1 research outputs found

    Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Response to Treatment after 3 Years

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    Cilj: Istraživalo se utječe li genetska osjetljivost na kronični parodontitis, potvrđena genotipom IL-6-572GGili alelom IL-10-592A, na rezultate nekirurÅ”ke parodontne terapije (NSPT) nakon duljeg vremena. Materijal i metode: U dvije skupine raspoređeno je 37 pacijenata s kroničnim parodontitisom prema genotipu i to kao podložni (SCP) i otporni (NSCP). Svi ispitanici klinički su procijenjeni na početku i tri godine poslije NSPT-a. Uzorci krvi za određivanje polaznih vrijednosti prikupljeni su od onih koji su ispunili uvjete za sudjelovanje. Svi su primili NSPT od jednog specijalista parodontologije koji nije znao genotip statusa pacijenata. Provedena je statistička analiza usporedbom varijabli za skupine u kojima se koristio Mann-Whitneyjev U-test, između Wilcoxov test. Rezultati: Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 47,68 Ā± 8,64 godine, a sudjelovalo je 51,4 % žena, 48,6 % puÅ”ača i 45,9 % konzumenata alkohola. Nakon genetske analize zaključeno je da su 70,3 % pacijenata homozigotni nositelji IL-6-572G(IL-6 SCP), a njih 46,0 % bili su nositelji alela IL-10 592A(IL-10 SCP). NSPT je smanjio sve ispitivane parametre ispitanicima (dubina sondiranja, gubitak epitelnog pričvrstka, krvarenje poslije sondiranja, postotak mjesta sa džepovima od 4 do 6 mm i ā‰„ 7 mm i gubitak epitelnog pričvrstka), ali ishod liječenja nije bio povezan s genotipom. Osobe s SCP-om i NSCP-om imale su slične kliničke parametre na početku tretmana i poslije tri godine. Zaključak: Unutar ove trogodiÅ”nje kohortne studije u kojoj su sudjelovali bijelci s dijagnosticiranim kroničnim parodontitisom, pojedincima podložnima parodontitisu, kako je određeno prisutnoŔću genotipa IL-6 -572GGili alela IL-10 -592A, nakon NSPT-a rezultat liječenja bio je sličan.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether genetic susceptibility to chronic peri-odontitis, conferred by the presence of the IL-6 -572GG genotype or the IL-10 -592A allele, influences the outcomes following a non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT)over a long period of time. Material and methods: Thirty-seven chronic periodontitis patients were divided into two groups according to genotype as susceptible (SCP) and non-susceptible (NSCP). All subjects were clinically evaluated at baseline and 3 years following NSPT. Blood samples were collected at baseline from the individuals who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All participants received NSPT from a single periodontist who was blind to the genotype status of each patient. A statistical analysis was performed by comparing the variables between groups using the Mann-Whitney U test and between baseline and 3 years for each group using the Wilcoxon test. Results: The mean age of the population was estimated to be 47.68Ā±8.64 years and it included 51.4% females, 48.6% smokers, and 45.9% alcohol consumers. Following a genetic analysis, 70.3% of patients were homozygous carriers of the IL-6 -572G (IL-6 SCP), and 46.0% of them were carriers, bleeding on probing, percentage of sites with 4-6mm and ā‰„7mm pocket depth and attachment loss) to all participants, but the treatment outcome NSCP individuals showed similar clinical parameters at baseline and at 3 years. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this 3-year prospective cohort study in Caucasians diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, individuals susceptible to periodontal disease as determined by the presence of the IL-6 -572GG genotype or the IL-10 -592A allele showed similar treatment outcome following NSPT