7 research outputs found


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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti proces usklađivanja studijskih programa II ciklusa studijana Ekonomskom fakultetu UNZE sa realnim potrebama tržiÅ”ta rada. Za realizacijuovog procesa identifikovano je i sprovedeno nekoliko aktivnosti. Pored analizeopravdanosti i potrebe za inoviranjem studijskih programa II ciklusa studija, istražujese i analizira ponuda studijskih programa II ciklusa u bližem okruženju Ekonomskogfakulteta UNZE. Nakon analize postojećih studijskih programa, izvrÅ”eno jekreiranje upitnika za preduzeća i provedena je anketa, kako bi se u ishode učenja,kroz aktivnost kreiranja istih, uključili specifični zahtjevi poslodavaca u pogleduizlaznih kompetencija zavrÅ”enika II ciklusa studija. Analiza prikupljenih podatakapokazala je da poslodavci koji su imali priliku zapoÅ”ljavati magistre ekonomije, uvećini slučajeva, smatraju da magistri ekonomije u trenutku zaposlenja nemaju nivoznanja koji korespondira njihovom zvanju. Kao ključne uzroke takvog stanja poslodavcivide: previÅ”e Å”iroko definisane oblasti izučavanja, nedostatak praktične obuketokom studija, neusklađenost postojećih studijskih programa s potrebama na tržiÅ”turada, predmeti nisu usko vezani za područje specijalizacije, te nepostojanje preciznodefinisanih ishoda učenja. Svi ovi podaci, prikupljeni anketiranjem poslodavaca,uveliko su utjecali na inoviranje postojećih studijskih programa, a sve u cilju smanjenjadiskrepancije pruženog znanja tokom studija sa realnim zahtjevima tržiÅ”tarada


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    Cilj ovog rada je analizom strukture djelatnosti kantona u Federaciji Bosne iHercegovine (FBiH) utvrditi postojeće stanje i analizirati razvojne karakteristike usvakom od kantona u odnosu na FBiH. S tim u vezi, u radu se ukazuje na kantonekoji bi u većoj mjeri mogli iskoristiti kantonalne konkurentske prednosti, Å”to binosiocima ekonomske i razvojne politike u FBiH moglo pomoći prilikom definiranjapolitika za podsticanje ekonomskog rasta kantonalnih privreda. U radu su koriÅ”tenialati analize regionalnog ekonomskog razvoja: lokacijski kvocijenti, koeficijentspecijalizacije i shift-share analiza, čime se obuhvatilo kretanje zaposlenosti u desetkantona FBiH za period 2006.-2011. godine. Većina kantona ima vrlo usku strukturudjelatnosti koja je vjerovatno neotporna na različite Å”okove. Uska strukturadjelatnosti posebno je uočena u kantonima u kojima prevladavaju primarne isekundarne djelatnosti. Značajan broj kantona dugoročno će pretrpjeti padkantonalnih konkurentskih prednosti. Rezultati analize upućuju na pasivan odnoskantona prema iskoriÅ”tavanju kantonalnih konkurentskih prednosti


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    Structure of each economy, especially those in transition, is in constant change.Shift-share analysis is widely used for studying of regional economic change. Themodel in which the present analysis is conducted has three components: (i) the nationalgrowth component (in this paper the entity level of Federation of BH is usedas reference level), (ii) the industry mix component, and (iii) the competitive component.Each of them is measured on the basis of employment. The analysis enablesassessment of economic performance of a region (here cantons) in comparison to areference level (here the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).In this paper authors aimed at capturing economic change at regional level. Authorshave compared the economic change in two time periods, 2006-2011 and 2012-2018.Changes in employment are expected in a small transitional and open economy suchas Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obtained results indicate that regional economy wentthrough considerable transformation. Some policy recommendations for policy decision-makers in the fields of education and labor market are also given in the paper


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    One of the basic links of the process of globalization are economic integrations. The aim of this paper is to systematize theoretical achievements and to review the forms, effects and conditions for connecting countries motivated by economic benefits. In addition to the theoretical review of the conceptual definition of economic integration, the focus is on the levels of economic integration from the free-trade zone to the monetary and fiscal union, explaining the specificity of each of the mentioned levels. Considering that the connection between countries always raises the question of the benefits and costs of connection, the special emphasis in this paper is placed on the potential effects for free trade. Finally, the greatest contribution of this paper is the systematization and theoretical review of the theory of optimal currency area and monetary integration, which is especially significant for the European soil, taking into account the already established European Monetary Unio


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    An important factor and the inescapable link of the globalization process are economic integrations, which by the liberalization of trade flows contributes significantly to the interconnection of countries, thus directly affecting the enhancement of the value of macroeconomic parameters at the level of the formed integration. The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of economic integration on the example of ASEAN, NAFTA and MERCOSUR integration, which, along with the European Union, represent the most relevant integrations in the world. The analysis showed, as a consequence of the integration, increased volume of trade exchange, increased FDI level and achieved real economic growth on the level of integration. However, the analysis has shown, in particular in the ASEAN area, that there is still a problem of uneven distribution of income and fairer implementation of regional policy, in order to integrate growth generated into the development of less developed areas


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    The entire process of Bosnia and Herzegovina's path to European integration so far, is mostly limited to the problems of achieving political consensus, neglecting the essence and purpose of the integration process, which is primarily reflected in achieving the real convergence of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU. The absence of real convergence, and adequate preparation in terms of competitiveness of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the EU membership, can cause negative effects of integration.Considering that there has not yet been written any paper that questions the lack of real convergence, primarily GDP p.c., and that a complete analysis of economic criteria is reduced to the Progress Reports of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU, which summarize the fulfillment of the economic criteria of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the EU membership without concrete suggestions for improvement, this paper analyzes the real convergence of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the European Union, observed through the income level p.c., prices and productivity of the labor force.The analysis showed that there is a sigma convergence of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU in the movement of GDP p.c., which is reflected in the reduction of the coefficient of variation of the observed parameter in the period from 2000 to 2015 from 89.8% to 85.3%, which is a decrease in the coefficient of variation for 4 , 5 p.p. for 16 years.In the observed period there was an increase in the absolute GDP p.c. gap, which means that Bosnia and Herzegovina must increase the rate of economic growth in the coming period, in order to stop the relative decrease in the standard of living in relation to the EU.In addition, the analysis of sigma convergence has shown that there are sigma divergent trends in the movement of productivity and price level of Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to productivity and price level at the EU level.It is expected that the price level in Bosnia and Herzegovina will increase in the coming period as a result of the activation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and a higher degree of trade integration with the EU


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    Cilj ovog rada je sistematizacija teorijskih dostignuća u analizi efekata ekonomskih integracija na vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu zemalja učesnica integracije, te empirijska analiza efekata zone slobodne trgovine Bosne i Hercegovine sa članicama EFTA. Teorijski, ekonomska integracija odnosno liberalizacija trgovine ne mora rezultirati pozitivnim efektima. Pozitivne efekte može očekivati zemlja koja je konkurentski pripremljena za liberalizaciju. Bosna i Hercegovina kontinuirano povećava stepen liberalizacije trgovine (CEFTA, SSP, zona slobodne trgovine sa EFTA), kako bi se adekvatno konkurentski pripremila za članstvo u Evropskoj uniji, Å”to joj je strateÅ”ko opredjeljenje. Rezultati provedene analize u ovom radu pokazuju da obim trgovinske razmjene BiH kontinuirano raste i da se kontinuirano povećava pokrivenost uvoza izvozom, ali je to joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno, obzirom da je taj procenat u 2016. godini iznosio 58,3 %. Liberalizacijom trgovine BiH nastoji povećati izvoz, otvoriti prostor za plasman proizvoda za inostrana tržiÅ”ta, ali je u slučaju zone slobodne trgovine sa EFTA ostvarila negativne efekte integracije. U prilog tome ide činjenica da 2 godine poslije stupanja na snagu liberalizacije trgovine sa EFTA nije ostvaren saldo trgovinske razmjene koji je bio u godini prije pristupanja. Ukupan suficit u razmjeni sa članicama EFTA se smanjio, Å”to znači da je liberalizacija rezultirala većim uvozom iz EFTA u odnosu na izvoz. U razmjeni sa Å vicarskom i NorveÅ”kom smanjen je suficit, a u razmjeni sa LihtenÅ”tajnom i Islandom su ostvarena pozitivna kretanja (smanjen deficit u razmjeni sa LihtenÅ”tajnom i povećan suficit u razmjeni sa Islandom)