1 research outputs found

    Dismissal and inhabilitation of popularly elected officials. The Petro Case in disciplinary administrative law

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    El art铆culo explora el debate jur铆dico sobre la destituci贸n de funcionarios designados tras una elecci贸n mediante voto popular e inhabilitados para ejercer cargos como funcionarios p煤blicos por un lapso que en ocasiones conduce a la muerte pol铆tica, cuando se trata de una sanci贸n proferida por la entidad del estado la Procuradur铆a General de la Naci贸n. Este tipo la sanci贸n administrativa-disciplinaria fue cada vez m谩s frecuente desde la expedici贸n de este C贸digo Disciplinario 脷nico (Ley 734 de 2002) y lleg贸 al punto m谩s 谩lgido bajo el mandato del procurador Alejandro Ord贸帽ez, con la destituci贸n e inhabilitaci贸n del entonces Alcalde Mayor de Bogot谩, Gustavo Petro. Desde ese momento, el sancionado acudi贸 a la justicia internacional, quien protegi贸 al funcionario e inst贸 a las autoridades de Colombia a ajustar sus normas de derecho administrativo disciplinario a la Convenci贸n Americana de Derechos Humanos, ratificada por Colombia e integrada al ordenamiento jur铆dico interno en la Carta de 1991. El art铆culo explora la tensi贸n entre esas diferentes normatividades y las interpretaciones de los distintos actores jur铆dicos nacionales e internacionales.Universidad Libre - Derecho - Especializaci贸n en derecho administrativoThe paper explores the legal debate on the dismissal of officials elected by popular vote and disqualified from holding public office for a lapse of time that sometimes leads to political death, by the Inspector General's Office. This type of administrative-disciplinary sanction has been more and more frequent since the issuance of the Single Disciplinary Code (Law 734 of 2002) and reached its peak under the mandate of Inspector General Alejandro Ord贸帽ez, who dismissed the then Major of Bogot谩, Gustavo Petro, and banned him for public office for 15 years. Petro appealed to the Inter-American Human Rights System (Commission and Court), who protected him and urged the Colombian authorities to adjust their rules of administrative-disciplinary law to the American Convention on Human Rights, ratified by the Congress of Colombia and integrated the constitutional law in the 1991 Charter. The article explores the tension between these different regulations and the interpretations of the different national and international legal actors