9 research outputs found

    Management of acute myeloid leukemia in Covid 19 era

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    The covid 19 pandemic has not spared patients with hematological malignancies. The hematologist community faces unprecedented challenge since the first identification of this new virus .in this study, we aim to describe characteristics and outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) diagnosed with covid 19 infection at different states of the disease.A total of 16 COVID-19-infected patients with AML were included; 4 (25%) patients were male. Median age was 37 years. 7 patients had a favorable, 7 intermediate and 2 high risk AML. we noted no case of hemorrhagic syndrome and only 1 patient developed a deep vein thrombosis. treatment of AML was postponed in 11 patients. 4 patients attracted SARS-COV2 infection undergoing intensive myelosuppressive chemotherapy. 2 patients had severe events and only 1 patient died. Patients with AML may show favorable outcomes of COVID 19 infection even while treated with intensive chemotherapy. Coronavirus disease has change life overnight and impact the management of patients suffering from cancer in general and particularly patients with AML, we need more studies to better understand different aspects of this tiny microorganism and its impact on the management of these patients

    Current Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Cytogenetic abnormalities are frequently reported in the literature describing the presence of chromosomal rearrangements in important cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML); the rate can reach 50–60% of cases of AML. Cytogenetic abnormalities represent an important prognosis factor, their analysis is crucial for AML; cytogenetic study permits to classify prognostic groups and indicate the treatment strategy and helps to improve the outcome of these patients and to increase their chances of cure. Hundreds of uncommon chromosomal aberrations from AML exist. This chapter summarizes chromosomal abnormalities that are common and classifies AML according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classifications from 2008 to 2016; we will discuss briefly gene mutations detected in normal karyotype (NK) AML by cutting-edge next-generation sequencing technology, like FLT3-ITD, nucleophosmin (NPM1), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (CEBPA), and other additional mutations

    Secondary Thymoma among Adult Treated For Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma/Leukemia: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

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    BACKGROUND: Concomitant thymoma and T- lymphoblastic/leukaemia lymphoma is possible. Secondary thymoma after treatment for T-lymphoblastic/leukaemia lymphoma was also occasionally reported, although this is quite rare. CASE REPORT: We report a case of 44-year-old women with secondary thymoma after chemotherapy treatment for T Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma. Diagnosis of lymphoblastic/leukaemia lymphoma was made in 2015 by morphological and histological study. The patient underwent Moroccan protocol for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (MARALL) from 2015 to 2017 and achieved complete remission. One year later, the patient developed an anterior mediastinal mass, relapse was suspected, but the surgical biopsy was performed and histological, the mass showed thymoma. CONCLUSION: At the time of diagnosis of thymoma for a patient treated for T-lymphoblastic/leukaemia lymphoma it is necessary to eliminate a relapse because the distinction between thymoma and T-lymphoblastic/leukaemia lymphoma is sometimes difficult, and the association is possible

    Massive Thrombosis of the Right Atrium Extended to the Superior Vena Cava at the Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Introduction. Venous thromboembolic disease is a common complication found in 8% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. The location at the right atrium is exceptional. These last fifty years, only 6 cases of thrombosis of the atrium in the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia were published on PubMed search engine. Case Presentation. 35-year-old farmer, who had been admitted by emergency department for superior vena cava syndrome and had a hyperleukocytic AML with complex karyotype associated with a significant thrombosis of the right atrium, extended all along the superior vena cava. He has been treated by the 2011 AML protocol using low molecular weight heparin and died from respiratory distress. Conclusions. If thrombosis is common in AML, the location in right atrium is rare. Its management requires surgery that is sometimes difficult to achieve

    Pain assessment and management in the Moroccan haemophilia population: a prospective descriptive study

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    For people with haemophilia (PwH) who live in developing countries, haemophilia continues to be a condition with serious medical and social consequences. In Morocco, the efforts of patient associations and medical teams have led to the creation of a national programme for haemophilia care since the end of 2012, and the country is no longer solely reliant on World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) donations for access to factor products. There is growing recognition of the impact of the pain experienced by PwH. To continue to improve treatment for PwH in Morocco, it is important to ensure that they are also able to manage haemophilia-related pain


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    IntroductionL’amylose systémique de type AL a été décrite dans presque tous les organes. Cependant l’atteinte conjonctivale est relativement rare et décrite le plus souvent sous forme de cas isolés et petites séries de cas. Elle est le plus souvent une manifestation de l’amylose oculaire localisée; toutefois, une atteinte palpébrale peut survenir dans le cadre d’une forme systémique. Nous rapportons l’observation d’une amylose AL, qui apparait originale par l’atteinte conjonctivale révélatrice en soulignant le retard diagnostic et thérapeutique du à la méconnaissance de cette localisation et les tentatives de traitement symptomatique.ObservationUn patient de 58 ans présentait un purpura palpébral, périorbitaire bilatéral en lunette et des masses conjonctivales avec notion d’hémorragies conjonctivales intermittentes. Cette symptomatologie évoluait depuis plus de 12 mois, ayant suscitée plusieurs consultations ophtalmologiques et dermatologiques, ainsi que divers traitements symptomatiques jusqu’à réalisation d’un bilan biologique objectivant un pic des gammaglobulines à l’électrophorèse des protéines sériques suivi de la réalisation d’une biopsie conjonctivale posant le diagnostic d’amylose et imposant une recherche extensive ayant retrouver d’autres localisations d’amylose associées au myélome multiple.Discussion/ Conclusion  L’amylose  conjonctivale est une affection rare, dont le diagnostic est suspecté cliniquement et confirmé par examen histopathologique. Elle peut être le seul signe révélateur d’une atteinte systémique et son diagnostic impose une recherche systémique d’autres localisations