58 research outputs found


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    Objective. To determine the effect of quantitative characteristics on the effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging guided focused ultrasound (MRIgFUS) ablation of uterine fibroids and evaluate the possibility of their use for patient selection.Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of 67 FUS ablations (67 women, 94 fibroids) was performed. We evaluated the characteristics of fibroids (standardized signal intensity (SSI) and signal heterogeneity in T2-WI, the maximum diameter, the distance to the skin and to the sacrum during FUS, volume, nonperfused volume (NPV), MR-type), sonication energy and patients age. Standardization of the fibroid signal intensity was performed by using the signal intensity from iliac muscle. Correlation between NPV and quantitative characteristics was calculated. ROC-analysis was performed for determination of the optimal SSI threshold value required to achieve NPV≥50%. We evaluated the relation between MR-type of fibroids, NPV ratio and SSI.Results. Post treatment NPV ratio was 57.1 ± 22.5%. NPV for 1 type fibroids (n=67) was 63.4 ± 19.7%, for 2 type (n=20) – 46.8 ± ± 19.5% and for 3 type (n=7) – 26.4 ± 21%. Differences betweengroups was significant (p<0.05). SSI showed significant correlation with NPV ratio (R=-0.28, p<0.01). Significant correlation between NPV ratio and others quantitative characteristics was not detected. Fibroids with SSI≤1.4 characterized NPV≥50% (sensitivity 72.7%, specificity 71.4%, p<0.01, AUC 0.72). MR-types of fibroids were characterized by different SSI (p<0.05). SSI≤ 1/4 was characteristic only for 1 type fibroids. Conclusion. SSI can be used as an additional objective criterion for prediction of FUS results and patient selection. Good results of FUS (NPV≥50%) in most cases can be achieved for fibroids with SSI≤1.4

    COVID-19-related cardiac lesion: The questions of pathogenesis and diagnostics

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    Coronavirus infection is still a topic of interest in the medical community today. Among the heterogeneous clinical manifestations of this disease, lesions of cardiac structures often occur. They are mainly inflammatory in nature and can be acute or delayed. Aside from myocarditis, coronavirus infection can induce cardiac injuries, including acute coronary syndrome, thromboembolic events, heart failure, and heart rhythm disturbances. It is well known that the prognosis for patients with cardiac lesions significantly worsens; timely diagnosis and treatment initiation play an important role in preventing severe complications. This review presents the most recent literature data on the pathogenesis of cardiac lesions in COVID-19 patients and discusses the rational diagnosis of this pathology using modern techniques, such as laboratory, functional imaging (cardiac magnetic resonance is the most important of these), and invasive ones. It is now established that diagnosing myocarditis caused by coronavirus infection differs fundamentally from diagnosing other types of myocarditis. Furthermore, the main aspects of inflammatory heart lesions associated with COVID-19 vaccination are discussed, as this complication occurs more frequently than is commonly believed. It is often used as a rationale for refusing vaccination; however, this decision may severely affect the individual and the population


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    Objective: to determine the capacities of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) to diagnose tongue cancer.Material and methods. Intravenous bolus contrast-enhanced MDCT was performed in 40 patients with tongue cancer diagnosed during complex clinical and instrumental examination. In all cases, the tumor had a structure of squamous cell carcinoma of varying grades. The results of MSCT were compared with the data of surgery and cytological and histological examinations. Tongue tumor accumulation of a contrast agent was qualitatively analyzed.Results. In 38 (85%) patients, the tongue tumor actively accumulated the contrast agent and was clearly differentiated in the presence of unaffected portions of the tongue and other adjacent anatomical structures, such as mouth floor, oropharynx, and larynx. Only in two cases, the tumor failed to significantly accumulate the contrast agent, which was associated with that there were massive decay areas in its structure. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of MDCT in the diagnosis of tongue cancer were 95, 80, and 87.5%, respectively. MDCT could reliably differentiate changes in tongue cancer from non-tumor diseases. The result of constructing the curve of diagnostic errors became the following values: the area under the curve was 0.875 and the P-value (Asymptotic Sig.) was 0.0001.Conclusion. Intravenous bolus contrast-enhanced MDCT has a high diagnostic efficiency in identifying tongue cancer. The technique can establish the location of a tumor and to reveal the extent of the process to the nearby organs


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    The article is an overview of a diagnostic algorithm and capabilities  of different imaging techniques  in the diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary  hypertension (CTEPH). The authors touch upon imaging approaches specific for CTEPH and idiopathic pulmonary  hypertension.  The results of comparative studies of diagnostic  accuracy  of multislice computed  tomography,  ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy,  angiography,  and comparative characteristics of the methods, are described. A new method, dual-energy computed  tomography, used in the diagnosis of CTEPH and for determining indications  for surgical treatment, is highlighted.В статье дается краткий обзор диагностического алгоритма и возможностей разных методов визуализации в диагностике хронической тромбоэмболической легочной гипертензии (ХТЭЛГ). Упоминаются особенности визуализации при ХТЭЛГ и идиопатической легочной гипертензии. Приводятся результаты сравнительных исследований диагностической точности мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии, вентиляционно-перфузионной сцинтиграфии, рентгеноконтрастной ангиографии, сравнительная характеристика методов. Уделяется внимание новой методике двухэнергетической компьютерной томографии в диагностике ХТЭЛГ и определении показаний к оперативному лечению.

    Abernethy malformation: A case report

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    Congenital portosystemic shunts are rare congenital vascular malformations characterized by a partial or complete portal blood diversion into the systemic circulation. Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts, known as Abernethy malformations, pose a diagnostic challenge due to their low incidence and clinical presentations. A 15-year-old male with a history of chronic epigastric pain and nausea, high arterial blood pressure, recurrent nose bleeds, chest pain, dizziness, dyspnea, low exercise tolerance, hematochezia, and itching was diagnosed with Abernethy malformation type Ib. Imaging studies revealed a dilated portal vein conduit flowing into the inferior vena cava, bypassing the porta hepatis. Multiple liver nodules, heart chamber dilatation, myocardial hypertrophy, and pulmonary hypertension were also discovered. Following multidisciplinary panel meetings, liver transplantation was advised due to the severity of the patients symptoms and shunt anatomy. Furthermore, diagnostic algorithms and other treatment options are discussed

    Контраст-индуцированное острое почечное повреждение: современное состояние вопроса

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    The concept of “contrast-induced acute renal injury” (CI-AKI) is an increase in the level of plasma creatinine, recorded within 48 hours after contrast drug administration. This condition is the third most common cause of chronic renal failure occurring in a hospital. Despite the rather frequent occurrence of this phenomenon, it is not completely clear whether all such cases can really be explained by the exceptionally wide spread of procedures with contrast agent administration, because a decrease in kidney function is often found in inpatient patients. Since there is no treatment for CI-AKI, many groups of scientists have attempted to develop a prevention regimen. However, such measures are fraught with a number of difficulties: possible consequences for patients, logistical difficulties in a medical institution, costs of funds. The effectiveness of these measures has also not been unequivocally proven. In particular, in the course of a large AMACING study, it was shown that hydration does not reduce the likelihood of developing CI-AKI, but significantly increases the patient's treatment costs and can cause specific complications. In addition, there is a lot of literature evidence in favor of the fact that the hydration technique is effective for preventing a decrease in kidney function only in patients who have undergone intra-arterial administration of a contrast agent. Thus, the need for drug prevention of CI-AKI is currently being questioned, research in this area is actively continuing.Понятие “контраст-индуцированное острое почечное повреждение” (КИ-ОПП) представляет собой подъем уровня креатинина плазмы крови, зафиксированный в течение 48 ч после введения контрастного препарата. Данное состояние является третьей по частоте причиной хронической почечной недостаточности, возникающей в стационаре. Несмотря на довольно частую встречаемость данного явления, до конца не ясно, действительно ли все подобные случаи можно объяснить исключительно широким распространением процедур с введением контрастного препарата, ведь снижение функции почек зачастую встречается и у стационарных пациентов, которым не вводили контрастный препарат. Так как схемы лечения КИ-ОПП не существует, многие группы ученых предпринимали попытки разработать схему профилактики. Однако такие мероприятия сопряжены с рядом сложностей: возможные последствия для пациентов, логистические трудности в лечебном учреждении, экономические затраты. Эффективность данных мероприятий также однозначно не доказана. В частности, в ходе крупного исследования AMACING было показано, что гидратация не снижает вероятность развития КИ-ОПП, но существенно увеличивает расходы на лечение пациента и может вызвать специфические осложнения. Кроме того, много литературных данных свидетельствует в пользу того, что методика гидратации эффективна для предотвращения снижения функции почек лишь у пациентов, которые подверглись внутриартериальному введению контрастного препарата. Таким образом, необходимость медикаментозной профилактики КИ-ОПП в настоящее время подвергается сомнению; исследования в этой области активно продолжаются

    Constrictive pericarditis in a patient with inherited factor VII deficiency

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    Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is the final stage of a chronic inflammatory process characterized by fibrous thickening and calcification of the pericardium that impairs diastolic filling, reduces cardiac output, and ultimately leads to heart failure. We present a clinical case of CP in a patient with rare inherited bleeding disorder - factor VII deficiency. Heart failure due to CP was suspected based on clinical symptoms, results of ultrasonic and radiological investigations. The diagnosis was verified by the results of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Pericardectomy was performed resulting in significant improvement in the patient’s condition

    The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review

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    The importance of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout, the principles of dual-energy computed tomography, the accuracy of the methodology, and the types of artifacts are discussed in this study. The possible dependence of the presence of deposits of sodium monourate on other clinical data and the role of dual-energy computed tomography in the differential diagnosis of other crystalline arthropathies are considered. The dual-energy computed tomography has several advantages, including noninvasiveness, speed of execution, and a significant reduction in the risk of iatrogenic consequences compared with diagnostic arthrocentesis, which is the gold standard in diagnosing gout. Dual-energy computed tomography can accomplish gout detection, treatment, and differential diagnosis

    Вклад перфузионных йодных карт в диагностику острой тромбоэмболии легочной артерии

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    Purpose: to study the contribution of perfusion iodine maps to diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) and compare pulmonary perfusion defects with the main imaging biomarkers of PE.Materials and methods. 130 patients with suspected acute pulmonary thromboembolism were studied using pulmonary computed tomographic angiography with perfusion iodine map`s analysis. Pulmonary embolism was revealed in 42 cases. There were evaluated: the number and level of vessel occlusion (Qanadli index), number and grades of lung perfusion defects on perfusion iodine maps (perfusion index), signs of right heart failure, changes of lung parenchyma.Results. Analysis of the data showed a strong correlation between the index Qanadli  and perfusion index, rather than signs of right failure. In 3 cases, the segmental and subsegmential pulmonary embolism was revealed form the iodine map’s analysis only.Conclusion. Thus, perfusion iodine maps improve the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism due to characterizing the changes of pulmonary microcirculation. From our data, the iodine maps can be employed as a prognostic tool for further therapy.Цель исследования: оценка роли перфузионных йодных карт в диагностике острой тромбоэмболии легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) и сравнение степени нарушения перфузии с другими признаками и биомаркерами тяжести ТЭЛА.Материал и методы. В ходе работы 130 пациентам с подозрением на острую ТЭЛА была проведена компьютерно-томографическая ангиопульмонография (КТА) с дальнейшей оценкой йодных перфузионных карт, из них ТЭЛА определялась у 42 пациентов. Были оценены: уровень и степень тромботического поражения, размеры камер сердца, характер изменений легочной паренхимы и изменения кровеносного русла на йодных картах.Результаты. Анализ полученных данных показал более сильную корреляционную связь между распространенностью тромботического поражения и нарушением перфузии, чем с признаками декомпенсации правых камер. В 3 случаях ТЭЛА дистальных ветвей определялась только по данным йодных перфузионных карт.Заключение. Йодные карты дополняют диагностическую картину при ТЭЛА, характеризуя микроциркуляторное русло. По предварительным данным, йодные карты могут использоваться в качестве прогностического критерия применяемой лечебной тактики

    Noncompact Myocardium with Dilated Phenotype: Manifestations, Treatment and Outcomes in Comparison with Other Forms of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Syndrome

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    Aim. To study the place of NCM in the structure of DCM, its clinical features and influence on prognosis in comparison with other forms of DCM syndrome.Methods. The NCM registry includes 125 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 74 men and 51 women, median follow-up 14 [4.0; 41.0] months. The DCM registry included 365 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 253 men and 112 women, median follow-up 14 [5; 43.75] months. The examination included electrocardiography (ECG), ECG Holter monitoring, echocardiography, blood anti-heart antibody level evaluation, and additionally cardiac computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, DNA diagnostics (in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TPM1, TNNI3, TNNT2, ACTC1, TAZ, ZASP (LDB3), MYL2, MYL3, DES, LMNA, EMD, TTR gene panel), coronary angiography, right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy.Results. The proportion of patients with DCM phenotype in the NCM registry was 40% (n=49), another 11% (n=15) had NCM diagnosed simultaneously with acute/subacute myocarditis. Lethality in these subgroups was 12.2% and 33.3%, respectively, and was significantly higher than in asymptomatic, ischemic and arrhythmic variants of NCM. In the DCM registry, the proportion of patients with NСM was 21% (n=78), and increased left ventricular (LV) trabecularity was detected in another 18% (n=64). DCM patients with and without NСM did not differ by baseline echocardiographic parameters, heart failure class, and cardiotropic therapy. Pathogenic mutations were detected in 14% of DCM patients with NCM and only 3% of other patients with DCM (p<0.001). Only in patients without NCM the presence of mutations had a significant effect on lethality. The patients with NCM compared with the others DCM patients showed significantly lower increase in EF in early and late period (from 31.0±10.2 to 34.8±11.0 and 37.1±10.9% [р<0.05] vs from 31.8±9.7 to 38.8±11.3 and 42.3±12.4% [р<0.01] respectively), a greater incidence of premature ventricular   beats (1568 [105;7000] vs 543.5 [77.75; 3194], p<0.05), appropriate defibrillator shocks and sudden deaths (17.9 vs 5.9%, p<0.001), intracardiac thrombosis (21.8 vs 13.5%, p=0.069) despite a greater frequency of anticoagulants (73.1 vs 57.4%, p<0<05). There were no significant differences in death (19.2 vs 18.5%) and transplantation (7.7 vs 3.8%) between patients with and without NCM. There were no cases of NCM regression.Conclusion. NCM is an independent form of DCM syndrome, which is characterized by higher frequency of pathogenic mutations, arrhythmic events, worse response to cardiotropic therapy, higher frequency of intracardiac thrombosis. The absence of mortality differences can be explained by the higher frequency of preventive interventions in this category of patients with DCM (prescription of anticoagulants, defibrillator implantation, heart transplantation)