3 research outputs found

    Value-change and self-reflective practice in ecologically sustainable design

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    Ecologically sustainable design is a transformative design paradigm based on the theory of interdependence. This theory requires that the transformative agenda of design is holistic in practice. In effect, the requirement is for value-change on the part of the designer along with transformation of the built environment. This paper, based on recently completed research into design practice, argues that value-change rests on certainties that are drawn on intuitively while designing, and that this intuitive process is characteristic of design as praxis. It is further argued that design, as praxis, requires a phenomenological approach for inculcating value-change. A phenomenological approach relies on self-reflective practices exemplified by meditation and yoga that can focus on the designer&rsquo;s ethical know-how. A model for this approach to value-change, the biopsychosocial approach, already exists within clinical medicine. This paper presents findings from interviews with key architects practising self-reflection and/or ecologically sustainable design. These highlight the premium placed by these architects on both certainty and empathy, and how these values influence design as praxis. Formalising techniques for closer scrutiny of these values will highlight design as praxis. Doing so will critically strengthen ecologically sustainable design as holistic, transformative practice.<br /

    Including the designer in a more holistic understanding of ecologically sustainable design (ESD)

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    This paper backgrounds the current approach to ecologically sustainable design (ESD) while outlining the prevailing technological zeitgeist within which architecture operates. In differentiating between ecology and ecosophy a quantum shift in attitude is explored. This allows the psychodynamics behind the act of commitment to be brought up for discussion and places the designer within a more holistic understanding of ESD.<br /