15 research outputs found

    Descrição da fĂȘmea de Wulfila argentina (Araneae: Anyphaenidae)

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    <abstract language="eng">The female of Wulfila argentina Platnick, 1978 is described and the epigynum is characterized and illustrated for the first time. The occurrence of the species is registered for the Rio Grande do Sul, Brasi

    OcorrĂȘncia de Cupiennius Simon na AmĂ©rica do Sul e redescricĂŁo de Cupiennius celerrimus Simon (Araneae, Ctenidae) Ocurrence of Cupiennius Simon in South America and redescription of Cupiennius celerrimus Simon (Araneae, Ctenidae )

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    <abstract language="eng">The ocurrence of Cupiennius Simon. 1891 restricted to Central America, Colombia, Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba, is now confirmed to South America and the geographical distribution of C. celerrimus is extended to Venezuela and north and northeaster regions of Brazil. A redescription of C. celerrimus is given based on specimens from the type locality and adjacent localities

    Ctenus similis F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, a poorly known ctenid spider from Amazonian Forest (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae)

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    The female of Ctenus similis F.O. Pickard-Cambridge is redescribed and the male described for the first time. The geographic distribution of the species is extended to Juruti, ParĂĄ, Brazil.<br>A fĂȘmea de Ctenus similis F.O. Pickard-Cambridge Ă© redescrita e o macho Ă© descrito pela primeira vez. Sua distribuição geogrĂĄfica Ă© ampliada para Juruti, ParĂĄ, Brasil

    Taxonomic remarks on the genus Cupiennius Simon (Araneae, Ctenidae) and description of C. vodou sp. nov. from Haiti

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    Ctenus bimaculatus Taczanowski, 1874, is removed from the synonymy of Ancylometes rufus (Walkenaer, 1837) and transferred to the genus Cupiennius Simon, 1891, in which it is placed as a senior synonym of Cupiennius celerrimus Simon, 1891. New records are presented for C. bimaculatus (TACZANOWSKI 1874) and a new species, C. vodou, is described from Haiti.<br>Ctenus bimaculatus Taczanowski, 1874, Ă© removido da sinonĂ­mia de Ancylometes rufus (Walkenaer, 1837) e transferido para o gĂȘnero Cupiennius Simon, 1891, no qual Ă© considerado sinĂŽnimo sĂȘnior de Cupiennius celerrimus Simon, 1891. SĂŁo apresentados novos registros para C. bimaculatus (Taczanowski, 1874) e uma nova espĂ©cie, C. vodou, Ă© descrita para o Haiti

    Revision of the Neotropical spider genus Gephyroctenus (Araneae: Ctenidae: Calocteninae)

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    Gephyroctenus Mello-LeitĂŁo, 1936 (type species G. philodromoides Mello-LeitĂŁo, 1936) is revised. Three species formerly described in this genus are synonymized with species from other genera: G. kolosvaryi Caporiacco, 1947, with Acanthoctenus spinipes Keyserling, 1877, G. parvus Caporiacco, 1947, with Phymatoctenus comosus Simon, 1897, and G. vachoni Caporiacco, 1955, with Caloctenus gracilitarsis Simon, 1897. Eight new species are described: G. portovelho sp. nov., from the States of RondĂŽnia and Amazonas, Brazil; G. divisor sp. nov. and G. acre sp. nov., from the State of Acre, Brazil; G. atininga sp. nov., G. esteio sp. nov. and G. mapia sp. nov., from the State of Amazonas, Brazil; G. juruti sp. nov., from the Department of Loreto, Peru and the State of ParĂĄ, Brazil; G. panguana sp. nov., from the Department of Huanuco, Peru. The genus can be distinguished by the presence of a cymbial retrolateral groove, retrolateral origin of embolus, embolus long and thin, median apophysis with a subdistal hook, and hyaline projection close to the embolus base in the male palp and by the fused median and lateral fields in a single epigynal plate, copulatory opening located dorsally in an atrium, and elongated copulatory ducts surrounding the spermathecae in the female epigynum. Field observations on the hunting behavior on ants in trumpet trees (Cecropia) are provided for two species, G. philodromoides and G. mapia sp. nov.<br>Gephyroctenus Mello-LeitĂŁo, 1936 (espĂ©cie-tipo G. philodromoides Mello-LeitĂŁo, 1936), Ă© revisado. TrĂȘs espĂ©cies descritas neste gĂȘnero sĂŁo sinonimizadas com espĂ©cies de outros gĂȘneros: G. kolosvaryi Caporiacco, 1947, com Acanthoctenus spinipes Keyserling, 1877, G. parvus Caporiacco, 1947, com Phymatoctenus comosus Simon, 1897, e G. vachoni Caporiacco, 1955, com Caloctenus gracilitarsis Simon, 1897. Oito novas espĂ©cies sĂŁo descritas: G. portovelho sp. nov., dos Estados de RondĂŽnia e Amazonas, Brasil; G. divisor sp. nov. e G. acre sp. nov., do Estado do Acre, Brasil; G. atininga sp. nov., G. esteio sp. nov. e G. mapia sp. nov., do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil; G. juruti sp. nov., do Department de Loreto, Peru e Estado do ParĂĄ, Brazil; e G. panguana sp. nov., do Department de Huanuco, Peru. Os machos do gĂȘnero podem ser distinguidos pela presença de uma fenda retrolateral no cĂ­mbio, origem retrolateral do ĂȘmbolo, ĂȘmbolo longo e fino, apĂłfise mĂ©dia com um gancho subdistal e projeção hialina na base do ĂȘmbolo no palpo, e as fĂȘmeas podem ser distinguidas pelos campo mediano e campos laterais fundidos em uma Ășnica placa, aberturas copulatĂłrias localizadas em um ĂĄtrio e dutos copulatĂłrios alongados no epĂ­gino. ObservaçÔes de campo sobre o comportamento de caça de formigas em embaĂșbas (Cecropia) sĂŁo fornecidas para duas espĂ©cies deste gĂȘnero, G. philodromoides e G. mapia sp. nov