9 research outputs found
Waste Generation and Composition in Karawang Regency
Sources of waste in Karawang Regency come from various activities of residents who are concentrated in locations such as residential, commercial, social facilities and public facilities. Each source of waste has characteristics for the generation, composition and characteristics of the resulting waste. In general, the source of waste is divided into household (domestic) and non-household (non-domestic). It is known that the generation of waste for the domestic sector of households is 2.93 L/person/day or 0.42 Kg/person/ day. But when viewed from the economic level, high income housing has the highest generation of 3.27 L/person/day. This is because differences in economic level and lifestyle affect the consumption level of the residents of the House. The higher the level of community life, the greater the waste generation. Based on the calculation results, it is known that the value of waste generation of each facility is different. This is because each facility has different activities. Shops have the highest generation of 3.78 L/person/day, followed by markets and roads as much as 1.55 L/m2/day and 1.12 L/ m2/day. This indicates that the activity of the store produces more waste than the market and the street. When reviewing the waste generation of Karawang Regency, the generation is greater than the domestic sector alone. The result of one area of Karawang Regency showed the waste generation is 0.56 Kg/person/day or 4.06 L/person/day
Pengaruh Penambahan Zeolit Alam Termodifikasi sebagai Media Imobilisasi Bakteri terhadap Dekompisisi Material Organik secara Anaerob
This study aims to determine the effect of modified natural zeolite as microbial immobilization medium for anaerobic decomposition of organic materials. The modification was Fe2+ impregnation into the ring-shaped zeolite. Three different concentrations of Fe2+ solution were used to impregnate the zeolite, i.e. 10 mg/L, 100 mg/L and 2000 mg/L. The wet impregnation process was conducted. Four variations of Fe2+ concentration deposited into zeolite were prepared, i.e. 0 mgFe2+/gZeo (as control), 0.0016 mgFe2+/gZeo, 0.0156 mgFe2+/gZeo and 0.3125 mgFe2+/gZeo. The modified zeolite was added to the batch anaerobic reactor, which filled with the volume ratio of liquid substrate and zeolite of 1:1 for all variations of media. Distillery spent wash was used as the substrate in this study. The soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (sCOD) value of the substrate was homogenized at 10000 mg/L. Effluent digester of cow manure bio digester was added as inoculum. The volume ratio of distillery spent wash to the inoculum was 2:1. The anaerobic process was conducted for 28 days.The performance of four media in the anaerobic digestion of distillation spent wash was measured in terms of sCOD, total solid (TS), and volatile solid (VS). The comparison among media was more accurately and conclusively represented by sCOD value. The visual analysis of sCOD trend during 28 days indicated that zeolite with 0.0156 mgFe/gZeo resulted in the highest sCOD removal of 66.73%. Meanwhile, zeolite with 0.3125 mgFe/gZeo increased the production of biogas by the highest percentage of 43% to be compared to control. Generally speaking, the addition of Fe2+ into zeolit led to higher removal of sCOD and produced more biogas than control.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan zeolit alam termodifikasi sebagai media imobilisasi terhadap dekomposisi material organik pada proses anaerobic digestion. Modifikasi yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara mengimpregnasi ion besi(Fe2+)ke dalam zeolit yang telah dibentuk menjadi cincin Raschig. Impregnasi yang dilakukan adalah impregnasi basah. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 3 variasi konsentrasi larutan Fe2+ yaitu 10 mg/L; 100 mg/L dan 2000 mg/L. Dari hasil impregnasi zeolit menggunakan ketiga konsentrasi tersebut diperoleh kadar Fe2+ yang terdeposit ke dalam zeolit berturut-turut: 0,0016 mgFe2+/gZeo; 0,0156 mgFe2+/gZeo; 0,3125 mgFe2+/gZeo dan 0 mgFe2+/gZeo digunakan sebagai kontrol. Zeolit termodifikasi Fe2+ kemudian ditambahkan ke dalam reaktor anaerobik yang dijalankan secara batch. Perbandingan volume media zeolit dan cairan adalah 1:1. Substrat yang digunakan berupa campuran limbah distillery spent wash dengan konsentrasi soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (sCOD) 10.000 mg/L dan keluaran dari digester aktif kotoran sapi sebagai inokulum. Perbandingan volume distillery spent wash terhadap inokulum sebesar 2:1. Proses anaerobik dijalankan selama 28 hari. Jika dibandingkan dengan data Total Solid (TS) dan Volatile Solid (VS), hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa data analisis sCOD memberikan data yang lebih akurat dan konklusif untuk mengukur perubahan material organik dalam proses peruraian anaerobik menggunakan media imobilisasi. Dari keempat variasi kadar Fe2+ yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, Fe2+ dengan kadar 0,0156 mgFe/gZeo memberikan efisiensi penurunan material organik (sCOD) tertinggi yaitu 66,73%. Sedangkan Fe2+ dengan kadar 0,3125 mgFe/gZeo mampu meningkatkan produksi biogas sebesar 43%. Namun secara keseluruhan proses peruraian anaerobik yang menggunakan zeolit termodifikasi Fe2+ menghasilkan biogas lebih banyak daripada kontrol (zeolit tanpa Fe2+)
Peningkatan Produksi Biogas dari Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) dengan Fluidisasi Media Zeolit Termodifikasi pada Sistem Batch
The production of crude palm oil (CPO) in Indonesia tends to increase over time. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is the wastewater generated from the palm oil mill process with high organic content. POME is a potential source for anaerobic digestion due to its high organic content. The challenge of POME treatment using an anaerobic process is to enhance biogas production with high soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) removal efficiency. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of selected trace elements addition onto zeolite as immobilization media to the anaerobic digestion of POME in a fluidized batch system. Natural zeolite was used as the medium to immobilize microorganisms in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR). This study used three trace elements impregnated to natural zeolites, i.e. Ni2+, Zn2+, Mg2+. The result shows that Ni2+ and Zn2+ improve the methanogenesis process, prevent the accumulation of VFA as an intermediate product and increase the methane (biogas) production. Meanwhile, Mg2+ only reduced sCOD significantly but it did not affect methane production. Fluidization enhanced the performance of the POME anaerobic digestion process. The fluidization provide a positive effect to enhance biogas production and sCOD removal. The efficiency of sCOD removal in the entire reactors were 80.82%; 81.77%; 75.89% for AFBR-Ni; AFBR-Zn and AFBR-control respectively. The total volume of methane produced by the three AFBR were 163,04; 136,42; 62,79 (in ml CH4 / g sCOD) for AFBR-Ni; AFBR-Zn and AFBR-control, respectively. A B S T R A KProduksi crude palm oil (CPO) di Indonesia cenderung meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) adalah air limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses penggilingan kelapa sawit dengan kandungan organik yang tinggi. Tantangan dalam mengolah POME menggunakan proses peruraian anaerobik adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi biogas dengan efisiensi penurunan soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan trace element terseleksi pada media imobilisasi zeolit terhadap proses peruraian anaerobik limbah POME dengan sistem batch terfluidisasi. Zeolit alam berperan sebagai media imobilisasi mikroorganisme dalam anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR). Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga trace element yang diimpregnasikan pada zeolit alam yaitu Ni2+, Zn2+, Mg2+. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ni2+ dan Zn2+ sebagai trace element dapat meningkatkan proses metanogenesis dan mencegah akumulasi VFA sebagai produk antara serta meningkatkan produksi gas metana (biogas). Mg2+ sebagai trace element menurunkan sCOD dengan cukup signifikan namun tidak diimbangi dengan banyaknya metana yang dihasilkan. Fluidisasi meningkatkan performa dari proses peruraian anaerobik POME. Proses fluidisasi memberi pengaruh positif dalam meningkatkan produksi biogas dan soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) removal. Nilai sCOD removal yaitu 80,82%; 81,77%; 75,89% berturut-turut untuk AFBR-Ni; AFBR-Zn dan AFBR-kontrol. Total volume metana yang dihasilkan oleh ketiga AFBR yaitu 163,04; 136,42; 62,79 (dalam ml CH4 / g sCOD) berturut-turut untuk AFBR-Ni; AFBR-Zn dan AFBR-kontrol
Proses Peruraian Anaerobik Palm Oil Mill Effluent dengan Media Zeolit Termodifikasi
A B S T R A C TThis work evaluated the effect of modified zeolite as microbial immobilization medium in anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill effluent (POME). The affinity of microorganisms to attach and grow on the media surface could be increased by the addition of micro-nutrient into the media. The effect of micro-nutrient addition was studied in 1000 mL Erlenmeyer flask as batch reactors. Experiments were conducted for 30 days. The concentration of soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrate was 8000 mg/L. Zeolite was impregnated with nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) at individual concentration of 2.7x10-3 mg Ni/g zeolite and 3.5x10‑3 mg Zn/g zeolite. The influence of each modified zeolite was determined by periodic measurement of sCOD, volatile fatty acid (VFA), pH, and biogas production. Cumulative biogas productions in this study were 252.44; 172.13; 57.70 ml from Ni-modified, Zn-modified and natural zeolites, respectively. The highest sCOD removal was obtained in reactor with Zn-modified zeolite with 38.22% removal, followed by 33.96% with Ni-modified zeolite, and 27.87% removal with natural zeolite.Keywords: anaerobic digestion; biogas; methane; palm oil mill effluent; zeoliteA B S T R A KPenelitian ini mengevaluasi pengaruh zeolit yang dimodifikasi sebagai media imobilisasi mikroorganisme pada proses anaerobik limbah palm oil mill effluent (POME). Afinitas mikroorganisme untuk melekat dan tumbuh di permukaan dapat meningkat dengan impregnasi mikronutrien pada media. Efek penambahan mikronutrien dipelajari dengan labu Erlenmeyer 1000 mL sebagai reaktor batch. Experimen dijalankan selama 30 hari. Konsentrasi soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) substrat yang digunakan adalah 8000 mg/L. Zeolit terimpregnasi Ni dan Zn yang digunakan memiliki kadar 2,7 x10-3 mg Ni/g zeolit dan 3,5x10-3 mg Zn/g zeolit. Pengaruh setiap zeolit yang dimodifikasi dievaluasi dengan mengukur konsentrasi sCOD, volatile fatty acid (VFA), pH, dan produksi biogas secara periodik. Akumulasi biogas penelitian ini sebesar 252,44; 172,13; 57,70 ml berturut-turut untuk zeolit modifikasi Ni, zeolit modifikasi Zn dan zeolit alam. Penurunan sCOD terbaik dihasilkan oleh zeolit termodifikasi Zn dengan nilai 38,22%, selanjutnya diikuti oleh zeolit termodifikasi Ni dan zeolit alam dengan nilai 33,96% dan 27,87%.Kata kunci: anaerobic digestion; biogas; metana; palm oil mill effluent; zeoli
Sampah plastik menjadi salah satu limbah padat yang di hasilkan oleh masyarakat. Sampah plastik sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan karena plastik tidak mudah membusuk dan sulit diuraikan. Perlu adanya kesadaran dan peran aktif dari masyarakat untuk menangani permasalahan sampah plastic. Salah satu cara penanganannya yaitu dengan program 3R ( Reuse, Recycle, Reduce). Contohnya adalah bekas air kemasan yang sudah tidak memiliki nilai diolah dan di daur ulang menjadi sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat dan memiliki nilai ekonomis. Plastik tidak hanya menjadi sumber masalah tetapi di sisi lain sampah plastik justru memberikan peluang bisnis. Pelatihan daur ulang sampah plastik ini bertujuan agar peserta dapat memiliki keterampilan dan jiwa berwirausaha hasil daur ulang sampah plastik. Metode yang digunakan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan serta praktek langsung. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa program PkM dapat dilaksanakan dan direspon dengan baik oleh ibu-ibu PKK Desa Bugel, Kecamatan Ciawi, Kabupatan Tasikmalaya. Peserta pelatihan terlihat sangat antusias dalam membuat aneka kerajinan dari sampah plastik. Keterampilan membuat aneka souvenir ramah lingkungan dari sampah plastik ini sangat bermanfaat bagi ibu-ibu PKK Desa Bugel. Souvenir yang dihasilkan selain bisa dijual untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga, juga dapat mengurangi jumlah sampah plastik yang sulit terurai
Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Limbah Dapur Serta Program 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) Bagi Pemilik Rumah Makan dan Jasa Boga di Wilayah Kota Tasikmalaya
Society services activity in kitchen waste management system has been implemented to the owner of restaurant and catering work in Tasikmalaya City area. This activity has colaborated with Indonesian Catering Associations (APJI). The rapid growth of restaurant and catering activities has created serious problems of energy requirement, water, and solid waste disposal. Less information and limited area become the problems in handling of kitchen waste. A simple technique is needed to overcome the environmental problem which is caused by kitchen waste. The components of kitchen waste include vegetables, peelings, fruit skins, spoilt fruit, cooked and uncooked meat, bones, fats, egg-shells, bread and pastries, cooked food waste, etc. Due to a high organic content, bioconversion technologies such as anaerobic digestion are more suitable to handle the waste convert to biogas. It would be reducing the LPG usage. For the kitchen wastewater, grease trap as pre-treatment followed by a physical and biological process is one of a simple process which can produce the effluent in accordance with government standard. The activities were continued by the socialization of 3R program (reuse, reduce, recycle) by doing demo utilization of kitchen solid waste such as packing material, mineral water bottle is made a handicraft. Knowledge transfer run well and the enthusiasm of the participants in following the activity were very good
Techno-economic analysis of reactor types and biogas utilization schemes in thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sugarcane vinasse
This study conducted a techno-economic analysis to compare two types of thermophilic anaerobic reactors and three biogas utilization schemes in biogas production from vinasse. The reactors studied were the Fixed Bed Reactor (FBR) and Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). The biogas utilization schemes investigated were biogas conversion to electricity compared to direct biogas use for co-firing in the existing boiler and combined uses for co-firing and domestic fuel sale to the nearby households around the plant. The techno-economic calculations were based on experimental data using the prototypes of FBR and CSTR. The fixed and working capital estimations were based on Indonesia's construction industry database. At the same Organic Loading Rate (OLR) of 9.66 g sCOD per litre, 7-day Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT), and 200 m3/day vinasse capacity, FBR produced twice more biogas than CSTR. The economic analysis result indicated that the scheme of co-firing in existing boilers by fuel-oil replacement and partial substitution of coal was economically more attractive than the electricity production at the current electricity pricing in Indonesia. In this recommended scheme, we obtained 17.26 internal rate of return, 4.34 years payback period, and Rp20.94 billion net present value. © 2022 Elsevier Lt
Kinetic study of thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sugarcane vinasse in a single-stage continuous stirred tank reactor
Vinasse, the liquid waste from the bottom of a bioethanol distillation column, is a potential feedstock for biogas production due to its high organic content. Vinasse is discharged at a high temperature, i.e., 60–80 °C. Therefore, thermophilic anaerobic digestion is more efficient to directly treat the vinasse at a high organic loading rate (OLR). This study investigated the performance of thermophilic anaerobic digestion on sugarcane vinasse inoculated with acclimated digested cow manure (DCM). The experiment was run at varied OLRs (1,2; 1.8 and 2.4 gCOD.L−1.day−1). The process was carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with controlled pH (7 ± 0.5) and oxidation-reduction potential/ORP (−500 ± 10 mV). During the 111 days of the experiment, we monitored the volatile fatty acids (VFA), total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD), and soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD), as well as methane and biogas production rates, to evaluate the reactor performance. The experimental data were fitted on the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM 1) using the AQUASIM® software. The data were categorized in three process stages observed in this study: stabilization, enrichment, and steady-state. The kinetic parameters, i.e., the coefficient of affinity (KS,ac, KS,pro) and the specific growth rate (km,ac and km, pro), were obtained from the data fitting. The good fit of ADM 1 to the data highlighted the flexibility of ADM 1 to represent a dynamic system of a thermophilic anaerobic digestion system with simultaneous changes in both process variables and microbial composition. The data fitting gave consistently low Ks values in the lower OLR of 0.2 gCOD. L−1.day−1 up to the higher OLR of 2.4 gCOD. L−1.day−1. The Ks values, which were less than 1/1000 of the specific growth rate constants (km), indicated that the combined effects of the thermophilic condition and vinasse composition increased the microbial-substrate affinity (showed by KS) more essentially than the microbial growth rate (addressed by km). In addition, inhibitory effects were not observed with all OLR values tested in this study. © 2022 The Author