24 research outputs found

    Raspodjela elemenata u tragovima u povrŔinskim sedimentima Vranskog jezera i tlima otoka Cresa

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    This paper presents a study of major and trace element distribution and an evaluation of their environmental geochemical aspects in the surface sediments of Vrana Lake and the topsoil within its catchment area. The concentrations of 22 elements were determined in 30 lake sediment samples and 60 topsoil samples covering the lake catchment area and the whole island of Cres. The element to Al ratios fall into three main groups: the group of elements that show no difference in ratios in soils and lake sediments: Ni, Co, Mn, Th, Zn, Ba, Ti, K, V, Na, and H; elements that are enriched in the sediments: Ca, Sr, Cd, Pb, Ba and Mg; and elements that are depleted in the lake sediments: Cu, P, Fe, Cr, and La. Long-range air pollution is probably the main reason why the content of metals, especially lead, is increased in the lake sediments, although a local source, from road transport, as indicated by soil data from the catchment area, could also be an important source of Pb. Some pollutants in the soils of the catchment area, such as Cu and Hg from agro-chemical sources, were not determined in elevated concentrations in the lake sediments. Comparison of element/Al indexes from this study with the other studies of surface materials in the region show mutually similar sources, with loess and flysch as two geochemical end-members.U radu se daje pregled raspodjele glavnih elemenata i onih u tragovima u povrÅ”inskim sedimentima Vranskog jezera i tlima na otoku Cresu, te se na temelju izra|enih analiza daje pregled mogućih geokemijskih promjena u okoliÅ”u. Određene su koncentracije 22 elementa u 30 uzoraka jezerskog sedimenta i 60 uzoraka tla koje pokriva slivno područje jezera i otoka Cresa. Na temelju omjera pojedinih elemenata i aluminija utvrđene su tri geokemijske grupe elemenata; prvu grupu čine elementi koji ne pokazuju razliku u omjerima element/Al u tlima i sedimentima: Ni, Co, Mn, Th, Zn, Ba, Ti, K, V, Na i H; elementi koji pokazuju obogaćenje u sedimentima: Ca, Sr, Cd, Pb, Ba i Mg, te grupa elemenata koja je obogaćena u tlima; Cu, P, Fe, Cr i La. PoviÅ”ene koncentracije olova u jezerskim sedimentima moguće je tumačiti kao posljedicu atmosferskog taloženja iz udaljenih industrijskih izvora a koncentracije utvrđene u tlima, na lokacijama na Å”irem području prometnice koja prolazi istočnom stranom slivnog područja jezera, upućuju i na mogućnost lokalnog utjecaja automobilskog prometa. Neki potencijalno toksični elementi (Hg i Cu) koji su utvrđeni u poviÅ”enim koncentracijama u tlima slivnog područja, nisu utvrđeni kao poviÅ”eni u samom jezerskom sedimentu. Usporedbom omjera element/Al dobivenih u ovom radu sa rezultatima istraživanja povrÅ”inskih materijala drugih autora sa Å”ireg područja pokazuju da detritični materijal potječe iz istih izvora sa lesom i naslagama fliÅ”a kao dva krajnja geokemijska člana

    Applying Research Results to Production Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Tvrtka Galapagos istraživački centar d. o. o. privatna je znanstvena organizacija, aktivna u područjima kemije, biologije, biomedicine, veterine i farmacije. Za potrebe ovog članka posvećenog Međunarodnoj godini kemije, obuhvaćen je pregled područja kojim se bave kemičari u ovom istraživačkom centru, a iznesene su i tehnike i tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u provedbi istraživačko-razvojnih projekata. Aktivnosti kemičara usmjerene su na sintezu novih organskih spojeva, potencijalnih novih lijekova, na njihovu identifikaciju i strukturnu karakterizaciju, na procese pročiŔćavanja, uvećanja sinteze (scale up), na primijenjenu analitiku u bioloÅ”kim materijalima (DMPK - metabolizam lijekova i farmakokinetika) te na farmaceutski razvoj pretkliničkih kandidata. Projektni timovi u Galapagosu obuhvaćaju istraživače svih relevantnih struka za istraživanje potencijalnih novih lijekova, kao Å”to su kemičari (kemijski inženjeri i tehnolozi), biolozi, medicinari, veterinari, farmaceuti. Konačni cilj svakog od projekata je djelotvoran, dobro definiran pretklinički kandidat, koji se dalje razvija u suradnji s drugim dijelovima Galapagosa (Belgija, Francuska, Velika Britanija) ili u partnerstvu s velikim farmaceutskim kompanijama. U članku su područja istraživanja i tehnologije potkrijepljeni konkretnim primjerima i rezultatima objavljenim u člancima.Galapagos Research Center Ltd., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the International Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research center. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects. The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK ā€“ Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates. Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations. This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles

    Lightning Performance Improvement Of 123 kV Line Ston ā€“ Komolac By Use Of Line Surge Arresters

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    This paper presents HEP - Transmission System Operator Ltd. Line surge arrester (LSA) application pilot project on the Ston ā€“ Komolac 123 kV line. This 44 km long single circuit shielded transmission line operates in the region with a high lightning activity (keraunic level about 70 thunder days). In addition, it was very difficult to obtain good footing resistance. For these reasons, considered line used to have very bad lightning performance. It was decided to install Line surge arresters for line lightning performance improvement. In order to optimize arrester installation configuration sigma slp software simulations were performed. LSA are installed according to the results of the software simulations. LSA are installed in summer 2007 (110 gapless, IEC-class II Line arresters). Sixty one LSA are equipped with Excount - II monitoring sensors (monitoring arrester leakage current and peak of the impulse current). Based on the 8-month experience, LSA installation has improved line lightning performance. New line performance is close to the targeted once (improvement by 50 to 60 %). Surge arrester monitors collect very interesting information. Collected info will be compared with the software simulations

    Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Galapagos Research Centre d. o. o., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the Internationa Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research centre. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects.The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK ā€“ Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates.Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations.This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles

    Applying Research Results to Production Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Tvrtka Galapagos istraživački centar d. o. o. privatna je znanstvena organizacija, aktivna u područjima kemije, biologije, biomedicine, veterine i farmacije. Za potrebe ovog članka posvećenog Međunarodnoj godini kemije, obuhvaćen je pregled područja kojim se bave kemičari u ovom istraživačkom centru, a iznesene su i tehnike i tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u provedbi istraživačko-razvojnih projekata. Aktivnosti kemičara usmjerene su na sintezu novih organskih spojeva, potencijalnih novih lijekova, na njihovu identifikaciju i strukturnu karakterizaciju, na procese pročiŔćavanja, uvećanja sinteze (scale up), na primijenjenu analitiku u bioloÅ”kim materijalima (DMPK - metabolizam lijekova i farmakokinetika) te na farmaceutski razvoj pretkliničkih kandidata. Projektni timovi u Galapagosu obuhvaćaju istraživače svih relevantnih struka za istraživanje potencijalnih novih lijekova, kao Å”to su kemičari (kemijski inženjeri i tehnolozi), biolozi, medicinari, veterinari, farmaceuti. Konačni cilj svakog od projekata je djelotvoran, dobro definiran pretklinički kandidat, koji se dalje razvija u suradnji s drugim dijelovima Galapagosa (Belgija, Francuska, Velika Britanija) ili u partnerstvu s velikim farmaceutskim kompanijama. U članku su područja istraživanja i tehnologije potkrijepljeni konkretnim primjerima i rezultatima objavljenim u člancima.Galapagos Research Center Ltd., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the International Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research center. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects. The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK ā€“ Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates. Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations. This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles

    Lightning Performance Improvement Of 123 kV Line Ston ā€“ Komolac By Use Of Line Surge Arresters

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    This paper presents HEP - Transmission System Operator Ltd. Line surge arrester (LSA) application pilot project on the Ston ā€“ Komolac 123 kV line. This 44 km long single circuit shielded transmission line operates in the region with a high lightning activity (keraunic level about 70 thunder days). In addition, it was very difficult to obtain good footing resistance. For these reasons, considered line used to have very bad lightning performance. It was decided to install Line surge arresters for line lightning performance improvement. In order to optimize arrester installation configuration sigma slp software simulations were performed. LSA are installed according to the results of the software simulations. LSA are installed in summer 2007 (110 gapless, IEC-class II Line arresters). Sixty one LSA are equipped with Excount - II monitoring sensors (monitoring arrester leakage current and peak of the impulse current). Based on the 8-month experience, LSA installation has improved line lightning performance. New line performance is close to the targeted once (improvement by 50 to 60 %). Surge arrester monitors collect very interesting information. Collected info will be compared with the software simulations

    Single-sensor-based Fault Detection in Wind Turbines

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