343 research outputs found

    Percepciones y valoraciones sociales del paisaje en destinos turísticos. Análisis de la ciudad de Sevilla a través de técnicas de investigación cualitativas

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    The departure point for the work described in this article is the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000) and the prominence it grants to social perception in its own definition. On the understanding that in the case of tourism spaces the perceiving population comprises both residents and visitors, information is obtained about how the urban landscape is perceived at spaces most visited by tourists in the city of Seville, what the main identified conflicts are and the aspirations projected in both groups, through application of a qualitative analysis methodology. Based on that information several conclusions are drawn, which may prove useful in management of the urban landscape in tourism spaces.El trabajo desarrollado en este artículo tiene como punto de partida el Convenio Europeo de Paisaje (Florencia, 2000) y el protagonismo que en él se otorga a la percepción social en su propia definición. Entendiendo que la población que percibe se compone, en el caso de los espacios turísticos, tanto de residentes como de visitantes, se plantea obtener información sobre cómo se percibe el paisaje urbano en los espacios de mayor frecuentación turística de la ciudad de Sevilla, cuáles son los principales conflictos identificados y las aspiraciones proyectadas en ambos grupos mediante la aplicación de una metodología de análisis cualitativo. A partir de dicha información se apuntan algunas conclusiones que pueden ser de utilidad en la gestión del paisaje urbano en espacios turísticos

    La percepción social del paisaje urbano como indicador de sostenibilidad turística. El caso de Sevilla

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    La comunicación plantea la relación entre paisaje urbano y turismo en un momento de auge del turismo en las ciudades. Los efectos no deseados de una mayor frecuentación turística en cascos históricos y otros sectores urbanos apuntan a un deterioro y banalización del paisaje que podría afectar no sólo a la competitividad del destino sino a su calidad como espacio residencial, productivo y ciudadano. Se plantea un doble objetivo: aplicar una metodología de investigación cualitativa para conocer las percepciones y valoraciones de residentes y visitantes sobre el paisaje urbano, y evaluar si la información obtenida puede incorporarse a un sistema de indicadores locales de sostenibilidad turística. Los resultados aportan información desde la perspectiva de definición que determina el Convenio Europeo de Paisaje y se concluye que dicha información tiene relevancia para ser recogida como variable a tener en cuenta en la aplicación de políticas de gobernanza loca


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    Editorial Revista ION 34(2) - 202


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    Editorial Revista ION 34(1) - 202

    Predictors of Traumatic Experiences and Mental Wellbeing Among Recent Immigrant Mothers and Children

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    Immigrant mothers face numerous challenges and unique stressors related not only to their role as asylum-seekers but also to their roles as women and caretakers. Some studies suggest that immigrant mothers may exhibit high internalizing symptoms related to pre-migration trauma exposure, while others claim that such symptoms may be due to the internalization of their children’s mental health. In view of this, a total of 60 recently arrived immigrant mothers and their children from Central America, predominantly the Northern Triangle, who arrived via the U.S-Mexico border were sampled. Immigrant mothers and their children were administered a Spanish battery containing health and trauma screeners. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that, after controlling for maternal demographics and trauma exposure by child and mother, the children’s mental health score was not a significant predictor to maternal mental health; instead, maternal demographics were the strongest predictors to poorer maternal mental health. Clinicians working with this population should be aware of perceived violations of women’s rights. More importantly, policy reform should consider the unique challenges immigrant mothers and their children face upon their arrival into the US and take meaningful action to alleviate such challenges. Future research and clinical implications are discussed

    Objects and processes: two notions for understanding biological information

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    In spite of being ubiquitous in life sciences, the concept of information is harshly criticized. Uses of the concept other than those derived from Shannon's theory are denounced as pernicious metaphors. We perform a computational experiment to explore whether Shannon's information is adequate to describe the uses of said concept in commonplace scientific practice. Our results show that semantic sequences do not have unique complexity values different from the value of meaningless sequences. This result suggests that quantitative theoretical frameworks do not account fully for the complex phenomenon that the term “information” refers to. We propose a restructuring of the concept into two related, but independent notions, and conclude that a complete theory of biological information must account completely not only for both notions, but also for the relationship between them

    When the United States says you do not belong: Suicide-related thoughts and behaviors among immigrant young adults varying in immigration legal status

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    Background: The number of immigrants in the United States and the risk of suicide among minoritized individuals have increased. Little research has examined the impact of immigration legal status on suicide-related thoughts and behaviors (SRTB), despite theoretical and empirical work suggesting that feelings of burdensomeness and failure to belong (prominent among immigrants) are risk factors. Methods: We examined a diverse sample of foreign-born young adults (18–25; N = 366). Data collection utilized the Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire Revised and items probing belongingness and immigration status (undocumented/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), permanent, and citizen). Results: DACA/undocumented status was associated with increased SRTB compared with permanent and citizen categories. Increased SRTBs were associated with reduced feelings of acceptance in the United States, increased deportation fears, and increased fear of being harassed or hurt. Of these belongingness variables, only the interpersonal—not feeling welcome in the United States—partially mediated the risk relation between DACA/undocumented immigration legal status and SRTBs, whereas physical and legal threat, like deportation, did not. Conclusions: Our results highlight the interpersonal nature of SRTB risk in DACA/undocumented immigrants and the need for targeted culture and context-appropriate interventions, as well as advocacy and policy to reduce risk in this historically marginalized population

    Predictors of Traumatic Experiences and Mental Wellbeing Among Recent Immigrant Mothers and Children

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    Immigrant mothers face numerous challenges and unique stressors related not only to their role as asylum-seekers but also to their roles as women and caretakers. Some studies suggest that immigrant mothers may exhibit high internalizing symptoms related to pre-migration trauma exposure, while others claim that such symptoms may be due to the internalization of their children’s mental health. In view of this, a total of 60 recently arrived immigrant mothers and their children from Central America, predominantly the Northern Triangle, who arrived via the U.S-Mexico border were sampled. Immigrant mothers and their children were administered a Spanish battery containing health and trauma screeners. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that, after controlling for maternal demographics and trauma exposure by child and mother, the children’s mental health score was not a significant predictor to maternal mental health; instead, maternal demographics were the strongest predictors to poorer maternal mental health. Clinicians working with this population should be aware of perceived violations of women’s rights. More importantly, policy reform should consider the unique challenges immigrant mothers and their children face upon their arrival into the US and take meaningful action to alleviate such challenges. Future research and clinical implications are discussed. Key Take Away Points There was no association between children’s mental health and maternal mental health Maternal demographics were the strongest predictors of poorer maternal mental health Asylum-seeking immigrant mothers face unique traumatic experiences that predict their mental health outcome

    La Tipología María - Iglesia a la luz de la Constitución Dogmática Lumen Gentium

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    Trabajo para optar el grado de bachiller en Sagrada TeologíaEs de saber público entre teólogos como Gerard Philips, Henri De Lubac o René Laurentin de las tensiones y dificultades que se dieron en la redacción del capítulo VIII de la Constitución Lumen Gentium sobre la Santísima Virgen María en el misterio de Cristo y de la Iglesia respecto a las dos concepciones mariológicas que buscaban imponerse entre los Padres Conciliares. A pesar de esto, el Capítulo resultó un trabajo de colaboración entre dichas tendencias mariológicas y un fruto eminente de concreción doctrinal de la Iglesia sobre María.INTRODUCCIÓN ………………………………………………………………… 3 CAPÍTULO I: LAS DOS TENDENCIAS MARIOLÓGICAS PRESENTES EN LUMEN GENTIUM CAP. VIII 1. Contexto histórico-eclesiológico en la redacción del cap. VIII de Lumen Gentium………………………………………………………………………… 2 2. Presupuestos y contenidos esenciales del cap. VIII de la Constitución Lumen Gentium………………………………………………………………………… 7 3. Rasgos principales del Cristotipismo…………………………………………9 4. Rasgos principales del Eclesiotipismo………………………………………14 CAPÍTULO II: LA DOCTRINA DE LA MATERNIDAD DIVINA: PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO ENTRE EL CRISTOTIPISMO Y ECLESIOTIPISMO EN EL N. 63 DE LUMEN GENTIUM 1. La maternidad divina como fundamento de la tipología María – Iglesia………. 2. Tipología María – Iglesia en relación con su ser madre………………………... 3. Tipología María – Iglesia en relación con su ser virgen……………………….. CAPÍTULO III: APORTE DE LA TIPOLOGÍA MARÍA – IGLESIA EN LA VIDA DEL CREYENTE 1. Madre de Dios y Madre Nuestra………………………………………………... 2. Comunión eclesial en torno a María……………………………………………. Conclusión………………………………………………………………………… Bibliografía………………………………………………………………………... ÍNDICE GENERAL …………………………………………………………………..Trabajo de investigació

    Gobernanza territorial y gestión de espacios turísticos en contextos de fuerte presión inmobiliaria. Análisis de buenas prácticas locales en la costa de Cádiz (España)

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    En la actualidad, el diagnóstico de los problemas que el desmesurado crecimiento urbano ha signifi cado para los espacios turísticos españoles está muy avanzado. Una línea novedosa de investigación será el análisis de los escasos ejemplos en los que, a diferencia de la tendencia general, desde las instancias locales se ha optado por un modelo de desarrollo turístico ajeno al mero crecimiento inmobiliario. Los casos de buenas prácticas seleccionados en la Costa de Cádiz muestran que estos surgen vinculados a dinámicas de escala local, en las que la aplicación de nuevos enfoques de gobernanza territorial ha jugado un papel esencial. A partir de esta constatación se realiza una aproximación al debate teórico sobre la gobernanza territorial, un análisis crítico de los documentos de planificación incidentes, una valoración de los procesos de participación desarrollados y, fi nalmente, a través del tratamiento con SIG de ortofotografías de diferentes años, una cuantificación en términos superfi ciales de la realidad territorial resultante en el ámbito de estudio.Diagnosis of the problems that excessive urban growth has meant for tourist destinations is Spain is currently well underway. A new line of research focuses on the analysis of the few examples where, bucking the general trend, local authorities have opted for a model of touristic development beyond mere real estate growth. Selected case studies of best practices along the Cadiz Coast show that their emergence is related to local dynamics, wherein the application of new approaches to territorial governance has played a core role. This fi nding is taken as the basis for an approach to the theoretical debate on territorial governance. In this work we provide a critical analysis of related planning documents, an assessment of the participation processes conducted, and fi nally, quantifi cation of the territorial reality, based on surfi cial land use, in the study area based on GIS processing of orthophotos from various years