9 research outputs found

    Anomalous reflection of a shock wave at a fluid interface

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    Triple Shock Entropy Theorem and Its Consequences

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    this article we only consider the problem of multiple intersections of the shock polars and the question it raises for nonuniqueness of shock interactions. For time dependent problems, the incoming wave types are assumed to be known at the initial time. When the solution changes slowly in time the wave pattern is determined by continuity of the polar solution. Some solutions have wave patterns in which the flow behind an outgoing wave is subsonic. In these cases, downstream boundary conditions are needed to determine the rest frame of the node. Time dependent boundary conditions can cause a wave pattern to bifurcate or change form. Bifurcations can be triggered by acoustic waves impacting a node (the limiting case in which a weak node collides and scatters off another node) or forced by a sudden change in geometry, e.g., a shock impacting a wedge. Thus, for time dependent problems the nonuniqueness of shock interactions is a consequence of the ambiguity of when a wave pattern bifurcates and the nonuniqueness of the possible wave patterns into which another can bifurcate. Both shock tube experiments and numerical experiments have shown that when a shock impacts a wedge leading to a Mach reflection, the path of the triple point can be greatly affected by a boundary layer due to either viscosity or heat conduction Henderson et al. (1997). Thus, dissipative mechanisms at small scales can lead to local downstream boundary conditions which affects the bifurcation process. Additional complications arise when determining the wave patterns that occur in steady state flows. In steady state, the wave pattern must be compatible with the global flow. Moreover, the identification of incoming and outgoing waves may depend on the downstream flow; e.g, figure 6b indicates how a downstre..