle these deficiencies, we introduce the first data-driven feature tracker for event cameras, which leverages low-latency events to track features detected in a grayscale frame. We achieve robust performance via a novel frame attention module, which shares information across feature tracks. By directly transferring zero-shot from synthetic to real data, our data-driven tracker outperforms existing approaches in relative feature age by up to 120% while also achieving the lowest latency. This performance gap is further increased to 130% by adapting our tracker to real data with a novel self-supervision strategy

    ESS: Learning Event-based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images

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    Retrieving accurate semantic information in challenging high dynamic range (HDR) and high-speed conditions remains an open challenge for image-based algorithms due to severe image degradations. Event cameras promise to address these challenges since they feature a much higher dynamic range and are resilient to motion blur. Nonetheless, semantic segmentation with event cameras is still in its infancy which is chiefly due to the novelty of the sensor, and the lack of high-quality, labeled datasets. In this work, we introduce ESS, which tackles this problem by directly transferring the semantic segmentation task from existing labeled image datasets to unlabeled events via unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Compared to existing UDA methods, our approach aligns recurrent, motion-invariant event embeddings with image embeddings. For this reason, our method neither requires video data nor per-pixel alignment between images and events and, crucially, does not need to hallucinate motion from still images. Additionally, to spur further research in event-based semantic segmentation, we introduce DSEC-Semantic, the first large-scale event-based dataset with fine-grained labels. We show that using image labels alone, ESS outperforms existing UDA approaches, and when combined with event labels, it even outperforms state-of-the-art supervised approaches on both DDD17 and DSEC-Semantic. Finally, ESS is general-purpose, which unlocks the vast amount of existing labeled image datasets and paves the way for new and exciting research directions in new fields previously inaccessible for event cameras