3 research outputs found

    Challenge-Based Modular On-demand Digital Education: A pilot

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    A blueprint for challenge-based modular on-demand digital education (CMODE) was designed to: (a) provide students with a challenge-based learning environment that is learning-centered, rather than teaching-centered; (b) change the teacher’s role from lecturing and knowledge providing to guiding, coaching and motivating; and (c) to provide on-campus contact hours that are complementary to an online learning environment. These goals of CMODE are formulated to increase student motivation for learning by providing them with additional freedom and responsibility, while aiming to exploit the potential advantages of challenge-based and blended learning. Based on this blueprint, a pilot program was created in 2019 for the bachelor Mechanical Engineering course ‘Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems’ at Eindhoven University of Technology. A practical challenge was created, which could be completed by handing in six deliverables. The online learning material consisted of six theory modules—aligned with the six challenge deliverables—that contained short weblectures, examples, quizzes and exercises. Finally, a new format for on-campus contact hours was implemented to improve complementarity with regards to the online learning environment. Using a questionnaire and the student evaluations, in combination with the exam and challenge grades, we evaluated how CMODE affected students’ learning and motivation. Preliminary results show better grades than the previous year, while students mention that they feel more motivated to stay on track with their learning