75 research outputs found

    Description Generation using Variational Auto-Encoders for precursor microRNA

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    Micro RNAs (miRNA) are a type of non-coding RNA, which are involved in gene regulation and can be associated with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. As such, identifying the entire genome of miRNA can be of great relevance. Since experimental methods for novel precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) detection are complex and expensive, computational detection using ML could be useful. Existing ML methods are often complex black boxes, which do not create an interpretable structural description of pre-miRNA. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, which makes use of generative modeling through Variational Auto-Encoders to uncover the generative factors of pre-miRNA. After training the VAE, the pre-miRNA description is developed using a decision tree on the lower dimensional latent space. Applying the framework to miRNA classification, we obtain a high reconstruction and classification performance, while also developing an accurate miRNA description

    Understanding Anatomy Classification Through Attentive Response Maps

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    One of the main challenges for broad adoption of deep learning based models such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), is the lack of understanding of their decisions. In many applications, a simpler, less capable model that can be easily understood is favorable to a black-box model that has superior performance. In this paper, we present an approach for designing CNNs based on visualization of the internal activations of the model. We visualize the model's response through attentive response maps obtained using a fractional stride convolution technique and compare the results with known imaging landmarks from the medical literature. We show that sufficiently deep and capable models can be successfully trained to use the same medical landmarks a human expert would use. Our approach allows for communicating the model decision process well, but also offers insight towards detecting biases.Comment: Accepted at ISBI, 201

    Diffusion Variational Autoencoders

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    A standard Variational Autoencoder, with a Euclidean latent space, is structurally incapable of capturing topological properties of certain datasets. To remove topological obstructions, we introduce Diffusion Variational Autoencoders with arbitrary manifolds as a latent space. A Diffusion Variational Autoencoder uses transition kernels of Brownian motion on the manifold. In particular, it uses properties of the Brownian motion to implement the reparametrization trick and fast approximations to the KL divergence. We show that the Diffusion Variational Autoencoder is capable of capturing topological properties of synthetic datasets. Additionally, we train MNIST on spheres, tori, projective spaces, SO(3), and a torus embedded in R3. Although a natural dataset like MNIST does not have latent variables with a clear-cut topological structure, training it on a manifold can still highlight topological and geometrical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures Added an appendix with derivation of asymptotic expansion of KL divergence for heat kernel on arbitrary Riemannian manifolds, and an appendix with new experiments on binarized MNIST. Added a previously missing factor in the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel and corrected a coefficient in asymptotic expansion KL divergence; further minor edit

    Anomaly Detection for imbalanced datasets with Deep Generative Models

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    Many important data analysis applications present with severely imbalanced datasets with respect to the target variable. A typical example is medical image analysis, where positive samples are scarce, while performance is commonly estimated against the correct detection of these positive examples. We approach this challenge by formulating the problem as anomaly detection with generative models. We train a generative model without supervision on the `negative' (common) datapoints and use this model to estimate the likelihood of unseen data. A successful model allows us to detect the `positive' case as low likelihood datapoints. In this position paper, we present the use of state-of-the-art deep generative models (GAN and VAE) for the estimation of a likelihood of the data. Our results show that on the one hand both GANs and VAEs are able to separate the `positive' and `negative' samples in the MNIST case. On the other hand, for the NLST case, neither GANs nor VAEs were able to capture the complexity of the data and discriminate anomalies at the level that this task requires. These results show that even though there are a number of successes presented in the literature for using generative models in similar applications, there remain further challenges for broad successful implementation.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Benelearn 2018 conferenc

    BSDAR: Beam Search Decoding with Attention Reward in Neural Keyphrase Generation

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    This study mainly investigates two decoding problems in neural keyphrase generation: sequence length bias and beam diversity. We introduce an extension of beam search inference based on word-level and n-gram level attention score to adjust and constrain Seq2Seq prediction at test time. Results show that our proposed solution can overcome the algorithm bias to shorter and nearly identical sequences, resulting in a significant improvement of the decoding performance on generating keyphrases that are present and absent in source text

    Equivariant Neural Simulators for Stochastic Spatiotemporal Dynamics

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    Neural networks are emerging as a tool for scalable data-driven simulation of high-dimensional dynamical systems, especially in settings where numerical methods are infeasible or computationally expensive. Notably, it has been shown that incorporating domain symmetries in deterministic neural simulators can substantially improve their accuracy, sample efficiency, and parameter efficiency. However, to incorporate symmetries in probabilistic neural simulators that can simulate stochastic phenomena, we need a model that produces equivariant distributions over trajectories, rather than equivariant function approximations. In this paper, we propose Equivariant Probabilistic Neural Simulation (EPNS), a framework for autoregressive probabilistic modeling of equivariant distributions over system evolutions. We use EPNS to design models for a stochastic n-body system and stochastic cellular dynamics. Our results show that EPNS considerably outperforms existing neural network-based methods for probabilistic simulation. More specifically, we demonstrate that incorporating equivariance in EPNS improves simulation quality, data efficiency, rollout stability, and uncertainty quantification. We conclude that EPNS is a promising method for efficient and effective data-driven probabilistic simulation in a diverse range of domains.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Evolutionary Construction of Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Neuro-Evolution is a field of study that has recently gained significantly increased traction in the deep learning community. It combines deep neural networks and evolutionary algorithms to improve and/or automate the construction of neural networks. Recent Neuro-Evolution approaches have shown promising results, rivaling hand-crafted neural networks in terms of accuracy. A two-step approach is introduced where a convolutional autoencoder is created that efficiently compresses the input data in the first step, and a convolutional neural network is created to classify the compressed data in the second step. The creation of networks in both steps is guided by by an evolutionary process, where new networks are constantly being generated by mutating members of a collection of existing networks. Additionally, a method is introduced that considers the trade-off between compression and information loss of different convolutional autoencoders. This is used to select the optimal convolutional autoencoder from among those evolved to compress the data for the second step. The complete framework is implemented, tested on the popular CIFAR-10 data set, and the results are discussed. Finally, a number of possible directions for future work with this particular framework in mind are considered, including opportunities to improve its efficiency and its application in particular areas
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