110 research outputs found

    Simulations of Quantum XXZ Models on Two-Dimensional Frustrated Lattices

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    We report recent progress in the study of a particular class of spin 1/2 XXZ model on two-dimensional lattices with frustrated diagonal and unfrustrated off-diagonal interactions. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations can be constructed without a sign problem, however they require non-trivial algorithmic advances in order to combat freezing tendencies. We discuss results obtained using these techniques, in particular the discovery of unusual bulk quantum phases, studies of quantum criticality, and the continuing search for exotic physics in these models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Conference proceedings for Highly Frustrated Magnetism 200

    Latent Space Purification via Neural Density Operators

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    Machine learning is actively being explored for its potential to design, validate, and even hybridize with near-term quantum devices. A central question is whether neural networks can provide a tractable representation of a given quantum state of interest. When true, stochastic neural networks can be employed for many unsupervised tasks, including generative modeling and state tomography. However, to be applicable for real experiments such methods must be able to encode quantum mixed states. Here, we parametrize a density matrix based on a restricted Boltzmann machine that is capable of purifying a mixed state through auxiliary degrees of freedom embedded in the latent space of its hidden units. We implement the algorithm numerically and use it to perform tomography on some typical states of entangled photons, achieving fidelities competitive with standard techniques.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Learning Thermodynamics with Boltzmann Machines

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    A Boltzmann machine is a stochastic neural network that has been extensively used in the layers of deep architectures for modern machine learning applications. In this paper, we develop a Boltzmann machine that is capable of modelling thermodynamic observables for physical systems in thermal equilibrium. Through unsupervised learning, we train the Boltzmann machine on data sets constructed with spin configurations importance-sampled from the partition function of an Ising Hamiltonian at different temperatures using Monte Carlo (MC) methods. The trained Boltzmann machine is then used to generate spin states, for which we compare thermodynamic observables to those computed by direct MC sampling. We demonstrate that the Boltzmann machine can faithfully reproduce the observables of the physical system. Further, we observe that the number of neurons required to obtain accurate results increases as the system is brought close to criticality.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Deep Learning the Ising Model Near Criticality

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    It is well established that neural networks with deep architectures perform better than shallow networks for many tasks in machine learning. In statistical physics, while there has been recent interest in representing physical data with generative modelling, the focus has been on shallow neural networks. A natural question to ask is whether deep neural networks hold any advantage over shallow networks in representing such data. We investigate this question by using unsupervised, generative graphical models to learn the probability distribution of a two-dimensional Ising system. Deep Boltzmann machines, deep belief networks, and deep restricted Boltzmann networks are trained on thermal spin configurations from this system, and compared to the shallow architecture of the restricted Boltzmann machine. We benchmark the models, focussing on the accuracy of generating energetic observables near the phase transition, where these quantities are most difficult to approximate. Interestingly, after training the generative networks, we observe that the accuracy essentially depends only on the number of neurons in the first hidden layer of the network, and not on other model details such as network depth or model type. This is evidence that shallow networks are more efficient than deep networks at representing physical probability distributions associated with Ising systems near criticality.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Kernel methods for interpretable machine learning of order parameters

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    Machine learning is capable of discriminating phases of matter, and finding associated phase transitions, directly from large data sets of raw state configurations. In the context of condensed matter physics, most progress in the field of supervised learning has come from employing neural networks as classifiers. Although very powerful, such algorithms suffer from a lack of interpretability, which is usually desired in scientific applications in order to associate learned features with physical phenomena. In this paper, we explore support vector machines (SVMs) which are a class of supervised kernel methods that provide interpretable decision functions. We find that SVMs can learn the mathematical form of physical discriminators, such as order parameters and Hamiltonian constraints, for a set of two-dimensional spin models: the ferromagnetic Ising model, a conserved-order-parameter Ising model, and the Ising gauge theory. The ability of SVMs to provide interpretable classification highlights their potential for automating feature detection in both synthetic and experimental data sets for condensed matter and other many-body systems.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement at a Two-Dimensional Quantum Critical Point: a T=0 Projector Quantum Monte Carlo Study

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    Although the leading-order scaling of entanglement entropy is non-universal at a quantum critical point (QCP), sub-leading scaling can contain universal behaviour. Such universal quantities are commonly studied in non-interacting field theories, however it typically requires numerical calculation to access them in interacting theories. In this paper, we use large-scale T=0 quantum Monte Carlo simulations to examine in detail the second R\'enyi entropy of entangled regions at the QCP in the transverse-field Ising model in 2+1 space-time dimensions -- a fixed point for which there is no exact result for the scaling of entanglement entropy. We calculate a universal coefficient of a vertex-induced logarithmic scaling for a polygonal entangled subregion, and compare the result to interacting and non-interacting theories. We also examine the shape-dependence of the R\'enyi entropy for finite-size toroidal lattices divided into two entangled cylinders by smooth boundaries. Remarkably, we find that the dependence on cylinder length follows a shape-dependent function calculated previously by Stephan {\it et al.} [New J. Phys., 15, 015004, (2013)] at the QCP corresponding to the 2+1 dimensional quantum Lifshitz free scalar field theory. The quality of the fit of our data to this scaling function, as well as the apparent cutoff-independent coefficient that results, presents tantalizing evidence that this function may reflect universal behaviour across these and other very disparate QCPs in 2+1 dimensional systems.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Machine learning phases of matter

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    Neural networks can be used to identify phases and phase transitions in condensed matter systems via supervised machine learning. Readily programmable through modern software libraries, we show that a standard feed-forward neural network can be trained to detect multiple types of order parameter directly from raw state configurations sampled with Monte Carlo. In addition, they can detect highly non-trivial states such as Coulomb phases, and if modified to a convolutional neural network, topological phases with no conventional order parameter. We show that this classification occurs within the neural network without knowledge of the Hamiltonian or even the general locality of interactions. These results demonstrate the power of machine learning as a basic research tool in the field of condensed matter and statistical physics.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Machine learning quantum states in the NISQ era

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    We review the development of generative modeling techniques in machine learning for the purpose of reconstructing real, noisy, many-qubit quantum states. Motivated by its interpretability and utility, we discuss in detail the theory of the restricted Boltzmann machine. We demonstrate its practical use for state reconstruction, starting from a classical thermal distribution of Ising spins, then moving systematically through increasingly complex pure and mixed quantum states. Intended for use on experimental noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, we review recent efforts in reconstruction of a cold atom wavefunction. Finally, we discuss the outlook for future experimental state reconstruction using machine learning, in the NISQ era and beyond.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Spinon walk in quantum spin ice

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    We study a minimal model for the dynamics of spinons in quantum spin ice. The model captures the essential strong coupling between the spinon and the disordered background spins. We demonstrate that the spinon motion can be mapped to a random walk with an entropy-induced memory in imaginary time. Our numerical simulation of the spinon walk indicates that the spinon propagates as a massive quasiparticle at low energy despite its strong coupling to the spin background at the microscopic energy scale. We discuss the experimental implications of our findings.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Tripartite entangled plaquette state in a cluster magnet

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    Using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations we show that a spin-1/21/2 XXZ model on a two-dimensional anisotropic Kagome lattice exhibits a tripartite entangled plaquette state that preserves all of the Hamiltonian symmetries. It is connected via phase boundaries to a ferromagnet and a valence-bond solid that break U(1) and lattice translation symmetries, respectively. We study the phase diagram of the model in detail, in particular the transitions to the tripartite entangled plaquette state, which are consistent with conventional order-disorder transitions. Our results can be interpreted as a description of the charge sector dynamics of a Hubbard model applied to the description of the spin liquid candidate LiZn2Mo3O8{\mathrm{LiZn}}_{2}{\mathrm{Mo}}_{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{8}, as well as a model of strongly correlated bosonic atoms loaded onto highly tunable {\it trimerized} optical Kagome lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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