6 research outputs found

    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on air transport: the case of Virgin Australia airlines

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    This research study scrutinized the financial signs that were overlooked or were failed to be controlled by Virgin Australia from 2012 through 2019. Empirical research was done based on secondary data retrieved from the annual reports of the company. The annual reports of the company were analyzed in a multi-dimensional manner using financial analysis tools and instruments. The finds of this research demonstrate that it was not merely the Covid-19 pandemic, which pushed the world’s oldest airlines into bankruptcy but there existed numerous critical issues within the company. Virgin Australia’s financial statements revealed fifteen alarming indicators which were overlooked by the company. Right from operating revenue, operating expenses, profit margins, to current and liquid ratio all eleven indicators were hugely adverse since last eight years continuously. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic forced lockdown across nations and the aviation industry was the worst hit amid the global turmoil. This proved fatal for Australia’s second-largest carrier which was already ailing from financial distress for the last several years and thus the company had to file bankruptcy

    Exploring the antecedents of institutional effectiveness: a case study of higher education universities in India

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    The significance of Institutional Effectiveness is pivotal to the functioning of an academic institution. The mushrooming of private institutions in the Indian higher education space necessitates exploring its antecedents to ensure quality higher education is imparted by the institution. The purpose of this research endeavor is to explore the impact of Academic Leadership on Institutional Effectiveness with a mediating role of Campus Culture and Faculty Involvement in Decision Making. The study employed a cross-sectional research design and implemented a purposive sampling technique to collet primary data from 80 permanent faculties and 249 students of private engineering colleges located in the Karnataka state of India. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling. Hypothesis shows academic leadership and campus culture has high influence on institutional effectiveness. Faculty in decision making and campus culture partially mediates between academic leadership and institutional effectiveness. The results of FIMIX-PLS and PLS-MGA analysis shows the similarity in the results of total effect and path relationships. This paper provides theoretical foundations and empirical findings on conceptualizing the antecedents of institutional effectiveness. The outcomes of this research serve as significant input to policy makers and higher education institutions to facilitate enhancement of institutional effectiveness

    Exploring the sustainable effect of mediational role of brand commitment and brand trust on brand loyalty: an empirical study

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    The study focus on the role of self-expressive branding, brand love, brand trust and brand commitment on brand loyalty. It also identifies the strength of mediating effect of variable brand commitment between brand love and brand trust. Also measures the strength of mediating effect of variable brand commitment between brand trust and brand loyalty. The data is gathered by using a structured questionnaire and a sample size of 101 respondents in a cross-sectional study. Statistical analysis has been done through SMART PLS 3.0 software. In the analysis part, PLS algorithms, bootstrapping, blindfolding, Importance performance matrix, FIMIX, Multi-Group analysis have been undertaken. A reflective model has been developed. The path coefficient value and empirical t-values of all direct relationships of variables above 0.2 and 1.96 respectively and substantiate the hypothesis. The results have shown that brand commitment is partially mediates the association between brand love and brand trust and also between brand trust and brand loyalty. The four-segment solution’s FIMIX-PLS path coefficient shows that brand love and brand trust are more relevant in segment 3, followed by segment 2, segment 1 and segment 4, respectively. Companies should focus on improving their brand trust displayed by consumers followed by brand commitment which strengthens brand loyalty in the automobile sector. This industry could consider implementing this creating trustworthiness about the brand, by developing strong psychological connectedness between the customer and brand by the retail outlet by offering the best quality product, and by incorporating strategies to reduce cognitive dissonance among the buyers

    Business intelligence appraisal based on customer behaviour profile by using hobby based opinion mining in India: a case study

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    This research study contributes towards understanding the customer’s behaviour dynamics. In business analysis, it is very important not to ignore the fact that the interaction between human beings implicitly includes an emotional dimension. The research methodology includes the following: (1) customer purchase pattern prediction methods based on correlation; (2) augmentation of data set by using genetic algorithms; and (3) multiple regression models. The analysis indicates how the hobby of a customer is directly related to the purchase patterns and satisfaction level. We applied business intelligence (BI) techniques and concluded that, by using multiple regression method is possible to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction up to the upper limit of security of about 90%. BI tools could be used to employ significant achievements in specific fields based on open innovations. This paper aims at providing further practical guidance in this innovative research field by using a mix of interdisciplinary methods and techniques

    Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in South Asian countries using interpretive structural modeling

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    AbstractPromoting women’s economic participation and empowerment is essential for sustainable development in South Asian Countries. Studies have established that women entrepreneurs in South Asia face a noteworthy challenge with many lacking formal education, lack of entrepreneurship education, capital, skilled and trained manpower, management skills, networking, infrastructural support, fear of failure, gender discrimination, and loaded with family responsibilities. This research aims to evaluate the contextual relationships among identified key challenges and develop a hierarchical framework of key challenges for addressing barriers to promote women entrepreneurship in South Asian Countries. The primary study was conducted using Interpretive Structural Modelling on 31 women entrepreneurs from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The study proposed that multi-dimensional efforts are needed to ensure that women have equal access to economic opportunities and can fully participate in and contribute to the region’s economic development

    An Empirical Investigation into Alarming Signals Ignored by the U.S. Multi-Brand Retailer J. Crew Incorporation during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study investigated the financial signals that have been ignored or have failed to be controlled by J. Crew Inc. from 2013 until 2019. Exploratory research is carried out with the help of secondary data which was collected from the downloaded formal documents submitted by J. Crew Inc. to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). Researchers analyzed these documents and prepared statements on vertical income statement, vertical balance sheet, horizontal income statement, horizontal balance sheet, trend analysis of income statement, and trend analysis of balance sheet, as well as ratio analysis on liquidity, long-term solvency, profitability, and turnover ratios with the help of excel. This paper has identified total of 15 alarming signs that companies either ignored, could not control, or did not act with alertness towards to stop the business being taken out of hands. In this research paper, the establishment of J. Crew Inc. was presented in four sections: Crew Retail Stores, Crew Factory Stores, Crew Mercantile Stores, and Crew Madewell Stores. The results of this study show that it was not the COVID-19 pandemic that pushed this retail giant into bankruptcy, but numerous reasons and financial turbulences. J. Crew’s financial performance gave plenty of alarming signals that the showed the company was not on track, but these were ignored by the company. Right from net profit, operating expenses, total revenue, goodwill, return on assets, liquidity, and solvency, all 15 indicators were not meeting the industry ideal standard for a continuous period of 5 years. Whether or not the organization can rebuild and contend in a post-pandemic world, is not yet clear