174 research outputs found

    Combustion engines development and real driving emissions

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    The article characterizes state-of-the-art PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) equipment for exhaust emissions measurement under actual operating conditions. This equipment allows measurement of the exhaust emissions from all modes of transport. Besides, the article contains the results of exhaust emission research for engines of a variety of transport applications such as light duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. Own exhaust emission research results performed under different traffic conditions of new motor vehicles fuelled with different fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas) have been compared with the type approval values that define the vehicle emission indexes. The analysis has been performed in relation to a vehicle but the proposed measurement methodology is also knit to the engine operating conditions. The testing of heavy-duty vehicles described in the book was divided into several stages for which the results obtained for these vehicles were compared for loaded and unloaded vehicles. Ecological advantages of the city buses of different powertrain configurations have been determined (diesel, hybrid) on selected regular bus lines in city centre

    The influence of air dissolved in diesel oil on the indicator graph of CI engine

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w celu weryfikacji koncepcji wykorzystania powietrza rozpuszczonego w oleju napędowym do poprawy procesu spalania realizowanego w silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym. Zamieszczone badania obejmują wykresy indykatorowe zarejestrowane podczas pracy silnika zasilanego roztworem oleju napędowego z różna zawartością rozpuszczonego powietrza. Wykresy te zostały odniesione do wykresu indykatorowego rejestrowanego podczas pracy silnika zasilanego olejem napędowym w porównywalnych warunkach eksploatacyjnych. W artykule zamieszczono wyniki analizy termodynamicznej opartej na zarejestrowanych wykresach indykatorowych pracy silnika oraz wynikające z nich wnioski.The aim of this article is to present the results of the research conducted in order to verify the con.cept of air dissolved in diesel oil, which is to improve combustion in a self-ignition engine. The research encloses indicator diagrams registered during a test on an engine powered with a solution of diesel oil at different concentrations of air. These diagrams were then compared with another indicator diagram regis.tered during a test on an engine powered with pure diesel oil in similar exploitation conditions. The article presents the outcomes of thermodynamic analysis, together with conclusions, based on the registered engine indicator diagrams

    Polish engine manufacturing industry and its scientific infrastructure

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    The parameters of passenger cars engine in terms of real drive emission test

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    This paper presents the preliminary concept research to develop the test used in the measurement of emissions in real traffic conditions for passenger vehicles. Work based on the lack of legal solutions for determining the environmental performance of light vehicles – as opposed to heavy-duty vehicles for which such regulations have specified. The elaboration is to compare the emission test used in clinical approval of passenger cars, while the synthesis of the results obtained under different conditions road tests. The intention is to develop a test for assessing the ecological vehicle in real traffic conditions, where restrictions will only drive type (gasoline engine, diesel engine, hybrid vehicle), which is consistent with the requirements of the certification tests. The result should be the foundation for the development of the test in terms of: the duration, to determine the operating conditions and vehicle and proposals for emission limit values


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    This paper presents the preliminary concept research to develop the test used in the measurement of emissions in real traffic conditions for passenger vehicles. Work based on the lack of legal solutions for determining the environmental performance of light vehicles – as opposed to heavy-duty vehicles for which such regulations have specified. The elaboration is to compare the emission test used in clinical approval of passenger cars, while the synthesis of the results obtained under different conditions road tests. The intention is to develop a test for assessing the ecological vehicle in real traffic conditions, where restrictions will only drive type (gasoline engine, diesel engine, hybrid vehicle), which is consistent with the requirements of the certification tests. The result should be the foundation for the development of the test in terms of: the duration, to determine the operating conditions and vehicle and proposals for emission limit values

    Development of the Polish engine industry against a background of changes being observed in the world automotive industry

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    W pracy przeanalizowano międzynarodową sytuację Polski jako producenta silników spalinowych na tle trendów światowych. Zaprezentowano fakty świadczące o atrakcyjności Polski jako miejsca szczególnie istotnego dla inwestycji przemysłu silnikowego, wskazując jednocześnie na obszary, w których posiada ona przewagę konkurencyjną w odniesieniu do innych państw. Ukazano przyczyny takiego stanu i potencjalne możliwości technologiczne, ekologiczne i ekonomiczne polskich jednostek naukowych i przemysłu w zakresie konstruowania i produkcji nowoczesnych silników spalinowych do napędu pojazdów trakcyjnych i urządzeń stacjonarnych.The paper presents the international position of Poland as a manufacturing of internal combustion engines on the background of the world trends. Facts that Poland is an attractive place for the engine industry investments have been presented. Authors also pointed at the areas in which Poland dominates with reference to other countries. Causes of that state and potential technological, ecological and economical opportunities of the Polish scientific units and industry in the field of designing and production of modern internal combustion engines for traction vehicle and stationary machines have been described

    Trends in the development of agricultural engines

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    W artykule opisano kierunki rozwoju współczesnych silników spalinowych stosowanych do napędu maszyn rolniczych, szczególnie ciągników. Opisano nowoczesne rozwiązania stosowane w nowoczesnych silnikach o zapłonie samoczynnym, np. Systemy common rail, selektywną redukcję katalityczną, filtry cząstek stałych. Ponadto przedstawiono aktualne rozwiązania prawne dotyczące emisji związków toksycznych spalin z silników maszyn rolniczych oraz metody badań emisji. W ostatniej części artykułu opisano nowoczesne rozwiązania układów napędowych maszyn rolniczych, np. napęd hybrydowy i napęd z wykorzystaniem ogniw paliwowych.The paper presents the trends in the development of agricultural engines, agricultural tractors in particular. The Author describes current European exhaust emission legislation, limits and cycles. Moreover, the author described the most modern agricultural engines and solution such as Common Rail system, Selective Catalytic Reduction and Diesel Particulate Filter. The modern solution of power train in agricultural vehicles, such as fuel cells, hybrid engines, have been described. The paper also presents the methods of testing of agricultural vehicles

    Real road tests - exhaust emission results from passenger cars

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    The paper presents the results of on-road exhaust emission tests of passenger car fitted with diesel engine, and a DPF (diesel particulate filter). Under such conditions the author could determine the actual vehicle emissions. The tests were performed on a road portion of a fifty kilometres or so - these tests provide information on the on-road emissions and are a basis for their ecological evaluation. For the measurement of the exhaust emissions the authors used a portable exhaust emissions analyzer SEMTECH DS by Sensors Inc. The analyzer measured the concentration of the exhaust components at the same time measuring the exhaust mass flow. The measurements of the particulate matter (mass) were done with the use of particle analyzer by AVL. The obtained data were used to calculate the relations that characterize the influence of the dynamic engine parameters on the exhaust emissions. These properties were taken into account indirectly using the whole range of speeds and accelerations of the vehicle (engine speeds and loads of the engine) for the preparation of the matrices of the emissions rate. The used data were averaged within individual speed and acceleration ranges thus obtaining the characteristics of the share of operation in individual ranges and the characteristics of the emission matrices of the individual emission components. The above results served for defining of the emission level indicator of the vehicles that can be used for classification of vehicle fleet in terms of their emission level


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    The article characterizes state-of-the-art PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) equipment for exhaust emissions measurement under actual operating conditions. This equipment allows measurement of the exhaust emissions from all modes of transport. Besides, the article contains the results of exhaust emission research for engines of a variety of transport applications such as light duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. Own exhaust emission research results performed under different traffic conditions of new motor vehicles fuelled with different fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas) have been compared with the type approval values that define the vehicle emission indexes. The analysis has been performed in relation to a vehicle but the proposed measurement methodology is also knit to the engine operating conditions. The testing of heavy-duty vehicles described in the book was divided into several stages for which the results obtained for these vehicles were compared for loaded and unloaded vehicles. Ecological advantages of the city buses of different powertrain configurations have been determined (diesel, hybrid) on selected regular bus lines in city centre