22 research outputs found

    Phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria isolated from jujube ziziphus lotus plant stimulate wheat germination rate and seedlings growth

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    Jujube plant (Ziziphus lotus (L.) Desf.) can survive in arid climates and tolerates both biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we isolated, for the first time in Morocco, nine phosphate solubilizing bacteria strains from jujube rhizosphere, designated J10 to J13, J15, & J153 to J156. Genotypic identification based on 16S rDNA sequencing, revealed six strains that belong to Pseudomonas (J10, J12, J13, J15, J153 and J154), two to Bacillus (J11 and J156), and one to Paenibacillus J155. Siderophores were produced by all strains. Proteases activity was missing in Pseudomonas sp. J153 & J154, whereas cellulase was restricted only to Pseudomonas sp. J10, Paenibacillus xylanexedens J155 and Bacillus cereus J156. Indole-3- acetic acid and ammonia were also produced by all strains, with a maxima of 204.28 ”g mL−1 in Bacillus megaterium J11 and 0.33 ”mol mL−1 in Pseudomonas sp. J153, respectively. Pseudomonas sp. J10 and B. cereus J156 grew on plates containing 1,500 ”g mL−1 of nickel nitrate, while Pseudomonas sp. J153 withstood 1,500 ”g mL−1 of either copper sulfate or cadmium sulfate. Phenotypic analysis of the potential of the isolates to promote early plant growth showed that wheat seeds inoculated with either P. moraviensis J12 or B. cereus J156 remarkably increased germination rate and seedlings growth. Lastly, antibiotic resistance profiling revealed that except for Pseudomonas sp. J11 and B. cereus J156, remaining strains displayed resistance at least to one of tested antibiotics. Collectively, Pseudomonas sp. J10, P. moraviensis J12, Pseudomonas sp. J153 and B. cereus J156, represent potential biofertilizers suitable for soils that are poor in P, and/or heavy metals contaminated

    Nouvelle application de la réaction de Darzens pour la préparation d'aziridines polyfonctionnelles

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    Les 2-aziridines 2-bromo carboxylates de méthyle sont préparées en milieu basique alcoolique à partir du dibromoacétate de méthyle et des imines aromatiques par extension de la réaction de Darzens

    Determinants of Patient Delay in Seeking Diagnosis and Treatment among Moroccan Women with Cervical Cancer

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    Introduction. This study sought to investigate potential determinants of patient delay among Moroccan women with cervical cancer. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2014 to June 2015 at the National Institute of Oncology in Rabat. Data were collected using questionnaire among patients with cervical cancer locally advanced or metastatic (stages IIA–IVB). Medical records were abstracted to complete clinical information. An interval longer than 90 days between discovery of initial symptoms and presentation to a provider was defined as a patient delay. Results. Four hundred and one patients with cervical cancer enrolled in this study. The mean age was 52.4 years (SD = 11.5). 53.6% were illiterate. Abnormal vaginal bleeding was identified for 65.8% of patients. 60.1% were diagnosed at stages IIA-IIB. 55.4% were found having patient delay. The regression analyses showed the association between literacy (p<0.001), distance of the place of the first consultation (p=0.031), abnormal vaginal bleeding as an earlier symptom (p<0.001), stage at diagnosis (p<0.03), knowledge of symptoms (p<0.001), knowledge of causes (p=0.008), and practice of gynecological exam during the last three years (p=0.018) and the patient delay. Conclusion. Educational messages should aim at increasing awareness of cervical cancer, assisting women in symptom recognition, and encouraging earlier presentation

    Behaviour of neural and renal (Na+, K+)- ATPase to dopamine and amphetamine

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    L'action in vitro de la dopamine (DA) et de l'amph&eacute;tamine (AMPH) a &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;tudi&eacute;e sur la (Na +, K+)-ATPase du bulbe olfactif et du rein du rat. La r&eacute;ponse de cette enzyme aux deux drogues d&eacute;pend enorm&eacute;ment de l'organe d'origine de la pr&eacute;paration enzymatique surtout pour des doses comprises entre 10-5 et 1O-4M. Sur cette gamme de concentration, au niveau r&eacute;nal, ces deux agents ont exerc&eacute; une faible inhibition non significative; au niveau bulbaire, ils ont induit, en revanche, une stimulation significative dont le maximum est de 102% (DA) et de 25% (AMPH). La K+ _pNPPase a pr&eacute;sent&eacute; le m&ecirc;me comportement que la (Na +, K+)-ATPase. Celui -ci d&eacute;pend, &eacute;galement, de l'organe d'origine de la pr&eacute;paration enzymatique. Cet effet stimulateur dispara&icirc;t lorsque la pr&eacute;paration enzymatique d'origine nerveuse est trait&eacute;e par le triton X 100 (0,03%). Les r&eacute;sultats de ce travail montrent que la DA et l'AMPH (10-5 &agrave; 1O-4M) n'ont pas d'effet direct sur la (Na+, K+)-ATPase nerveuse. l'effet stimulateur "apparent" pourrait &ecirc;tre d&ucirc; &agrave; une interaction entre ces drogues et l'environnement membranaire de l'enzyme au nivau de la cellule nerveuse

    Association between “cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36)” and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training: a systematic review

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    Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the scavenger class B receptor family and is encoded by the cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) gene. This receptor has a high affinity for fatty acids and is involved in lipid metabolism. An abundance of FAT/CD36 during exercise occurs in mitochondria and solitary muscles. As such, we aimed to systematically review the evidence for the relationship FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Five electronic databases were selected for literature searches until June 2022: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, science direct, and Google Scholar. We combined the different synonyms and used the operators (“AND”, “OR”, “NOT”): (CD36 gene) OR (CD36 polymorphism) OR (cluster of differentiation 36) OR (FAT/CD36) OR (fatty acid translocase) OR (platelet glycoprotein IV) OR (platelet glycoprotein IIIb) AND (adipose tissue lipolysis) OR (fatty acids) OR (metabolism lipid) OR (adipocytes) AND (physical effort) OR (endurance exercise) OR (high-intensity training). All published cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and randomized clinical trials investigating CD36 polymorphisms and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in subjects (elite and sub-elite athletes, non-athletes, sedentary individuals and diabetics), and using valid methods to measure FAT/CD36 expression and other biomarkers, were considered for inclusion in this review. We initially identified 476 publications according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and included 21 studies investigating FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in our systematic review after examination of titles, abstracts, full texts, and quality assessments using the PEDro scale. There were nine studies with male-only participants, three with female-only participants, and nine studies included both female and male participants. There were 859 participants in the 21 selected studies. Studies were classified as either low quality (n = 3), medium quality (n = 13), and high quality (n = 5). In general, the data suggests an association between FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Improvements in FAT/CD36 were reported during or after exercise in 6 studies, while there were no changes reported in FAT/CD36 in 4 studies. An association between fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise was reported in 7 studies. No agreement was reached in 5 studies on FAT/CD36 content after dietary changes and physical interventions. One study reported that FAT/CD36 protein expression in muscle was higher in women than in men, another reported that training decreased FAT/CD36 protein in insulin-resistant participants, while another study reported no differences in FAT/CD36 in young, trained individuals with type 2 diabetes. Our analysis shows an association between FAT/CD36 expression and exercise. Furthermore, an association between whole-body peak fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise training was demonstrated

    Suicidal attempt among patients with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study from Morocco

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    Suicide constitutes the greatest risk factor for mortality in individuals with schizophrenia. Although numerous risk factors have been suggested as important predictors of suicidality in schizophrenia, most studies have focused on Caucasian and Chinese patients. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of suicide attempts in schizophrenia patients in Rabat-Sale-Kenitra, Morocco, and to identify associated clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Ar-RAZI Psychiatric Center of Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat. We examined 175 Moroccan schizophrenic patients. The sociodemographic and clinical variables were analyzed based on the presence or absence of suicide attempts. The prevalence of suicide attempts among patients was 32%. 43% of them had reported multiple suicide attempts. The majority of those who attempted suicide were single, younger, and with a lower economic status. Visual hallucinations were significantly prevalent among attempter patients compared to non-attempters (p =0.032). Consequently, visual hallucinations could be a risk factor for suicide attempts in the Moroccan population. Understanding sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with suicide attempts can help identify patients at higher risk and provide appropriate support and interventions to prevent suicide among the Moroccan population

    Association between “cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36)” and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training: a systematic review

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    Fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the scavenger class B receptor family and is encoded by the cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) gene. This receptor has a high affinity for fatty acids and is involved in lipid metabolism. An abundance of FAT/CD36 during exercise occurs in mitochondria and solitary muscles. As such, we aimed to systematically review the evidence for the relationship FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Five electronic databases were selected for literature searches until June 2022: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, science direct, and Google Scholar. We combined the different synonyms and used the operators (“AND”, “OR”, “NOT”): (CD36 gene) OR (CD36 polymorphism) OR (cluster of differentiation 36) OR (FAT/CD36) OR (fatty acid translocase) OR (platelet glycoprotein IV) OR (platelet glycoprotein IIIb) AND (adipose tissue lipolysis) OR (fatty acids) OR (metabolism lipid) OR (adipocytes) AND (physical effort) OR (endurance exercise) OR (high-intensity training). All published cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and randomized clinical trials investigating CD36 polymorphisms and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in subjects (elite and sub-elite athletes, non-athletes, sedentary individuals and diabetics), and using valid methods to measure FAT/CD36 expression and other biomarkers, were considered for inclusion in this review. We initially identified 476 publications according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and included 21 studies investigating FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise in our systematic review after examination of titles, abstracts, full texts, and quality assessments using the PEDro scale. There were nine studies with male-only participants, three with female-only participants, and nine studies included both female and male participants. There were 859 participants in the 21 selected studies. Studies were classified as either low quality (n = 3), medium quality (n = 13), and high quality (n = 5). In general, the data suggests an association between FAT/CD36 and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training. Improvements in FAT/CD36 were reported during or after exercise in 6 studies, while there were no changes reported in FAT/CD36 in 4 studies. An association between fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise was reported in 7 studies. No agreement was reached in 5 studies on FAT/CD36 content after dietary changes and physical interventions. One study reported that FAT/CD36 protein expression in muscle was higher in women than in men, another reported that training decreased FAT/CD36 protein in insulin-resistant participants, while another study reported no differences in FAT/CD36 in young, trained individuals with type 2 diabetes. Our analysis shows an association between FAT/CD36 expression and exercise. Furthermore, an association between whole-body peak fat oxidation and FAT/CD36 expression during exercise training was demonstrated.Systematic Review Registration: [PROSPERO], identifier [CRD42022342455

    Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from the Jujube (Ziziphus lotus) Plant Enhance Wheat Growth, Zn Uptake, and Heavy Metal Tolerance

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    In recent years, the low Zn content of wheat has become critical. Consequently, solutions that can improve the Zn nutrition of wheat are highly researched. In the present investigation, we aimed to evaluate the potential benefits of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria isolated from Ziziphus lotus on wheat seedling growth. Based on the phosphate-solubilizing criteria, four isolated strains, J16, J143, J146, and J158, were identified by 16SrRNA gene sequencing as Pseudomonas moraviensis, Bacillus halotolerans, Enterobacter hormaechei, and Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis, respectively. Studies of the conventional properties of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) showed that E. hormaechei J146 produced up to 550 mg·L−1 of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Siderophores and ammonia were produced by all strains but cellulase was restricted to B. halotolerans J143, whereas proteases were missing in E. hormaechei J146 and P. frederiksbergensis J158. E. hormaechei J146 tolerate up to 1.5 mg·L−1 of copper and cadmium, while B. halotolerans J143 withstood 1.5 mg·L−1 of nickel. Strains B. halotolerant J143, E. hormaechei J146, and P. frederiksbergensis J158 remarkably improved wheat seed germination, plant growth, and Zn absorption. Lastly, nutrient measurement revealed that a wheat plant inoculated with E. hormaechei J146 and P. frederiksbergensis J158 increased its nitrogen and potassium uptake by up to 17%

    Chronic clomipramine treatment reverses depressogenic-like effects of a chronic treatment with dexamethasone in rats

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    Corticosteroids are widely used in medicine, for their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions, but can lead to troubling psychiatric side-effects. In fact, corticosteroids can induce many symptoms and syndromes, for example, mood disorders, anxiety and panic disorder, suicidal thinking and behavior. Furthermore, chronic stress and the administration of exogenous glucocorticoids are reported to induce affective changes in humans and rodents that relate to depressive state. Animal models are highly useful tools for studying the depression etiology. Face validity, construct validity, and predictive validity are the main criteria to evaluate animal depression models. The present study aimed to investigate the behavioral, cognitive, and biochemical effects of a chronic administration of DEX on Wistar rats. Wistar rats were administered daily with DEX (1.5 mg/kg, i.p., 21 days) or saline, the clomipramine treatment (2 mg/kg, i.p.) was realized just after the DEX injections for 21 days. DEX induced changes were evaluated by: forced swimming, novelty suppressed feeding, saccharin preference, open field, Morris water maze, and oxidative stress state in the brain. Results showed that chronic DEX administration conduct to a range of depression-related behavioral traits, including anhedonia, despair, weight loss, anxiety-like behavior, and cognitive impairments, which fill the face validity criterion. The DEX induced behavioral changes may result from the massive production of oxidative stress agents. This sustains the etiological hypothesis claiming that hyper-circulating glucocorticoid resulting from HPA dysfunction induces damage in certain neural structures related to depressive disorder, essentially the hippocampus. The antidepressant treatment has restored the behavioral state of rats which fills the predictive validity criterion