2,070 research outputs found

    Damage Considerations of a Flexible Micro Air Vehicle Wing Using 3-D Laser Vibrometry

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    In recent years there has been a major push towards a new class of unmanned aerial vehicles: micro air vehicles. A great amount of research has been done towards the aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, construction, and flight characteristics of flexible wing micro air vehicles. However, there has not been much research done regarding possible structural deficiencies of a flexible micro air vehicle wing. The focus of this research is to evaluate the effects of damage on a flexible micro air vehicle wing, particularly its natural frequencies and mode shapes, using three dimensional laser vibrometry. The flexible micro air vehicle wing studied was based on a University of Florida micro air vehicle wing design and was examined using measurements from the Polytec 400-3D Scanning Vibrometer. Comparisons of the wing\u27s natural frequencies and displacements were made between the wing\u27s undamaged and damaged states


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    In this situation of pandemic, schools have to adjust to the new trends of education wherein most things have to be done online. Different platforms are used to be able to mobilize teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders of the schools in Makassar City. Applications like Zoom, Google-meet, and WhatsApp are just some of the media that so far effective in communicating with those stakeholders. In this research, the researcher aims to determine ways and means on how these principals are able to mobilize and influence all the stakeholders so that goals and objectives of the school will be achieved. Based on the findings, principals have to use various platforms and need to conduct regular meetings to tall these stakeholders to ensure that education is well delivered. This paper applies the descriptive qualitative method wherein data is mainly collected by interviews and observations based on the objective of the research. These data are then reduced and analyzed to come up with a conclusion that is based on the main objective of the researche

    Differential Transcriptome Responses to Aflatoxin B1 in the Cecal Tonsil of Susceptible and Resistant Turkeys

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    The nearly-ubiquitous food and feed-borne mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is carcinogenic and mutagenic, posing a food safety threat to humans and animals. One of the most susceptible animal species known and thus a good model for characterizing toxicological pathways, is the domesticated turkey (DT), a condition likely due, at least in part, to deficient hepatic AFB1-detoxifying alpha-class glutathione S-transferases (GSTAs). Conversely, wild turkeys (Eastern wild, EW) are relatively resistant to the hepatotoxic, hepatocarcinogenic and immunosuppressive effects of AFB1 owing to functional gene expression and presence of functional hepatic GSTAs. This study was designed to compare the responses in gene expression in the gastrointestinal tract between DT (susceptible phenotype) and EW (resistant phenotype) following dietary AFB1 challenge (320 ppb for 14 days); specifically in cecal tonsil which functions in both nutrient absorption and gut immunity. RNAseq and gene expression analysis revealed significant differential gene expression in AFB1-treated animals compared to control-fed domestic and wild birds and in within-treatment comparisons between bird types. Significantly upregulated expression of the primary hepatic AFB1-activating P450 (CYP1A5) as well as transcriptional changes in tight junction proteins were observed in AFB1-treated birds. Numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines, TGF-β and EGF were significantly down regulated by AFB1 treatment in DT birds and pathway analysis suggested suppression of enteroendocrine cells. Conversely, AFB1 treatment modified significantly fewer unique genes in EW birds; among these were genes involved in lipid synthesis and metabolism and immune response. This is the first investigation of the effects of AFB1 on the turkey gastro-intestinal tract. Results suggest that in addition to the hepatic transcriptome, animal resistance to this mycotoxin occurs in organ systems outside the liver, specifically as a refractory gastrointestinal tract

    Altered Gene Response to Aflatoxin B\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e in the Spleens of Susceptible and Resistant Turkeys

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    Susceptibility and/or resistance to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a threshold trait governed principally by glutathione S transferase (GST)-mediated detoxification. In poultry, domesticated turkeys are highly sensitive to AFB1, most likely due to dysfunction in hepatic GSTs. In contrast, wild turkeys are comparatively resistant to aflatoxicosis due to the presence of functional hepatic GSTAs and other possible physiological and immunological interactions. The underlying genetic basis for the disparate GST function in turkeys is unknown as are the broader molecular interactions that control the systemic response. This study quantifies the effects of dietary AFB1 on gene expression in the turkey spleen, specifically contrasting genetically distinct domesticated (DT, susceptible) and Eastern wild (EW, resistant) birds. Male turkey poults were subjected to a short-term AFB1 treatment protocol with feed supplemented with 320 ppb AFB1 beginning on day 15 of age and continuing for 14 days. Spleen tissues were harvested and subjected to deep RNA sequencing and transcriptome analysis. Analysis of differential gene expression found the effects of AFB1 treatment on the spleen transcriptomes considerably more prominent in the DT birds compared to EW. However, expression of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) was directionally biased, with the majority showing higher expression in EW (i.e., down-regulation in DT). Significantly altered pathways included FXR/RXR and LXR/RXR activation, coagulation system, prothrombin activation, acute phase response, and atherosclerosis signaling. Differential extra-hepatic expression of acute phase protein genes was confirmed by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) in the original experiment and additional turkey lines. Results demonstrate that wild turkeys possess a capacity to more effectively respond to AFB1exposure

    Integrative Learning and Interdisciplinary Information Systems Curriculum Development in Accounting Analytics

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    This paper develops the structure for an integrative model information systems curriculum on Accounting Analytics, which affords students the opportunities to develop domain knowledge along with application of data analytics. As industry experiences rapid technological change, university curricula must remain current in order to be effective. Curriculum content is further advanced and established with input from industry organizations that employ graduates of the programs. The paper output includes a curriculum review of top accounting programs, course curriculum map, accounting data skills matrix, and professional opportunities. The curriculum review utilizes an empirical text analytics methodological approach to extract patterns and develop additional insights for the advancement of accounting information systems research. To minimize curricular disruption, existing courses can be utilized as core curriculum, enhancing key courses to complete undergraduate, graduate, or certificate programs. The Accounting Analytics customized curriculum provides students an opportunity to take advantage of the growing interdisciplinary field and student interest among accounting and analytical career paths. The integrative curriculum is developed to better prepare graduates with the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities to excel in this new-age workforce

    Mandatory Mediation of Civil Cases in a Highly Urbanized City

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    This study assessed the mandatory mediation in civil cases in Olongapo City. It utilized the descriptive-survey research method with the questionnaire as the primary data-gathering tool. Sixty-six (66) respondents participated in the study. The study also used an unstandardized questionnaire validated by a panel of experts. To analyze the data, the researchers utilized the following statistical tools: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Pearson Chi-Square test. The study confirms that respondents are highly aware of mediation rules, proceedings, and mediators' code of ethical standards. Results also revealed significant relationships between the level of awareness of the respondents of the mandatory mediation of civil cases and age, the level of awareness of the code of ethical standards with the highest educational attainment, and length of service. In addition, the study also found significant relationships between the profile variables and the extent of implementation. Finally, there was a relationship between the level of awareness and the extent of implementation of the mandatory mediation of civil cases in terms of submitted and disposed cases. The study results served as the basis for developing a Proposed Enhancement Program in implementing Mandatory Mediation of Civil Cases in Olongapo City

    Investigation of sonic boom for the Space Shuttle: High cross-range orbiter

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    Recent studies of a proposed low cross-range straight-wing space shuttle orbiter have shown that the sonic boom created during reentry may be objectionable, particularly at low supersonic Mach number. Because of this, additional tests have been conducted to determine the sonic-boom overpressure for a blended wing-body shape proposed for use as a high cross-range shuttle orbiter. Two mission profiles, in which a constant angle of attack was held during the supersonic portion of the flight, were studied. In one case the angle of attack was 60 degrees; in the other 25 degrees. The sonic-boom pressure signatures were measured in a wind tunnel and used to estimate overpressures for both missions. A technique for alleviating the boom is indicated

    A Microanalysis of Employee Retention Strategies: The Case of Selected Convenience Stores and Their Practices

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    Maintaining top-tier personnel is difficult for convenience stores, as they must compete against larger businesses with higher budgets and more employee advantages. This study aimed to determine the employee retention management practices in selected convenience stores in Cavite, Philippines. It utilized a descriptive research design and convenience sampling technique to select the respondents. The data was acquired by utilizing self-constructed questionnaires and Likert-scale to determine the effectiveness of employee retention. The study found that most respondents who manage a convenience store have 1 to 9 employees, have been operating for 6 to 8 years, and were small enterprises. The study found that variables such as employee compensation, physical working environment, employee growth, engagement, and employee support were highly effective in retaining employees. The researchers recommend that employees seek a good organization that listens to them and cares about their general well-being. Respectively, managers and/or owners should develop efficient and effective strategies to retain and manage employees in a sustainable manner

    An Analysis on the Efficiency of Philippine Microfinance Institutions: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

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    Microfinance institutions (MFIs) were created to provide loans and financial services for the poor as commercial banks have requirements that are not accessible to them. The Philippines government soon started using MFIs as a poverty alleviation tool to answer the market failure created by the commercial banking industry since it cannot accommodate the needs of low-income earners due to the high costs attached to it. However, recent studies have shown that MFIs are “mission drifting,” which means that they are deviating from their original social purpose and becoming more financially driven. As a result, this paper estimates the financial and social efficiency of Philippine MFIs using a two-step Stochastic Frontier Approach from 2005 to 2018

    Propuesta de un sistema mecanizado de izaje para mejorar la productividad del ciclo de extracción del pique 110 de la unidad minera La Verdosa

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título: “Propuesta de un sistema mecanizado de izaje para mejorar la productividad del ciclo de extracción del pique 110 de la unidad minera La Verdosa”. La necesidad de la mina de obtener mejores resultados en el ciclo de extracción del pique 110, labor que se inició para profundizar y explorar la continuidad de la veta, llevo a que se busquen soluciones a raíz de la baja productividad en el subnivel 110, por eso se realizó la propuesta de la implementación de un sistema mecanizado de izaje para el pique 110. Por otro lado, en el subnivel 110, ubicado a 9.46 metros del nivel principal, es necesario la presencia de hasta 04 trabajadores para realizar los trabajos de perforación & voladura, limpieza del material (desmonte / mineral) y realizar la extracción de forma convencional ejerciendo fuerza del trabajador. Es por esto, que se estableció como objetivo principal proponer un sistema mecanizado de izaje para mejorar la productividad del ciclo de extracción del pique 110. El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad proponer mejoras en el ciclo de extracción de material en la zona de estudio. Para validar la propuesta se definió como zonas estudio zonas de estudio, el Pique 110 y el Subnivel 110, donde se realizaron estudio de tiempos detallados, además de la toma de datos del sistema de izaje mecanizado en operación. Se realizaron mediciones de tiempos de extracción de material en el pique 110 de la unidad minera, para tomar dicha información. Para tomar una decisión es necesario procesar la información y se realicen análisis estadísticos; con los cuales, se obtuvo que el costo operativo para extraer una tonelada métrica húmeda del SN 110 se redujo en 42.9% con respecto al sistema convencional, esta mejora se basa en la reducción de la cantidad de mano de obra empleada y las horas extras que se empleaba para culminar los trabajos. Por otro lado, respecto al tiempo el sistema de izaje es 7.02% más rápido para culminar un ciclo de izaje. Sin embargo, debido a la capacidad del skip del sistema mecanizado solo requiere de 09 ciclos en promedio para culminar con la extracción de un disparo del frente.The present research work is entitled: "Proposal of a mechanization model of the hoisting system to improve the productivity of the extraction cycle of the hoist 110 of the La Verdosa mining unit". In the desire of the unit to obtain better results in the extraction cycle of the pick 110, work that began to deepen and explore the continuity of the vein, this work is born from level 110 and is located 8 meters from the main pick that reaches the surface, currently in the work is necessary the presence of up to 04 workers to perform the work of drilling & blasting, cleaning the material (waste / ore) and perform the extraction in a conventional way by exerting force of the worker. This has led to the problem being posed as the inefficiency of the extraction cycle in pit 110 of the La Verdosa mining unit. For this reason, the main objective was to propose a mechanization model of the hoisting system to improve the productivity of the extraction cycle of pit 110. This investigation project has the goal to achieve improvements in the material extraction cycle, to achieve the goal it will be done statistical analysis to accomplish the achievements indicators. In addition, the area of studio will be the “PQ 110” and the “SN 110”, where time measurements were taken Field measurements were made in the mining unit, to take relevant information, process it and be able to carry out statistical analysis, with which it was obtained that the operating cost to extract a wet metric ton from SN 110 was reduced by 42.9%, this improvement was able to reach by reducing the workforce and the extra hours to complete the task. On the other hand, regarding time, the hoisting system is 7.02% faster to complete a hoisting cycle, however, due to the skip capacity of the mechanized system, it only requires 09 cycles on average to culminate with the extraction of a shot from the front.Tesi