471 research outputs found

    The Scaling of Performance and Losses in Miniature Internal Combustion Engines

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    Miniature glow ignition internal combustion (IC) piston engines are an off-the-shelf technology that could dramatically increase the endurance of miniature electric power supplies and the range and endurance of small unmanned air vehicles provided their overall thermodynamic efficiencies can be increased to 15% or better. This thesis presents the first comprehensive analysis of small (reliable measurements of engine performance and losses in these small engines. Methodologies are also developed for measuring volumetric, heat transfer, exhaust, mechanical, and combustion losses. These instruments and techniques are used to investigate the performance of seven single-cylinder, two-stroke, glow fueled engines ranging in size from 15 to 450 g (0.16 to 7.5 cm3 displacement). Scaling rules for power output, overall efficiency, and normalized power are developed from the data. These will be useful to developers of micro-air vehicles and miniature power systems. The data show that the minimum length scale of a thermodynamically viable piston engine based on present technology is approximately 3 mm. Incomplete combustion is the most important challenge as it accounts for 60-70% of total energy losses. Combustion losses are followed in order of importance by heat transfer, sensible enthalpy, and friction. A net heat release analysis based on in-cylinder pressure measurements suggest that a two-stage combustion process occurs at low engine speeds and equivalence ratios close to 1. Different theories based on burning mode and reaction kinetics are proposed to explain the observed results. High speed imaging of the combustion chamber suggests that a turbulent premixed flame with its origin in the vicinity of the glow plug is the primary driver of combustion. Placing miniature IC engines on a turbulent combustion regime diagram shows that they operate in the 'flamelet in eddy' regime whereas conventional-scale engines operate mostly in the 'wrinkled laminar flame sheet' regime. Taken together, the results show that the combustion process is the key obstacle to realizing the potential of small IC engines. Overcoming this obstacle will require new diagnostic techniques, measurements, combustion models, and high temperature materials

    On the turbulence driving mode of expanding HII regions

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    We investigate the turbulence driving mode of ionizing radiation from massive stars on the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). We run hydrodynamical simulations of a turbulent cloud impinged by a plane-parallel ionization front. We find that the ionizing radiation forms pillars of neutral gas reminiscent of those seen in observations. We quantify the driving mode of the turbulence in the neutral gas by calculating the driving parameter bb, which is characterised by the relation σs2=ln(1+b2M2)\sigma_s^2 = \ln({1+b^2\mathcal{M}^2}) between the variance of the logarithmic density contrast σs2\sigma_s^2 (where s=ln(ρ/ρ0)s = \ln({\rho/\rho_0}) with the gas density ρ\rho and its average ρ0\rho_0), and the turbulent Mach number M\mathcal{M}. Previous works have shown that b1/3b\sim1/3 indicates solenoidal (divergence-free) driving and b1b\sim1 indicates compressive (curl-free) driving, with b1b\sim1 producing up to ten times higher star formation rates than b1/3b\sim1/3. The time variation of bb in our study allows us to infer that ionizing radiation is inherently a compressive turbulence driving source, with a time-averaged b0.76±0.08b\sim 0.76 \pm 0.08. We also investigate the value of bb of the pillars, where star formation is expected to occur, and find that the pillars are characterised by a natural mixture of both solenoidal and compressive turbulent modes (b0.4b\sim0.4) when they form, and later evolve into a more compressive turbulent state with b0.5b\sim0.5--0.60.6. A virial parameter analysis of the pillar regions supports this conclusion. This indicates that ionizing radiation from massive stars may be able to trigger star formation by producing predominately compressive turbulent gas in the pillars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Performance Measurement and Scaling in Small Internal Combustion Engines

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    Small hobby engines with masses less than 1 kg are attractive for use in low cost unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) because they are mass produced and inexpensive, however very little information about their performance is available in the scientific literature. This thesis describes the development of a dynamometer system suitable for measuring the power output and efficiency of these small engines and presents detailed performance measurements for a particular engine with a mass of 150 grams that could be suitable for powering a low-cost UAV. The performance of the engine was found to improve considerably by controlling the fuel-air mixture. The objective is to use the dynamometer system to collect data that provides insight into the processes/loss mechanisms governing small engine performance so that it may be improved and to develop scaling laws for the performance of engines in the 20 g to 1 kg range that may be used by designers of low-cost UAVs

    Outflows Driven by Direct and Reprocessed Radiation Pressure in Massive Star Clusters

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    We use three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations to study the formation of massive star clusters under the combined effects of direct ultraviolet (UV) and dust-reprocessed infrared (IR) radiation pressure. We explore a broad range of mass surface density Σ102\Sigma \sim 10^2-105Mpc210^5 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot} \, \mathrm{pc}^{-2}, spanning values typical of weakly star-forming galaxies to extreme systems such as clouds forming super-star clusters, where radiation pressure is expected to be the dominant feedback mechanism. We find that star formation can only be regulated by radiation pressure for Σ103Mpc2\Sigma \lesssim 10^3 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot} \, \mathrm{pc}^{-2}, but that clouds with Σ105Mpc2\Sigma \lesssim 10^5 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot} \, \mathrm{pc}^{-2} become super-Eddington once high star formation efficiencies (80%\sim 80 \%) are reached, and therefore launch the remaining gas in a steady outflow. These outflows achieve mass-weighted radial velocities of 15\sim 15 - 30kms130 \,\mathrm{km} \, \mathrm{s}^{-1}, which is 0.5\sim 0.5 - 2.02.0 times the cloud escape speed. This suggests that radiation pressure is a strong candidate to explain recently observed molecular outflows found in young super-star clusters in nearby starburst galaxies. We quantify the relative importance of UV and IR radiation pressure in different regimes, and deduce that both are equally important for Σ103Mpc2\Sigma \sim 10^3 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot} \, \mathrm{pc}^{-2}, whereas clouds with higher (lower) density are increasingly dominated by the IR (UV) component. Comparison with control runs without either the UV or IR bands suggests that the outflows are primarily driven by the impulse provided by the UV component, while IR radiation has the effect of rendering a larger fraction of gas super-Eddington, and thereby increasing the outflow mass flux by a factor of 2\sim 2.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. MNRAS accepted. v2: Minor changes in text made to address referee comment

    Infrared Radiation Feedback Does Not Regulate Star Cluster Formation

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    We present 3D radiation-hydrodynamical (RHD) simulations of star cluster formation and evolution in massive, self-gravitating clouds, whose dust columns are optically thick to infrared (IR) photons. We use \texttt{VETTAM} -- a recently developed, novel RHD algorithm, which uses the Variable Eddington Tensor (VET) closure -- to model the IR radiation transport through the cloud. We also use realistic temperature (TT) dependent IR opacities (κ\kappa) in our simulations, improving upon earlier works in this area, which used either constant IR opacities or simplified power laws (κT2\kappa \propto T^2). We investigate the impact of the radiation pressure of these IR photons on the star formation efficiency (SFE) of the cloud, and its potential to drive dusty winds. We find that IR radiation pressure is unable to regulate star formation or prevent accretion onto the star clusters, even for very high gas surface densities (Σ>105Mpc2\Sigma > 10^5 M_{\odot} \, \mathrm{pc}^{-2}), contrary to recent semi-analytic predictions and simulation results using simplified treatments of the dust opacity. We find that the commonly adopted simplifications of κT2\kappa \propto T^2 or constant κ\kappa for the IR dust opacities leads to this discrepancy, as those approximations overestimate the radiation force. By contrast, with realistic opacities that take into account the micro-physics of the dust, we find that the impact of IR radiation pressure on star formation is very mild, even at significantly high dust-to-gas ratios (3\sim 3 times solar), suggesting that it is unlikely to be an important feedback mechanism in controlling star formation in the ISM.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures. MNRAS accepted. v2: Minor changes made to address referee comment

    Hot surface ignition of n-hexane in air

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    An experimental investigation is conducted to analyze hot-surface ignition of n-hexane-air mixtures. The experimental setup, equipped with temperature diagnostics and schlieren imaging, utilizes a glow plug to initiate ignition in a flammable mixture. The hot-surface temperature at the point of ignition is measured for equivalence ratios ranging from 0.6 to 3 and chamber pressures varying from 25 to 100 kPa. The hot-surface temperature resulting in ignition is found to be weakly sensitive to equivalence ratio with a mean value of 980 K for mixtures with equivalence ratios between 0.75 and 3 at 100 kPa. Chamber pressure has a stronger influence with ignition temperature increasing to about 1140 K at 25 kPa. The experimental trends were reproduced in numerical simulations utilizing detailed chemistry of n-heptane as a surrogate for n-hexane given their similar ignition and flame propagation characteristics. The simulations further predict a two-stage ignition process resulting from an initial breakdown of the fuel with a small increase in temperature followed by a main ignition event accompanied by fuel depletion. Reaction rate analysis of the sequence of events leading to ignition conducted using a reduced order kinetic model suggests that the second-stage ignition event is caused primarily by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide which occurs at temperatures above 900 K. The two-stage ignition process observed here is significantly different from that observed in previous studies due to the presence of convective and diffusive processes as well as the continuous increase in hot-surface temperature. These arguments are used to explain the insensitivity of ignition temperature to equivalence ratio, its decrease with increasing chamber pressure, and the location of the ignition kernel observed in experiments and simulations

    Development of a Dynamometer for Measuring Small Internal-Combustion Engine Performance

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    Small hobby engines with masses less than 1 kg are attractive for use in low-cost unmanned air vehicles, because they are mass-produced and inexpensive. However, very little information about their performance is available in the scientific literature. This paper describes the development of a dynamometer system suitable for measuring the power output and efficiency of these small engines and presents detailed performance measurements for a particular engine with a mass of 150 gm that could be suitable for powering a low-cost unmanned air vehicle. When the mixture setting is adjusted according to the manufacturer's instructions, the peak power of this engine is 112 W at 9450 rpm with a brake specific fuel consumption of 3:0 kg=kWh. The performance can be improved to 159 W at 12,000 rpm and brake specific fuel consumption of approximately 2:1 kg=kWh by controlling the mixture. Nomenclature F = force f a , f m = atmospheric factor and engine factor I = moment of inertia k lc = stiffness of the load cell L=D = lift/drag ratio of the vehicle m = mass of the additional weight added to the engine cradle _ m = mass flow rate N nat = engine speed associated with the natural frequency of the cradle-load cell system P = measured output power P r = corrected power under standard reference conditions p, p r = test pressure and standard reference pressure p sr , p s = test saturated water vapor pressure and standard reference saturated water vapor pressure Q r = heating value q = fuel mass per cycle per liter of air q c = corrected specific fuel delivery R = length of the moment arm r = distance between added mass and cradle axis of rotation r r = boost pressure ratio T r , T = test ambient air temperature and standard reference ambient air temperature c = atmospheric correction factor = overall damping coefficient for cradle bearings = measured engine torque max = maximum deflection of the load cell = efficiency e = angle of cradle associated with steady state operation = density of air, mixture, methanol, nitromethane, and castor oil r , = test relative humidity and standard reference relative humidity = volume fraction of methanol, nitromethane, and castor oil in the fuel f = fuel mass fraction at takeoff ! = engine speed ! n = natural frequency of the syste

    Robotic Partial Nephrectomy Using Robotic Bulldog Clamps

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    Robotically applying bulldog clamps was found to be a safe and feasible method of hilar occlusion during robotic partial nephrectomy