19 research outputs found

    Single-molecule force stability of the SARS-CoV-2–ACE2 interface in variants-of-concern

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    Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 have shown effective evasion of population immunity and increased affinity to the cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). However, in the dynamic environment of the respiratory tract, forces act on the binding partners, which raises the question of whether not only affinity but also force stability of the SARS-CoV-2–ACE2 interaction might be a selection factor for mutations. Using magnetic tweezers, we investigate the impact of amino acid substitutions in variants of concern (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta) and on force-stability and bond kinetic of the receptor-binding domain–ACE2 interface at a single-molecule resolution. We find a higher affinity for all of the variants of concern (>fivefold) compared with the wild type. In contrast, Alpha is the only variant of concern that shows higher force stability (by 17%) compared with the wild type. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we rationalize the mechanistic molecular origins of this increase in force stability. Our study emphasizes the diversity of contributions to the transmissibility of variants and establishes force stability as one of the several factors for fitness. Understanding fitness advantages opens the possibility for the prediction of probable mutations, allowing a rapid adjustment of therapeutics, vaccines and intervention measures

    A tethered ligand assay to probe SARS-CoV-2:ACE2 interactions

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections are initiated by attachment of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral Spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) on human host cells. This critical first step occurs in dynamic environments, where external forces act on the binding partners and avidity effects play an important role, creating an urgent need for assays that can quantitate SARS-CoV-2 interactions with ACE2 under mechanical load. Here, we introduce a tethered ligand assay that comprises the RBD and the ACE2 ectodomain joined by a flexible peptide linker. Using magnetic tweezers and atomic force spectroscopy as highly complementary single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques, we investigate the RBD:ACE2 interaction over the whole physiologically relevant force range. We combine the experimental results with steered molecular dynamics simulations and observe and assign fully consistent unbinding and unfolding events across the three techniques, enabling us to establish ACE2 unfolding as a molecular fingerprint. Measuring at forces of 2 to 5 pN, we quantify the force dependence and kinetics of the RBD:ACE2 bond in equilibrium. We show that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD:ACE2 interaction has higher mechanical stability, larger binding free energy, and a lower dissociation rate compared to SARS-CoV-1, which helps to rationalize the different infection patterns of the two viruses. By studying how free ACE2 outcompetes tethered ACE2, we show that our assay is sensitive to prevention of bond formation by external binders. We expect our results to provide a way to investigate the roles of viral mutations and blocking agents for targeted pharmaceutical intervention

    A Tethered Ligand Assay to Probe SARS-CoV-2:ACE2 Interactions

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    SARS-CoV-2 infections are initiated by attachment of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral Spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) on human host cells. This critical first step occurs in dynamic environments, where external forces act on the binding partners and multivalent interactions play critical roles, creating an urgent need for assays that can quantitate SARS-CoV-2 interactions with ACE2 under mechanical load and in defined geometries. Here, we introduce a tethered ligand assay that comprises the RBD and the ACE2 ectodomain joined by a flexible peptide linker. Using magnetic tweezers and atomic force spectroscopy as highly complementary single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques, we investigate the RBD:ACE2 interaction over the whole physiologically relevant force range. We combine the experimental results with steered molecular dynamics simulations and observe and assign fully consistent unbinding and unfolding events across the three techniques, enabling us to establish ACE2 unfolding as a molecular fingerprint. Measuring at forces of 2-5 pN, we quantify the force dependence and kinetics of the RBD:ACE2 bond in equilibrium. We show that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD:ACE2 interaction has higher mechanical stability, larger binding free energy, and a lower dissociation rate in comparison to SARS-CoV-1, which helps to rationalize the different infection patterns of the two viruses. By studying how free ACE2 outcompetes tethered ACE2, we show that our assay is sensitive to prevention of bond formation by external binders. We expect our results to provide a novel way to investigate the roles of mutations and blocking agents for targeted pharmaceutical intervention.N

    A tethered ligand assay to probe SARS-CoV-2:ACE2 interactions

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections are initiated by attachment of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral Spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) on human host cells. This critical first step occurs in dynamic environments, where external forces act on the binding partners and avidity effects play an important role, creating an urgent need for assays that can quantitate SARS-CoV-2 interactions with ACE2 under mechanical load. Here, we introduce a tethered ligand assay that comprises the RBD and the ACE2 ectodomain joined by a flexible peptide linker. Using magnetic tweezers and atomic force spectroscopy as highly complementary single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques, we investigate the RBD:ACE2 interaction over the whole physiologically relevant force range. We combine the experimental results with steered molecular dynamics simulations and observe and assign fully consistent unbinding and unfolding events across the three techniques, enabling us to establish ACE2 unfolding as a molecular fingerprint. Measuring at forces of 2 to 5 pN, we quantify the force dependence and kinetics of the RBD:ACE2 bond in equilibrium. We show that the SARS-CoV-2 RBD:ACE2 interaction has higher mechanical stability, larger binding free energy, and a lower dissociation rate compared to SARS-CoV-1, which helps to rationalize the different infection patterns of the two viruses. By studying how free ACE2 outcompetes tethered ACE2, we show that our assay is sensitive to prevention of bond formation by external binders. We expect our results to provide a way to investigate the roles of viral mutations and blocking agents for targeted pharmaceutical intervention.This study was supported by German Research Foundation Projects 386143268 and 111166240, a Human Frontier Science ProgramCross Disciplinary Fellowship (LT000395/2020C) and European Molecular Biology Organization Non-Stipendiary long-term fellowship (ALTF 1047-2019) to L.F.M., and the Physics Department of LMU Munich. R.C.B. and P.S.F.C.G. are supported by start-up funds provided by Auburn University, and D.L. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Spanish State Research Agency Retos Grant RTI2018- 099318-B-I00, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund.Peer reviewe

    Distribuição e potencial erosivo das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os valores de erosividade e gerar os mapas da distribuição espaço-temporal das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins. Analisaram-se séries históricas pluviométricas de 97 postos pluviométricos, compreendendo o período de 1985 a 2009. A erosividade foi estimada por meio de equações nas quais a variável independente foi a precipitação média mensal ou o coeficiente de chuva de Fournier (Rc). A geoestatística foi aplicada para o mapeamento da erosividade tanto na escala mensal quanto na anual. A erosividade anual apresentou valores entre 6.599 e 14.000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, com auge em dezembro, quando atingiu valores de até 2.800 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. De maio a setembro, a erosividade apresentou valores inferiores ao crítico, tido como 500 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. Foram identificadas três regiões prioritárias para ações de planejamento visando a conservação do solo e da água: região centro-oeste do Estado, nas imediações do Parque Estadual do Cantão, com maior erosividade anual; região norte do Estado, especialmente no primeiro trimestre; e região sudeste do Estado, no quarto trimestre

    Atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos endotoxêmicos

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da endotoxemia sobre a atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos da linhagem Wistar. Foram utilizados 24 ratos machos, com idade entre 90 e 120 dias, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos: controle e endotoxêmico. O grupo endotoxêmico foi submetido à injeção intraperitonial de lipopolissacarídio na dose de 1mg/kg de peso corporal. Após 24 h, coletou-se sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos; lavado broncoalveolar para contagem total e diferencial dos leucócitos e, a partir de macrófagos isolados deste lavado, foram realizadas as dosagens de superóxido e superóxido dismutase. A endotoxemia aumentou a contagem total de leucócitos e o número de neutrófilos no sangue periférico, no lavado broncoalveolar, e aumentou a produção de superóxido sem modificar a produção da superóxido dismutase. Esses resultados sugerem que a endotoxemia induz a uma resposta inflamatória no pulmão. Contudo, não altera a atividade antioxidante em ratos adultos. Tal fato potencializa a resposta contra agentes infecciosos pelo hospedeiro, mas também pode contribuir na patogênese de injúria pulmonar.The effects of endotoxemia on the antioxidant activity in alveolar macrophages of Wistar rats were evaluated. Twenty-four male rats, 90-120 days of age, were separated into 2 groups: control and endotoxemic. To the endotoxemic animals was administered, intraperitoneally, a lipopolyssaccaride at dosage of 1mg/kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after this procedure, blood was collected for total and differential leukocytes counts. In addition, bronchoalveolar lavage was collected for total and differential leukocyte counting. From this lavage macrophages were isolated for the dosage of superoxide and superoxide dismutase. The endotoxemia increased the total leukocyte counts and the number of neutrophils in the peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage of the rats. There was an increased superoxide production without changing the superoxide dismutase. Our findings indicate that endotoxemia induces lung inflammatory response. However, it does not alter the antioxidant activity in adult rats. This fact not only enhances host response against infectious agents, but might also contribute to the pathogenesis of pulmonary injury

    Análise financeira e de sensibilidade de sistemas de produção de leite em pastagem Financial and sensitivity analysis of milk production systems under pasture

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    Realizou-se neste estudo uma análise econômica de sistemas de produção para vacas em lactação manejadas em pastagem de capim-mombaça recebendo diferentes fontes de suplementação volumosa durante a época seca do ano. As suplementações fornecidas foram: pastagem de aveia-preta, cana-forrageira com ureia e silagem de sorgo. Utilizaram-se como indicadores econômicos o valor presente líquido (VPL) e a taxa interna de retorno (TIR). Para cada sistema de produção estudado, foi construído um fluxo de caixa, com sua particularidade e índices de desempenhos produtivo e reprodutivo, obtidos experimentalmente. Os fluxos de caixa foram construídos mensalmente para um período de 12 anos e os VPL dos sistemas foram calculados aplicando-se taxas de desconto de 6, 8, 10 e 12% ao ano. Com uma taxa anual de desconto de 8%, todos os sistemas de produção foram viáveis financeiramente. O capital investido apresentou TIR anuais de 11,91% para pastagem de aveia-preta, 9,43% para cana-forrageira e ureia e 8,46% para silagem de sorgo. O item de maior impacto nos resultados econômicos dos sistemas, de acordo com a análise de sensibilidade, foi o preço de venda do leite produzido.<br>An economical analysis of milk production systems was made with lactating cows on Mombaça grass pasture receiving different sources of roughage supplementation during the dry season. The supplementations were: black oat pasture, forage sugarcane with urea and sorghum silage. The economical indicators used were: net present value (NPV) and internal rates of return (IRR). For each production system studied one cash flow was used with their particularities and productive and reproductive performances index, obtained experimentally. The cash flows were built monthly, for a 12 years period and the NPV of the systems were calculated applying discount rates of 6, 8, 10 and 12% a year. At an annual discount rate of 8% all the production systems were financially viable. The invested capital showed annual IRR of 11.91% for black oat pasture, 9.43% for forage sugarcane and 8.46% for sorghum silage. The sensitivity analysis showed that the milk selling price had greatest economic impact on the profitability of the systems