7 research outputs found

    Enabling Logic Computation Between Ta/CoFeB/MgO Nanomagnets

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    Dipolar coupled magnets proved to have the potential to be capable of successfully performing digital computation in a highly parallel way. For that, nanomagnet-based computation requires precise control of the domain wall nucleation from a well-localized region of the magnet. Co/Pt and Co/Ni multilayer stacks were successfully used to demonstrate a variety of computing devices. However, Ta/CoFeB/MgO appears more promising, thanks to the lower switching field required to achieve a full magnetization reversal, reduced thickness (less than 10 nm), and its compatibility with magnetic tunnel junctions. In this work, the switch of the information is achieved through the application of a magnetic field, which allows to scale more the nanomagnets with respect to current-driven magnetization reversal-based devices and to go toward 3-D structures. We experimentally demonstrate that Ga ions can be used to tune the energy landscape of the structured magnets to provide signal directionality and achieve a distinct logic computation. We prove that it is possible to define the artificial nucleation center (ANC) in different structures with two irradiation steps and that this approach can enable logic computation in ultrathin films by dipolar interaction. Moreover, different from previous studies, the results coming from the irradiation analysis are then used for real logic devices. We present the experimental demonstration of a set of fully working planar inverters, showing that it is possible to reach a coupling field between the input and the output, which is strong enough to reliably implement logic operations. Micromagnetic simulations are used to study the nucleation center's effectiveness with respect to its position in the magnet and to support the experiments. Our results open the path to the development of more efficient nanomagnet-based logic circuits

    Experimental Demonstration of a Rowland Spectrometer for Spin Waves

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    We experimentally demonstrate the operation of a spin-wave Rowland spectrometer. In the proposed device geometry, spin waves are coherently excited on a diffraction grating and form an interference pattern that spatially separates spectral components of the incoming signal. The diffraction grating was created by focused-ion-beam irradiation, which was found to locally eliminate the ferrimagnetic properties of YIG, without removing the material. We found that in our experiments spin waves were created by an indirect mechanism, by exploiting nonlinear resonance between the grating and the coplanar waveguide. Our work paves the way for complex spin-wave optic devices -- chips that replicate the functionality of integrated optical devices on a chip-scale.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, presented at Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) 202

    Controlling Domain-Wall Nucleation in Ta/CoFeB/MgO Nanomagnets via Local Ga+ Ion Irradiation

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    Comprehensive control of the domain wall nucleation process is crucial for spin-based emerging technologies ranging from random-access and storage-class memories over domain-wall logic concepts to nanomagnetic logic. In this work, focused Ga+ ion-irradiation is investigated as an effective means to control domain-wall nucleation in Ta/CoFeB/MgO nanostructures. We show that analogously to He+ irradiation, it is not only possible to reduce the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy but also to increase it significantly, enabling new, bidirectional manipulation schemes. First, the irradiation effects are assessed on film level, sketching an overview of the dose-dependent changes in the magnetic energy landscape. Subsequent time-domain nucleation characteristics of irradiated nanostructures reveal substantial increases in the anisotropy fields but surprisingly small effects on the measured energy barriers, indicating shrinking nucleation volumes. Spatial control of the domain wall nucleation point is achieved by employing focused irradiation of pre-irradiated magnets, with the diameter of the introduced circular defect controlling the coercivity. Special attention is given to the nucleation mechanisms, changing from a Stoner-Wohlfarth particle's coherent rotation to depinning from an anisotropy gradient. Dynamic micromagnetic simulations and related measurements are used in addition to model and analyze this depinning-dominated magnetization reversal

    Speeding up nanomagnetic logic by DMI enhanced Pt/Co/Ir films

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    We investigated a new type of multilayer film for Nanomagnetic Logic with perpendicular anisotropy (pNML) enhanced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). The DMI effect provides an additional energy term and widens the design space for pNML film optimization. In this work we added an Ir layer between Co and Pt to our standard pNML multilayer (ML) film stack - [Co/Pt]x4. Multilayer stacks of films with and w/o Ir were sputtered and patterned to nanowires of 400 nm width by means of focused ion beam lithography (FIB). For comparability of the films they were tuned to show identical anisotropy for multilayer stacks with and w/o Ir. The field-driven domain wall (DW) velocity in the nanowires was measured by using wide-field MOKE microscopy. We found a strong impact of Ir on the DW velocity being up to 2 times higher compared to the standard [Co/Pt]x4 ML films. Moreover, the maximum velocity is reached at much lower magnetic field, which is beneficial for pNML operation. These results pave the way for pNML with higher clocking rates and at the same time allow a further reduce power consumption

    Skyrmion velocities in FIB irradiated W/CoFeB/MgO thin films

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    In recent years magnetic skyrmions attracted great attention for the possibility to move them with low current density, their intrinsic stability and their robustness against defects and edge roughness compared to other magnetic textures. For applications, it is very important to be able to influence the behaviour of skyrmions locally. In this article, we present an evaluation on the effects of FIB Ga+ irradiation on skyrmion motion in W/CoFeB/MgO thin films. The influence of FIB irradiation is evaluated both, in terms of modification of the skyrmion Hall angle and the skyrmion velocity. An overview of the effects of the pulsing parameters on the skyrmion motion, shows low influence of the pulses rise-time and an external magnetic field. In addition the analysis after the irradiation shows that it influences notably the dynamics of skyrmions. In the irradiated zone the speed and angle of motion of these magnetic textures are strongly reduced. I. INTRODUCTIO

    Skyrmions Under Control - FIB Irradiation as a Versatile Tool for Skyrmion Circuits

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    Magnetic data storage and processing offer certain advances over conventional technologies, amongst which non-volatility and low power operation are the most outstanding ones. Skyrmions are a promising candidate as a magnetic data carrier. However, the sputtering of skyrmion films and the control of the skyrmion nucleation, motion, and annihilation remains challenging. This article demonstrates that using optimized focused ion beam irradiation and annealing protocols enable to easily access the skyrmion phase in W/CoFeB/MgO thin-films. By analyzing ion beam engineered skyrmion hosting wires, excited by sub-100ns current pulses, possibilities to control skyrmion nucleation, guide their motion and control their annihilation are unfold. Overall, the key elements needed to develop extensive skyrmion networks are presented in this work. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved