51 research outputs found

    La Place et le rôle des femmes dans les Églises réformées

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    La diversité des informations concernant la condition de la femme protestante aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles explique que leur interprétation est complexe. Des historiens ont commencé par accentuer les effets positifs de la Réforme sur la condition féminine. Ensuite, les études ont conduit à des conclusions plus nuancées. Les hommes qui ont dirigé la Réforme paraissent en effet avoir contribué à renforcer le patriarcat familial et une hiérarchie sociale très fortement attestée. Nos recherches, qui ont porté sur un grand nombre de registres de consistoires des Églises locales, conduisent à penser que les efforts des Églises réformées et de leurs consistoires pour placer la femme sous l’autorité masculine furent largement suivis d’effets. Mais il apparaît aussi, que du fait des conditions d’existence des protestants français, les femmes ont trouvé à créer, puis à garder pour elles-mêmes un « espace » dans lequel elles tinrent un rôle de premier plan. Les nouvelles conceptions du mariage et certains usages ecclésiastiques ont en effet permis aux femmes réformées de conserver la capacité de se comporter avec une force et une indépendance qui, souvent, renvoie à des situations antérieures à la Réforme.The various interpretations surrounding the condition of Protestant women during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are diverse and complex. Historians initially emphasized the positive aspects of the Reformation on the role and status of women. Subsequent studies have been far more cautious in their conclusions. The men who led the Reformation seem to have worked for the reinforcement of patriarchy and the strengthening of a rigid social hierarchy. My own research, which is based on the examination of a substantial number of consistory registers from local churches, suggests that the efforts of the French Reformed Churches and their consistories were vigorous and effective. But it also appears that many Protestant women were able to establish and maintain their own feminine “space,” one which they dominated. The Protestant reconceptualization of marriage and certain ecclesiastical practices, for example, allo-wed Protestant women to retain the capacity to act with a force and independence that often recalled the situation prior to the Reformation.La diversidad de las informaciones sobre la condición de la mujer protestante en los siglos XVI y XVII iniplica una interpretación compleja. Distintos historiadores empezaron resaltando los efectos positivos de la Reforma sobre la condición feminina. Después, los estudios llegaron a conclusiones más matizadas. En efecto, parece que los hombres que condujeron la Reforma contribuyeron a fortalecer el pratiarcado familiar y una jerarquía social muy marcada. A partir del estudio de numerosos registros de consistorios de iglesias locales, nuestras investigaciones permiten pensar que los esfuerzos de las Iglesias reformadas y de sus consistorios para colocar a la mujer bajo la autoridad. masculina tuvieron muchos efectos en la realidad. Sin embargoo, se desprende también de nuestro estudio que, por las condiciones de vida de los protestantes franceses, las mujeres pudieron crear y conservar un « espaclo » propio donde tuvîeron un papel de primer importancia. En efecto, las nuevas concepciones del matrimonio y algunos usos eclesiásticos permitieron a las mujeres reformadas mantener la capacidad de comportarse cou una fuerza y una independencia que, frecuentemente, es comparable a situaciones anteriores a la Reforma

    Enabling sustainable energy futures: Factors influencing green supply chain collaboration

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    In order to explore the relationship between sustainability strategies and future energy needs and demands (hence energy futures), supply chains (SCs) need to continue to reduce their CO2 emissions through developing their green credentials and improving overall performance; noting that the assimilation of such environmental aspects into production, SCs and logistics are considered as complex processes. Knowledge management (KM) has long been seen as an enabler to support intensive collaboration efforts – on which green initiatives are largely based. The supply chain management (SCM) and KM areas have largely focused on improving organisational performance. While the latter research has yielded successful outcomes in many different sectors, there is still a scarcity of research studies focusing on identifying influential factors that highlight those aspects which may enable green supply chain collaboration (GrSCC) to occur, thus leading to sustainable energy futures and carbon-efficient production. To increase inter-organisational synchronisation, organisations often call for SC partners to implement common business processes and sources of knowledge. This paper therefore aims to contribute to the research domain by examining the role of KM in facilitating GrSCC. Through the identification of key factors extrapolated from the normative literature, a model for implementing GrSCC using a futures-based perspective is proposed. This paper inductively demonstrates the relationship between identified GrSCC factors through the application of a fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) technique. Findings from this research support a futures-based perspective that enhances understanding and refines forward-looking strategies for GrSCC. Through the exploration of two GrSCC scenarios using the given technique, this paper reports a granular perspective of positive and negative causal factors that support enabling energy futures that enhance green supply credentials

    Une nouvelle langue liturgique parmi les réformés

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    Mentzer Raymond A. Une nouvelle langue liturgique parmi les réformés. In: Albineana, Cahiers d'Aubigné, 24, 2012. La Cour de Nérac au temps de Henri de Navarre et de Marguerite de Valois, sous la direction de Véronique Ferrer, Catherine Magnien et Marie-Hélène Servet. pp. 113-122

    Conférence de M. Raymond A. Mentzer

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    Mentzer Raymond A. Conférence de M. Raymond A. Mentzer. In: École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses. Annuaire. Tome 111, 2002-2003. 2002. pp. 351-355
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