1,913 research outputs found

    Acoustoelectric Effect in Graphene with degenerate Energy dispersion

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    The acoustoelectric effect AEAE in Graphene with degenerate energy dispersion is theoretically studied for hypersound in the regime ql>>1ql >> 1. At low temperatures (kΞ²T<<1k_{\beta}T <<1), the non-linear dependence of Acoustoelectric current j/j0j/j_0 on the frequency Ο‰q\omega_q and temperature TT are numerically analysed. The obtained graph for j/j0j/j_0 against Ο‰q\omega_q qualitatively agreed with an experimentally obtained results. For j/j0j/j_0 versus TT, the dependence of Acoustoelectric current in Graphene was found to manifest at low temperatures.Comment: three figur

    Acoustoelectric Effect in degenerate Carbon Nanotube

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    Acoustoelectric Effect AEAE in degenerate Carbon Nanotube (CNTCNT) was theoretically studied for hypersound in the regime ql>>1ql >> 1. The dependence of acoustoelectric current jacj^{ac} on the acoustic wave number q⃗\vec{q} and frequency ωq\omega_q at T=10KT = 10K and scattering angle (θ>0\theta > 0) was evaluated at various harmonics n=±1,2,...n =\pm 1, 2, ... (where nn is an integer). In the first harmonics (n=±1n = \pm 1), the non-linear dependence of jacj^{ac} on ωq\omega_q and q⃗\vec{q} were obtained. For n=±2n = \pm 2, the numerically evaluated jacj^{ac} qualitatively agreed with an experimentally obtained result.Comment: 6 figure

    Negative Differential Conductivity in Carbon Nanotubes in the Presence of an External Electric Field

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    We study theoretically the electron transport properties in carbon nanotubes under the influence of an external electric field E(t) using Boltzmann's equation. The current-density equation is derived. Negative differential conductivity is predicted when {\omega}{\tau}<<1 (quasi-static case). We observed this in the neighbourhood where the constant electric field E_o is equal to the amplitude of the AC electric field E_1 and the peak decreases with increasing E_1. This phenomenon can also be used for the generation of terahertz radiation without electric current instability.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    On the amplification of acoustic phonons in carbon nanotube

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    We present a theoretical study of acoustic phonons amplification in Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). The phenomenon is via Cerenkov emission (CE) of acoustic phonons using intraband transitions proposed by Mensah et. al.,~\cite{1} in Semiconductor Superlattices (SSL) and confirmed in ~\cite{2}. From this, an asymmetric graph of Ξ“CNT\Gamma^{CNT} on VdVs\frac{V_d}{V_s} and Ωτ\Omega\tau were obtained where amplification (Ξ“ampCNT\Gamma_{amp}^{CNT}) >>>> absorption (Ξ“absCNT\Gamma_{abs}^{CNT}). The ratio, βˆ£Ξ“ampCNTβˆ£βˆ£Ξ“absCNTβˆ£β‰ˆ3.5\frac{\vert \Gamma_{amp}^{CNT}\vert}{\vert\Gamma_{abs}^{CNT}\vert}\approx 3.5, at Vd=1.02VsV_d = 1.02V_s, Ο‰q=3.0Β THz\omega_q = 3.0\ \mathrm{THz} and T=85Β KT = 85\ K for scattering angle ΞΈ>0\theta > 0 . A threshold field at which Ξ“absCNT\Gamma_{abs}^{CNT} switches over to Ξ“ampCNT\Gamma_{amp}^{CNT} was calculated to be $E_{z}^{dc} = 6.2\times 10^3\ \mathrm{V/m}. This field is far less than that deduced using Bloch-Type Oscillation (BTO)~\cite{3} which is E_{BTO}^{dc} = 3.0\times 10^5\ \mathrm{V/m}.Theobtained. The obtained \Gamma_{amp}^{CNT}$ would enable the use of CNT for the production of SASER.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Wave Mixing in Armchair Carbon Nanotubes

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    Using semiclassical Boltzmann equation we have studied theoretically an effect of a direct current (DC) generation in undoped armchair carbon nanotube (CN) by mixing two coherent electromagnetic waves with commensurate frequencies i.e omega and 2 omega . We compared the results of the armchair with that of the zigzag carbon nanotubes for the same conditions (i.e. when the normalized current is plotted against the amplitude). Quantitatively they agree with each other except that the absolute value of the peaks of the current for zigzag is about 1.1 times that of the armchair. We noticed that the current is negative similar to that observed in zigzag CNs describing the same effect. However it is interesting to note that graph of normalized current against omega tau showed that the armchair is greater than that of the zigzag for about 1.1 times which is opposite. We also observed that when the phase shift theta lies between pi divided by 2 and 3 pi divided by 2 there is an inversion and the current becomes positive. We suggest the use of this approach for the generation of terahertz radiation and also for the determination of the relaxation time of electrons in carbon nanotubes.Comment: 6pages,5figure

    Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Wave Mixing in Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes

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    With the use of the semiclassical Boltzmann equation we have calculated a direct current (d.c) in undoped zigzag carbon nanotube (CN) by mixing two coherent electromagnetic waves with commensurate frequencies i.e and . This effect is attributed to the nonparabolicity of the electron energy band which is very strong in carbon nanotubes. We observed that the current is negative similar to that observed in superlattice. However if the phase shift lies between and there is an inversion and the current becomes positive. It is interesting to note that exhibit negative differential conductivity as expected for d.c through carbon nanotubes. This method can be used to generate terahertz radiation in carbon nanotubes. It can also be used in determining the relaxation time of electrons in carbon nanotubesComment: 12pages,5figure

    Generation and Amplification of Terahertz Radiation in Carbon Nanotubes

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    We investigate theoretically the feasibility of generation and amplification of terahertz radiation in aligned achiral carbon nanotubes (zigzag and armchair) in comparison with a superlattice in the presence of a constant (dc) and high-frequency (ac) electric fields. The electric current density expression is derived using the semiclassical Boltzmann transport equation with a constant relaxation time with the electric field applied along the nanotube axis. Our analysis on the current density versus electric field characteristics demonstrates negative differential conductivity at high frequency as well as photon assisted peaks. The characteristic peaks are about an order of magnitude styronger in the carbon nanotubes compared to superlattice. These strong phenomena in carbon nanotubes can be used to obtain domainless amplification of terahertz radiation in carbon nanotubes at room temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear Conductivity in Graphene

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    We consider the tight-binding approximation for the description of energy bands of graphene, together with the standard Boltzmann's transport equation and constant relaxation time, an expression for the conductivity was obtained. We predicted strong nonlinear effects in graphene which may be useful for high frequency generation

    Stark-cyclotron Resonance in an Array of Carbon Nanotubes

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    Using the kinetic approach based on the semiclassical Boltzmann transport equation with constant relaxation time, we theoretically studied the Stark-cyclotron resonance in an array of Carbon Nanotubes (CNs). Exact expression for the current density was obtained. We noted that Stark-cyclotron resonance occurs when the Larmor frequency coincides with the Stark frequency. A coincidence of these frequencies produce resonance.Comment: 1 figur

    Absorption of acoustic phonons in Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes with non-parabolic, double periodic band

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    We studied theoretically the absorption of acoustic phonons in the hypersound regime in Fluorine modified Carbon Nanotube (F-CNT) Ξ“qFβˆ’CNT\Gamma_q^{F-CNT} and compared it to that of undoped Single Walled Nanotube (SWNT) Ξ“qSWNT\Gamma_q^{SWNT}. Per the numerical analysis, the F-CNT showed less absorption to that of SWNT thus βˆ£Ξ“qFβˆ’CNT∣<βˆ£Ξ“qSWNT∣\vert\Gamma_q^{F-CNT}\vert < \vert\Gamma_q^{SWNT}\vert . This is due to the fact that Fluorine is highly electronegative and weakens the walls of the SWNT. Thus, the Ο€\pi-electrons associated with to the Fluorine which causes less free charge carriers to interact with the phonons and hence changing the metallic properties of the SWNT to semiconductor by the doping process. From the graphs obtained, the ratio of hypersound absorption in SWNT to F-CNT at T=45KT = 45K is Ξ“(SWNT)Ξ“(Fβˆ’CNT)β‰ˆ29\frac{\Gamma_{(SWNT)}}{\Gamma_{(F-CNT)}}\approx 29 whilst at T=55KT = 55K, is Ξ“(SWNT)Ξ“(Fβˆ’CNT)β‰ˆ9\frac{\Gamma_{(SWNT)}}{\Gamma_{(F-CNT)}}\approx 9 and at T=65KT = 65K, is Ξ“(SWNT)Ξ“(Fβˆ’CNT)β‰ˆ2\frac{\Gamma_{(SWNT)}}{\Gamma_{(F-CNT)}}\approx 2. Clearly, the ratio decreases as the temperature increases.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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