8 research outputs found

    A study on maternal factors affecting low birth weight in institutional deliveries

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    Background: Low birth weight is defined as birth weight below 2500 mg. WHO states prevalence of LBW is 26%. LBW babies are more prone for neonatal morbidity and mortality. 1) To assess various factors like maternal age, height, education, socioeconomic status on the birth weight of the baby. 2) To assess obstetric factors like parity, gestational age, antenatal care, anemia, hypertension on the birth weight of the newborn.Methods: A hospital bound cross sectional study done at the tertiary care centre. Study was done for a period of 2 months from 1st June to 30th July 2019 in Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Hospital a rural medical college in Karnataka. Maternal data were collected and baby weight was recorded soon after birth on weighing scale.Results: There were 65 births during the study period. There were 13 babies weighing less than 2500 gm. Prevalence of LBW was 20%. 43.47% mothers were aged between 18 to 25 years and 7.14% were more than 25 years. 30.4% mother’s height was between 140 to 150 cm and 14.2% were more than 150 cm. Regarding maternal education, 15.3% degree, 24.1% PUC, 15% High school and 33.3% were primary school level. Regarding socioeconomic status 22.2% low, 25% lower middle, 18.7% middle class, 18.7% belonged to upper middle class. Regarding gestational age 50% were <37 weeks, 15.5% between 37-42 weeks, 10% were 42 weeks.73.8% women had normal BP, 21.5% were prehypertensive, 4.6% had PIH.Conclusions: Low birth weight is one of the important factors in infant morbidity and mortality. Maternal health was important factor in delivery of low birth babies. Maternal height, sex of baby, mode of delivery has no role in low birth weight babies

    Urinary System anomalies at birth

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    Background: Congenital anomalies of urinary system are common and are found in 3-4% of population, and lethal urinary anomalies account for 10% of termination of pregnancy.Methods: A study was done to know the incidence of congenital anomalies at birth for the period of 4 months from May 99 - Sept 99 at Cheluvamba hospital attached to Mysore medical college. Congenital anomalies in the still births, live births and aborted fetuses >20 weeks were studied along with the case history and ultrasound reports. Aborted fetuses and still born babies were collected for autopsy after the consent of parents. These babies were fixed in 10% formalin and autopsy was done after fixing, and anomalies were noted.Results: Total births during study period were 3000. There were 61 babies with congenital anomalies and 6 babies had anomalies of urinary system. Among the urinary system anomalies 1 baby had bilateral renal agenesis, 1 baby had unilateral renal agenesis with anophthalmia (Fraser syndrome), 2 babies had Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease (MCDK) and 1 live baby had hydronephrosis due to obstruction at pelvi ureteric junction, and 1 live female baby had polycystic kidneys.Conclusion: Incidence of urinary system anomalies in the present study was 2 per 1000 births. U/S detection of urinary anomalies varies with period of gestation, amniotic fluid volume and visualisation of urinary bladder. Autopsy helps to detect renal agenesis.

    Morphological variations of the thyroid gland

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    Background:The knowledge of various morphological & developmental anomalies of thyroid gland will help the surgeons in better planning of safe & effective surgery. Considering these facts we studied the variations of thyroid gland.Methods:The material for the present study was collected from the department of forensic medicine, MMC & RI, Mysore, which includes 56 male and 33 female adult postmortem cadavers aged between 18 to 80 years. A dissection was carried out to expose thyroid glands & variations were observed in the morphology of thyroid gland.Results: 1) 9% of specimens had agenesis of isthmus. 2) 46% of specimens had pyramidal lobe. 3) 41% of specimens had levator glanduli thyroidae. 4) 2.24 % of specimens had accessory thyroid tissue.Conclusion:This study highlights the various morphological anomalies of the thyroid gland which forms cornerstone to safe & effective surgery

    Comparative study of pharmacological and combined pharmaco-mechanical method of induction of labour: a randomised study

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    Background: Comparative study of Pharmacological and Pharmaco- Mechanical method of induction of labour- A Randomised study. The objective of the study was to compare efficacy of pharmacological and combined pharmaco-mechanical method of induction of labour.Methods: A study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and gynaecology, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre for a period of 18 months. 200 pregnant women requiring induction of labour were included in the study.  In group 1 Dinoprostone 0.5 mg gel was inserted into cervical canal. In group 2 Foley’s catheter No 18 F was inserted within the cervix. The balloon of the catheter was filled with 30 ml normal saline and at the same time Dinoprostone 0.5 mg gel was inserted into posterior vaginal fornix. The Excel and SPSS (SPSS Inc, Chicago V 18.5) software packages were used for data entry and analysis. The results were averaged (mean ± Std Deviation) for each parameter for continuous data in tables.Results: Mean induction to active phase interval in group 1 was 8.43±4.11 hrs, in group 26.82±3.01 hrs (p =0.001). The rate of vaginal delivery in group 1 and group 2 was 55% and 66% respectively, difference was statistically significant (p=0.026).Conclusions: Synchronous use of intracervical Foley’s catheter and Dinoprostone 0.5 mg resulted in a shorter time for progress to active phase and also shortened induction to delivery interval as compared to Dinoprostone 0.5 mg alone. Higher risk of caesarean delivery was associated with single method as compared to combined methods.

    Obstetric outcome in primigravida with unengaged versus engaged fetal head at term

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    Background: Labour although a physiological process can present challenges to clinician and patient. Primigravida and nulliparae are obstetric high-risk group, especially the very young and the elderly, where pregnancy and labour must be supervised. The study was done to compare the maternal and fetal outcome in primigravida with unengaged and engaged head at term.Methods: A prospective study was done for a period of 18 months from June 2018 to December 2019 in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center. 100 women with unengaged head at term (group A) and 100 women with engaged head at term (group B) as controls were selected.  All the relevant data was filled in the partogram. Following observations were made, station of fetal head at the onset of labour, course of labour, duration of labour, any medical or surgical interventions or caesarean delivery. Data was analysed by SPSS 20.0 software and p value&lt;0.05 was taken as statistically significant.Results: in group A 49% and 63% in group B had vaginal delivery. 17% of group A and 14% of group B had instrumental vaginal delivery. Caesarean delivery was 34% in group A and 23% in group B. The mean total duration of labour was 13.53 hours in group A and 9.73 hours in group B. P value was 0.000.Conclusions: Duration of labour was more in group A than group B.  Proper supervision and timely intervention in cases with an unengaged head can have vaginal delivery

    Congenital malformations in multiple births

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    Objective: The present study was done to know and compare the incidence of congenital malformations in singleton and multiple births in our hospital & compare with other studies.Methods: A retrospective study done by collecting the data from parturition register from Jan 2008 to Dec 2011 (4yrs) from Cheluvamba Hospital attached to Mysore Medical College and Research Institute. Total number of the live births, still births, and abortions> 20 wks were collected. Details of multiple births such as maternal age, gestational age, sex & birth weight of the babies, U/S reports and congenital anomalies (CA) were noted.Results: The total number of singleton births were 48700 and number of babies who had congenital malformations were 235 (48.25/10,000 births).Total number of multiple births were 579 including 10 triplets and number of babies who had CA were 11 (189.98/10,000 births, P<0.0001). In the present study sex of the babies were noted in all multiple births and zygosity could not be recorded. Among 579 multiple births 404 were of the Same Sex (SS) and 165 were of Opposite Sex (OS) in twins and 6 were of the same sex and 4 were of opposite sex in triplets. According to Weinberg formula 50% of same sex (SS) twins are monozygotic and 50% are dizygotic twins. Among the 11 babies with CA, 4 monozygotic twins had anomalies related to twinning such as Acardia with TRAP sequence (3 twins), and Thoracophagus (1 twin).5 babies had CNS anomalies, 1 with cystic hygroma, 1 baby with multiple system affected.Conclusion: The incidence of birth defects is more in multiple births and especially in monozygotic twins. In the present days increase in twinning rate due to advanced maternal age, hereditary factors and use of ovulation inducing drugs, which results in premature and low birth wt babies associated with poor lung maturity

    Maternal and fetal outcome in oligohydramnios after 34 weeks of gestation

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    Background: Oligohydramnios is one of the major causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is a clinical condition characterized by Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) ≤5 cm by sonographic assessment. The aim of present study is to know the maternal and fetal outcome in oligohydramnios after 34 weeks of gestation compared with women who had normal volume of amniotic fluid.Methods: Study was done for the period of 21 months from November 2014-July 2016 at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Hospital and Research Centre Bellur. 50 antenatal cases with > 34 weeks of gestation with AFI ≤5 cm by ultrasonographic estimation were included as study group and 50 women with normal AFI were included as control group. Maternal and fetal outcome of the women with oligohydramnios were analyzed and compared with control group.Results: Results were analyzed statistically using parameters like mean, SD, Chi Sq test, P value. Amniotic fluid was clear in 32% in study and 78% in control group, thin meconium stained in 30% in study group and 14%in control group and was thick meconium stained in 38% in study group and 8% in control group (Chi square =22.31, p<0.0001). Induction of labour was done in 54% in study group and 20% in control group. Cesarean delivery was done in 58% in study group women and 28% in control group women. Regarding the birth weight of babies 62% were < 2.5 kg in study group and 18% in control group with p<0.001. 10% of babies in study group required NICU admission and perinatal mortality was 2%.Conclusions: Due to increased perinatal morbidity and mortality and increased rate of LSCS, timely decision during labour is important to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Diagnosis of Acrania Before 11 Weeks

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