5 research outputs found

    Qualifications of Subject Teachers in Special Education Schools

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    Teacher qualifications are essential to be able to teach children with special needs efficiently. Therefore the aim of this study is to determine the qualifications of subject teachers in special education schools in Turkey. In the study 20 subject teachers within the field of music, art and sports who worked in special education schools in Turkey participated. Qualitative research methods were used and the research data was collected using a semi-structured interview technique in the form of a questionnaire, collecting information about the teachers’ knowledge on the field of special education, what problems they encounter and what needs they might have. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The results show that the subject teachers in this study do not possess adequate knowledge about the students’ different disabilities and their characteristics. Beside the lack of knowledge the teachers also express a lack of tools, materials, and workshop rooms for art and music, a school gym, extra time, training, support services, in service programs, and collaboration with colleagues. Furthermore the teachers express insufficient qualifications in making lesson plans, teaching, assessing, managing the classroom, changing student behavior, and parent training. The teachers in the study expressed that the lack of training support and services, the lack of peer support and negative attitudes from colleagues and school administrators to subject teachers reduced their motivation and prevented them from teaching efficiently. All in all the lack in requirements can be divided into three respective ranking areas 1) teacher knowledge, 2) classroom materials, tools and equipment and 3) training, management and peer support. Even though the subject teachers express a seeking for support, the inadequate fulfillment of the requirements within the areas as mentioned above affect the teaching negatively and prevent the subject teachers from teaching children with special needs efficiently

    The Effectiveness of the Combination of Visual Prompt-Fading and Direct Instruction Method in Teaching Pattern Building Skills to Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the combination of visual prompt-fading and direct instruction method in teaching pattern building skills to students with intellectual disabilities. Three students at the age of six and seven diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and enrolled in a full-time inclusion program participated in the study, and multiple-probe design across subjects used to conduct the research. The dependent variable of the study was the participants' level of ability to build a pattern, and the independent variable was the combination of visual prompt-fading and direct instruction method. The data has been collected using tool sets and worksheets consisting of objects and object images. Graphical analysis technique has been utilized for data analysis. The findings of the study showed that a combination of visual prompt-fading and direct instruction method was effective in teaching pattern building skills to students with intellectual disabilities, but it was limited in terms of the generalization of these skills

    Investigation the Opionions of Mothers of Children with Special Needs about Their Participation in Vocational Training and Employment

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    The issue of vocational training and employment of individuals with special needs plays a vital role for their independence. For this reason, in this study the goal was to determine the opinions about vocational training and employment for mothers of children with special needs. The participants of the study were 10 mothers of children with special needs. A qualitative research method was used in the research and a semi-structured interview technique was used for data collection. The results showed that the mothers don’t find the vocational education and employment of their children with special needs sufficient and productive, that the vocational training is not planned appropriately, and that there is no transition process from school to work. This means the mothers experience problems with their children's employment and therefore it can be concluded that the schools need to come up with a solution to solve these problems of transition

    Investigation the Opionions of Mothers of Children with Special Needs about Their Participation in Vocational Training and Employment

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    The issue of vocational training and employment of individuals with special needs plays a vital role for their independence. For this reason, in this study the goal was to determine the opinions about vocational training and employment for mothers of children with special needs. The participants of the study were 10 mothers of children with special needs. A qualitative research method was used in the research and a semi-structured interview technique was used for data collection. The results showed that the mothers don’t find the vocational education and employment of their children with special needs sufficient and productive, that the vocational training is not planned appropriately, and that there is no transition process from school to work. This means the mothers experience problems with their children's employment and therefore it can be concluded that the schools need to come up with a solution to solve these problems of transition

    Determining the needs of parents with children in inclusive education

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    Bu çalışma kaynaştırma eğitimi alan öğrencilerin ebeveynlerinin gereksinimlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada “Kaynaştırma Eğitimi Alan Öğrencilerin Ailelerinin Gereksinimlerini Belirleme Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Türkiye’nin çeşitli illerinde kaynaştırma eğitimi alan öğrencilerin 70 anne ve 55 baba olmak üzere toplam 125 ebeveynden oluşan bir örneklem grubundan veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS_17.0 istatistik paket programıyla ve betimsel istatistik yöntemleriyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda ebeveynlerin sırasıyla sosyal destek, bilgi, yardım ve uyarlama gereksinimlerinin olduğu, annelerin babalara göre daha fazla gereksinimlerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu gereksinimler çocuğun cinsiyetine göre ölçeğin tamamında anlamlı bir fark oluşturmazken, çocuğun yaşına göre çevresel düzenleme gereksinimi boyutunda, ebeveynlerin aylık gelirine göre bilgi ve yardım gereksinimi boyutlarında ve çocuğun aldığı tanıya göre sosyal destek, bilgi ve yardım gereksinimi boyutlarında anlamlı farklılıklar oluşturduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The aim of this study is to determine the needs of parents with children in inclusive education. "The Scale for Determining the Needs of Parents with Students in Inclusive Education" was used for the purpose of this study. Data was gathered from a sample group consisting of 125 parents, 70 mothers and 55 fathers of children in inclusive education in various cities of Turkey. SPSS_17.0 statistical package program and descriptive statistical methods were used for the analysis of collected data in the research process. The results show that parents respectively had needs for social support, information, assistance and adaptation, and furthermore that the mothers in general had higher needs than the fathers. Additionally the results show that there is no significant correlation between needs and the gender of the child. However there is a significant correlation between needs for environmental adjustment and the age of the child. Also there is a significant correlation between needs for information and assistance and the monthly income of the parents. Finally the results show a significant correlation between needs for social support, information and assistance and the disability of the child