578 research outputs found

    Out-of-equilibrium states and quasi-many-body localization in polar lattice gases

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    The absence of energy dissipation leads to an intriguing out-of-equilibrium dynamics for ultracold polar gases in optical lattices, characterized by the formation of dynamically-bound on-site and inter-site clusters of two or more particles, and by an effective blockade repulsion. These effects combined with the controlled preparation of initial states available in cold gases experiments can be employed to create interesting out-of-equilibrium states. These include quasi-equilibrated effectively repulsive 1D gases for attractive dipolar interactions and dynamically-bound crystals. Furthermore, non-equilibrium polar lattice gases can offer a promising scenario for the study of many-body localization in the absence of quenched disorder. This fascinating out-of-equilibrium dynamics for ultra-cold polar gases in optical lattices may be accessible in on-going experiments.Comment: 5+1 pages, 4+1 figure

    Polyakov conjecture and 2+1 dimensional gravity coupled to particles

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    A proof is given of Polyakov conjecture about the auxiliary parameters of the SU(1,1) Riemann-Hilbert problem for general elliptic singularities. Such a result is related to the uniformization of the the sphere punctured by n conical defects. Its relevance to the hamiltonian structure of 2+1 dimensional gravity in the maximally slicing gauge is stressed.Comment: Talk by P. Menotti at Int. Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Budapest 12-18 July 2001, 5 pages late

    Supersolid phase with cold polar molecules on a triangular lattice

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    We study a system of heteronuclear molecules on a triangular lattice and analyze the potential of this system for the experimental realization of a supersolid phase. The ground state phase diagram contains superfluid, solid and supersolid phases. At finite temperatures and strong interactions there is an additional emulsion region, in contrast to similar models with short-range interactions. We derive the maximal critical temperature TcT_c and the corresponding entropy S/N=0.04(1)S/N = 0.04(1) for supersolidity and find feasible experimental conditions for its realization.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical and quantum Liouville theory

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    We develop a functional integral approach to quantum Liouville field theory completely independent of the hamiltonian approach. To this end on the sphere topology we solve the Riemann-Hilbert problem for three singularities of finite strength and a fourth one infinitesimal, by determining perturbatively the Poincare' accessory parameters. This provides the semiclassical four point vertex function with three finite charges and a fourth infinitesimal. Some of the results are extended to the case of n finite charges and m infinitesimal. With the same technique we compute the exact Green function on the sphere on the background of three finite singularities. Turning to the full quantum problem we address the calculation of the quantum determinant on the background of three finite charges and of the further perturbative corrections. The zeta function regularization provides a theory which is not invariant under local conformal transformations. Instead by employing a regularization suggested in the case of the pseudosphere by Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov we obtain the correct quantum conformal dimensions from the one loop calculation and we show explicitly that the two loop corrections do not change such dimensions. We then apply the method to the case of the pseudosphere with one finite singularity and compute the exact value for the quantum determinant. Such results are compared to those of the conformal bootstrap approach finding complete agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, Contributed to 5th Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity (QG05), Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy, 12-16 Sep 200

    de Sitter gravity from lattice gauge theory

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    We investigate a lattice model for Euclidean quantum gravity based on discretization of the Palatini formulation of General Relativity. Using Monte Carlo simulation we show that while a naive approach fails to lead to a vacuum state consistent with the emergence of classical spacetime, this problem may be evaded if the lattice action is supplemented by an appropriate counter term. In this new model we find regions of the parameter space which admit a ground state which can be interpreted as (Euclidean) de Sitter space.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. email address update

    Proof of Polyakov conjecture for general elliptic singularities

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    A proof is given of Polyakov conjecture about the auxiliary parameters of the SU(1,1) Riemann-Hilbert problem for general elliptic singularities. Its relevance to 2+1 dimensional gravity and to the uniformization of the sphere punctured by n conical defects is stressed

    Spectral weight redistribution in strongly correlated bosons in optical lattices

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    We calculate the single-particle spectral function for the one-band Bose-Hubbard model within the random phase approximation (RPA). In the strongly correlated superfluid, in addition to the gapless phonon excitations, we find extra gapped modes which become particularly relevant near the superfluid-Mott quantum phase transition (QPT). The strength in one of the gapped modes, a precursor of the Mott phase, grows as the QPT is approached and evolves into a hole (particle) excitation in the Mott insulator depending on whether the chemical potential is above (below) the tip of the lobe. The sound velocity of the Goldstone modes remains finite when the transition is approached at a constant density, otherwise, it vanishes at the transition. It agrees well with Bogoliubov theory except close to the transition. We also calculate the spatial correlations for bosons in an inhomogeneous trapping potential creating alternating shells of Mott insulator and superfluid. Finally, we discuss the capability of the RPA approximation to correctly account for quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the QPT.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure
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