80 research outputs found

    Critical and tricritical singularities of the three-dimensional random-bond Potts model for large qq

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    We study the effect of varying strength, δ\delta, of bond randomness on the phase transition of the three-dimensional Potts model for large qq. The cooperative behavior of the system is determined by large correlated domains in which the spins points into the same direction. These domains have a finite extent in the disordered phase. In the ordered phase there is a percolating cluster of correlated spins. For a sufficiently large disorder δ>δt\delta>\delta_t this percolating cluster coexists with a percolating cluster of non-correlated spins. Such a co-existence is only possible in more than two dimensions. We argue and check numerically that δt\delta_t is the tricritical disorder, which separates the first- and second-order transition regimes. The tricritical exponents are estimated as βt/νt=0.10(2)\beta_t/\nu_t=0.10(2) and νt=0.67(4)\nu_t=0.67(4). We claim these exponents are qq independent, for sufficiently large qq. In the second-order transition regime the critical exponents βt/νt=0.60(2)\beta_t/\nu_t=0.60(2) and νt=0.73(1)\nu_t=0.73(1) are independent of the strength of disorder.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Transport Anomalies and Marginal Fermi-Liquid Effects at a Quantum Critical Point

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    The behavior of the conductivity and the density of states, as well as the phase relaxation time, of disordered itinerant electrons across a quantum ferromagnetic transition is discussed. It is shown that critical fluctuations lead to anomalies in the temperature and energy dependence of the conductivity and the tunneling density of states, respectively, that are stronger than the usual weak-localization anomalies in a disordered Fermi liquid. This can be used as an experimental probe of the quantum critical behavior. The energy dependence of the phase relaxation time at criticality is shown to be that of a marginal Fermi liquid.Comment: 4 pp., LaTeX, no figs., requires World Scientific style files (included), Contribution to MB1

    Quantum tricriticality in transverse Ising-like systems

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    The quantum tricriticality of d-dimensional transverse Ising-like systems is studied by means of a perturbative renormalization group approach focusing on static susceptibility. This allows us to obtain the phase diagram for 3<d<4, with a clear location of the critical lines ending in the conventional quantum critical points and in the quantum tricritical one, and of the tricritical line for temperature T \geq 0. We determine also the critical and the tricritical shift exponents close to the corresponding ground state instabilities. Remarkably, we find a tricritical shift exponent identical to that found in the conventional quantum criticality and, by approaching the quantum tricritical point increasing the non-thermal control parameter r, a crossover of the quantum critical shift exponents from the conventional value \phi = 1/(d-1) to the new one \phi = 1/2(d-1). Besides, the projection in the (r,T)-plane of the phase boundary ending in the quantum tricritical point and crossovers in the quantum tricritical region appear quite similar to those found close to an usual quantum critical point. Another feature of experimental interest is that the amplitude of the Wilsonian classical critical region around this peculiar critical line is sensibly smaller than that expected in the quantum critical scenario. This suggests that the quantum tricriticality is essentially governed by mean-field critical exponents, renormalized by the shift exponent \phi = 1/2(d-1) in the quantum tricritical region.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; to be published on EPJ

    Disorder induced rounding of the phase transition in the large q-state Potts model

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    The phase transition in the q-state Potts model with homogeneous ferromagnetic couplings is strongly first order for large q, while is rounded in the presence of quenched disorder. Here we study this phenomenon on different two-dimensional lattices by using the fact that the partition function of the model is dominated by a single diagram of the high-temperature expansion, which is calculated by an efficient combinatorial optimization algorithm. For a given finite sample with discrete randomness the free energy is a pice-wise linear function of the temperature, which is rounded after averaging, however the discontinuity of the internal energy at the transition point (i.e. the latent heat) stays finite even in the thermodynamic limit. For a continuous disorder, instead, the latent heat vanishes. At the phase transition point the dominant diagram percolates and the total magnetic moment is related to the size of the percolating cluster. Its fractal dimension is found d_f=(5+\sqrt{5})/4 and it is independent of the type of the lattice and the form of disorder. We argue that the critical behavior is exclusively determined by disorder and the corresponding fixed point is the isotropic version of the so called infinite randomness fixed point, which is realized in random quantum spin chains. From this mapping we conjecture the values of the critical exponents as \beta=2-d_f, \beta_s=1/2 and \nu=1.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, version as publishe

    Interface mapping in two-dimensional random lattice models

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    We consider two disordered lattice models on the square lattice: on the medial lattice the random field Ising model at T=0 and on the direct lattice the random bond Potts model in the large-q limit at its transition point. The interface properties of the two models are known to be related by a mapping which is valid in the continuum approximation. Here we consider finite random samples with the same form of disorder for both models and calculate the respective equilibrium states exactly by combinatorial optimization algorithms. We study the evolution of the interfaces with the strength of disorder and analyse and compare the interfaces of the two models in finite lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Disorder driven phase transitions of the large q-state Potts model in 3d

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    Phase transitions induced by varying the strength of disorder in the large-q state Potts model in 3d are studied by analytical and numerical methods. By switching on the disorder the transition stays of first order, but different thermodynamical quantities display essential singularities. Only for strong enough disorder the transition will be soften into a second-order one, in which case the ordered phase becomes non-homogeneous at large scales, while the non-correlated sites percolate the sample. In the critical regime the critical exponents are found universal: \beta/\nu=0.60(2) and \nu=0.73(1).Comment: 4 pages; 3 figure

    Quantum critical behavior in disordered itinerant ferromagnets: Logarithmic corrections to scaling

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    The quantum critical behavior of disordered itinerant ferromagnets is determined exactly by solving a recently developed effective field theory. It is shown that there are logarithmic corrections to a previous calculation of the critical behavior, and that the exact critical behavior coincides with that found earlier for a phase transition of undetermined nature in disordered interacting electron systems. This confirms a previous suggestion that the unspecified transition should be identified with the ferromagnetic transition. The behavior of the conductivity, the tunneling density of states, and the phase and quasiparticle relaxation rates across the ferromagnetic transition is also calculated.Comment: 15pp., REVTeX, 8 eps figs, final version as publishe

    Local field theory for disordered itinerant quantum ferromagnets

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    An effective field theory is derived that describes the quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets in the presence of quenched disorder. In contrast to previous approaches, all soft modes are kept explicitly. The resulting effective theory is local and allows for an explicit perturbative treatment. It is shown that previous suggestions for the critical fixed point and the critical behavior are recovered under certain assumptions. The validity of these assumptions is discussed in the light of the existence of two different time scales. It is shown that, in contrast to previous suggestions, the correct fixed point action is not Gaussian, and that the previously proposed critical behavior was correct only up to logarithmic corrections. The connection with other theories of disordered interacting electrons, and in particular with the resolution of the runaway flow problem encountered in these theories, is also discussed.Comment: 17pp., REVTeX, 5 eps figs, final version as publishe

    Crossed Andreev reflection at ferromagnetic domain walls

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    We investigate several factors controlling the physics of hybrid structures involving ferromagnetic domain walls (DWs) and superconducting (S) metals. We discuss the role of non collinear magnetizations in S/DW junctions in a spin ⊗\otimes Nambu ⊗\otimes Keldysh formalism. We discuss transport in S/DW/N and S/DW/S junctions in the presence of inelastic scattering in the domain wall. In this case transport properties are similar for the S/DW/S and S/DW/N junctions and are controlled by sequential tunneling of spatially separated Cooper pairs across the domain wall. In the absence of inelastic scattering we find that a Josephson current circulates only if the size of the ferromagnetic region is smaller than the elastic mean free path meaning that the Josephson effect associated to crossed Andreev reflection cannot be observed under usual experimental conditions. Nevertheless a finite dc current can circulate across the S/DW/S junction due to crossed Andreev reflection associated to sequential tunneling.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, references added at the end of the introductio

    Microwave Electrodynamics of Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We report microwave cavity perturbation measurements of the temperature dependence of the penetration depth, lambda(T), and conductivity, sigma(T) of Pr_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4-delta} (PCCO) crystals, as well as parallel-plate resonator measurements of lambda(T) in PCCO thin films. Penetration depth measurements are also presented for a Nd_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4-delta} (NCCO) crystal. We find that delta-lambda(T) has a power-law behavior for T<T_c/3, and conclude that the electron-doped cuprate superconductors have nodes in the superconducting gap. Furthermore, using the surface impedance, we have derived the real part of the conductivity, sigma_1(T), below T_c and found a behavior similar to that observed in hole-doped cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Physical Review Letters revised version: new figures, sample characteristics added to table, general clarification give
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