689 research outputs found

    Dynamics of spin 1/2 quantum plasmas

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    The fully nonlinear governing equations for spin 1/2 quantum plasmas are presented. Starting from the Pauli equation, the relevant plasma equations are derived, and it is shown that nontrivial quantum spin couplings arise, enabling studies of the combined collective and spin dynamics. The linear response of the quantum plasma in an electron--ion system is obtained and analyzed. Applications of the theory to solid state and astrophysical systems as well as dusty plasmas are pointed out.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Fractional analytic index

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    For a finite rank projective bundle over a compact manifold, so associated to a torsion, Dixmier-Douady, 3-class, w, on the manifold, we define the ring of differential operators `acting on sections of the projective bundle' in a formal sense. In particular, any oriented even-dimensional manifold carries a projective spin Dirac operator in this sense. More generally the corresponding space of pseudodifferential operators is defined, with supports sufficiently close to the diagonal, i.e. the identity relation. For such elliptic operators we define the numerical index in an essentially analytic way, as the trace of the commutator of the operator and a parametrix and show that this is homotopy invariant. Using the heat kernel method for the twisted, projective spin Dirac operator, we show that this index is given by the usual formula, now in terms of the twisted Chern character of the symbol, which in this case defines an element of K-theory twisted by w; hence the index is a rational number but in general it is not an integer.Comment: 23 pages, Latex2e, final version, to appear in JD

    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions

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    Relativistic quantum plasma dispersion functions are defined and the longitudinal and transverse response functions for an electron (plus positron) gas are written in terms of them. The dispersion is separated into Landau-damping, pair-creation and dissipationless regimes. Explicit forms are given for the RQPDFs in the cases of a completely degenerate distribution and a nondegenerate thermal (J\"uttner) distribution. Particular emphasis is placed on the relation between dissipation and dispersion, with the dissipation treated in terms of the imaginary parts of RQPDFs. Comparing the dissipation calculated in this way with the existing treatments leads to the identification of errors in the literature, which we correct. We also comment on a controversy as to whether the dispersion curves in a superdense plasma pass through the region where pair creation is allowed.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Elliptic operators on manifolds with singularities and K-homology

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    It is well known that elliptic operators on a smooth compact manifold are classified by K-homology. We prove that a similar classification is also valid for manifolds with simplest singularities: isolated conical points and fibered boundary. The main ingredients of the proof of these results are: an analog of the Atiyah-Singer difference construction in the noncommutative case and an analog of Poincare isomorphism in K-theory for our singular manifolds. As applications we give a formula in topological terms for the obstruction to Fredholm problems on manifolds with singularities and a formula for K-groups of algebras of pseudodifferential operators.Comment: revised version; 25 pages; section with applications expande

    Changes in Polarization Position Angle across the Eclipse in the Double Pulsar System

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    We investigate the changes in polarization position angle in radiation from pulsar A around the eclipse in the Double Pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B at the 20 cm and 50 cm wavelengths using the Parkes 64-m telescope. The changes are ~2\sigma\ during and shortly after the eclipse at 20 cm but less significant at 50 cm. We show that the changes in position angle during the eclipse can be modelled by differential synchrotron absorption in the eclipse regions. Position angle changes after the eclipse are interpreted as Faraday rotation in the magnetotail of pulsar B. Implied charge densities are consistent with the Goldreich-Julian density, suggesting that the particle energies in the magnetotail are mildly relativistic.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter
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