34 research outputs found

    Fixture-abutment connection surface and micro-gap measurements by 3D micro-tomographic technique analysis

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    X-ray micro-tomography (micro-CT) is a miniaturized form of conventional computed axial tomography (CAT) able to investigate small radio-opaque objects at a-few-microns high resolution, in a non-destructive, non-invasive, and tri-dimensional way. Compared to traditional optical and electron microscopy techniques, which provide two-dimensional images, this innovative investigation technology enables a sample tri-dimensional analysis without cutting, coating or exposing the object to any particular chemical treatment. X-ray micro-tomography matches ideal 3D microscopy features: the possibility of investigating an object in natural conditions and without any preparation or alteration; non-invasive, non-destructive, and sufficiently magnified 3D reconstruction; reliable measurement of numeric data of the internal structure (morphology, structure and ultra-structure). Hence, this technique has multi-fold applications in a wide range of fields, not only in medical and odontostomatologic areas, but also in biomedical engineering, materials science, biology, electronics, geology, archaeology, oil industry, and semi-conductors industry. This study shows possible applications of micro-CT in dental implantology to analyze 3D micro-features of dental implant to abutment interface. Indeed, implant-abutment misfit is known to increase mechanical stress on connection structures and surrounding bone tissue. This condition may cause not only screw preload loss or screw fracture, but also biological issues in peri-implant tissues

    Evaluating the contribution of the gene TARDBP in Italian patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Background and objectives: Genetic variants in the gene TARDBP, encoding TDP-43 protein, are associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in familial (fALS) and sporadic (sALS) cases. Objectives of this study were to assess the contribution of TARDBP in a large cohort of Italian ALS patients, to determine the TARDBP-associated clinical features and to look for genotype-phenotype correlation and penetrance of the mutations.Methods: A total of 1992 Italian ALS patients (193 fALS and 1799 sALS) were enrolled in this study. Sanger sequencing of TARDBP gene was performed in patients and, when available, in patients' relatives.Results: In total, 13 different rare variants were identified in 43 index cases (10 fALS and 33 sALS) with a cumulative mutational frequency of 2.2% (5.2% of fALS, 1.8% of sALS). The most prevalent variant was the p.A382T followed by the p.G294V. Cognitive impairment was detected in almost 30% of patients. While some variants, including the p.G294V and the p.G376D, were associated with restricted phenotypes, the p.A382T showed a marked clinical heterogeneity regarding age of onset, survival and association with cognitive impairment. Investigations in parents, when possible, showed that the variants were inherited from healthy carriers and never occurred de novo.Conclusions: In our cohort, TARDBP variants have a relevant frequency in Italian ALS patients and they are significantly associated with cognitive impairment. Clinical presentation is heterogeneous. Consistent genotype-phenotype correlations are limited to some mutations. A marked phenotypic variability characterizes the p.A382T variant, suggesting a multifactorial/oligogenic pathogenic mechanism


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    Surgical extraction of lower third molars: diagnostic tests and operative technique in the prevention of inferior alveolar nerve injury. Case study

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    Increased knowledge and technical refinement have broadened the limits of outpatient oral surgery; however, these changes have at the same time led to a greater number of complications and poor outcomes and, accordingly, to legal action for professional responsibility. Oral surgery represents 10% of all actions, and almost all of these are attributable to exodontic surgery, of which around a third are related to inferior alveolar nerve injury following the extraction of lower third molars.The aim of this case study is to suggest operative technical strategies in accordance with a correct clinical-diagnostic pathway in order to prevent neurological complications involving the inferior alveolar nerve subsequent to lower third molar extraction. Cases should be carefully selected and surgical intervention undertaken solely when genuinely necessary. The patient should be informed of the risks, the methods and the possible results of the treatment. These are the bases for correct indication, along with a sufficient diagnostic path and a good level of communication between operator and patient

    The use of microtomography in bone tissue and biomaterial three-dimensional analysis

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    X-ray computed microtomography (micro-CT, microComputerised Tomography) is a miniaturized form of conventional computerized axial tomography (CAT). This sophisticated technology enables 3D riconstruction of the internal structure of small X-ray opaque objects without sample destruction or preparation. The aim of this study is to show the possible applications of micro-CT in the analysis of bone graft materials of different origins (i.e. homologous, heterologous, alloplastic) in order to define their morphometric properties by means of SkyScan 1072 3D microtomography system. Since there is a close relationship between the properties of the materials and their microstructure, it is necessary to examine them using the highest levels of resolution before being able to improve existing materials or create new products

    A proposal of microtomography evaluation for restoration interface gaps

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    Nowadays, several adhesive systems are used in dental restoration and they're evaluated by clinical research. In vitro evaluations are often made by means of traditional observation techniques (for example scanning electron microscope (SEM), while 3D cone-beam microtomography technique (3D micro-CT), that can be able to generate 3D sample images without any sample treatment during acquisition data, is going to be used a lot in the next few years. In dental cavity restored with composite, it is possible to predict the presence of gaps due to polymerization shrinkage; that is the reason this work purpose is to reveal by 3D images and measure by micro-CT analysis the voids generated applying the most used adhesive systems at the moment. By means of microtomographic analysis is proposed an aid to overcome bidimensional SEM investigation limits like random observation of sample surface, sample sectioning (to see inside it with the relative possible structural alterations induced on the same sample) and the gold sputtering treatment. For this experimental work, human crown teeth have been selected, all restored with the same composite material, using five adhesive systems. After about 48 hours each tooth has been acquired by means of Skyscan 1072 micro-CT instrument and then processed by 3D reconstruction and micro-CT analyser software. Three adhesive systems have showed 3D micro-CT images with not as much voids as expected, with a very little extent. This kind of micro-CT in vitro evaluation proposal suggests a method to observe and quantify the voids generated after polymerization shrinkage during tooth restoration

    Cisti naso-palatina: case report.

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    Obiettivi: scopo del lavoro è di presentare, partendo da un caso esemplificativo, le cisti nasopalatine, trattandone gli aspetti diagnostici, terapeutici e prognostici. metodi: dopo una disamina della letteratura, viene presenatto un caso clinico di cisti nasopalatina. vengono descritti l'iter diagnoatico clinico, radiografico e terapeutico ed infine il corretto trattamento chirurgico di questa lesione. inoltre vengono fornite indicazioni su come e quando prolungare il follow-up dopo la terapia chirurgica.Risultati. dopo l'asportazione della lesione cistica, l'analisi istopatologica ha confermato la diagnosi di cisti nasopalatina. Il follow-up a 12 mesi ha evidenzaito la progressiva remineralizzazione della zona occupata dalla cisti. Conclusioni: il quadro clinico e l'esame radiografico hanno permesso di formulare una ipotesi diagnsotica di cisti nasopalatina, ma tale ipotesi ha potuto essere confermata solo dall'esame istologico

    Microtomographic and morphometric characterization of a bioceramic bone substitute in dental implantology

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    In recent years, bone tissue regeneration studies have led to a deeper knowledge of chemical and structural features of the best biomaterials to be used as replacements for lost bone structures, with the autologus bone still today the only graft material able to ostegenerate, osteinduct and/or osteoconduct. The difficulties of the small available amount of autologus bone, together with morbidity of a second surgical operation on the same patient, have been overcome using both synthetic and biologic substitute bones. The possibility of investigating morphometric characteristics of substitute bones makes it possible to evaluate the predictability of regenerative processes and, so far, a range of different methods have been used for the purpose. X-ray microtomography (micro-CT) is a miniaturized form of conventional tomography, able to analyze the internal structure of small objects, performing three-dimensional images with high spatial resolution (<10 micron pixel size). For a correct analysis, samples need not be altered or treated in any way, as micro-CT is a non-invasive and non-destructive technique. It shows promising results in biomaterial studies and tissue engineering. This work shows the potential applications of this microtomographic technique by means of an in vitro analysis system, in characterizing morphometric features of human bone tissue, and contributes to the use of this technique in studies concerning biomaterials and bioscaffolds inserted in bone tissue

    Comparative evaluation of the accuracy of linear measurements between cone beam computed tomography and 3D microtomography.

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of artifacts on the accuracy of linear measurements estimated with a common cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) system used in dental clinical practice, by comparing it with microCT system as standard reference. Materials and Methods. Ten bovine bone cylindrical samples containing one implant each, able to provide both points of reference and image quality degradation, have been scanned by CBCT and microCT systems. Thanks to the software of the two systems, for each cylindrical sample, two diameters taken at different levels, by using implants different points as references, have been measured. Results have been analyzed by ANOVA and a significant statistically difference has been found. Results and Discussion. Due to the obtained results, in this work it is possible to say that the measurements made with the two different instruments are still not statistically comparable, although in some samples were obtained similar performances and therefore not statistically significant. Conclusion. With the improvement of the hardware and software of CBCT systems, in the near future the two instruments will be able to provide similar performances.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of artifacts on the accuracy of linear measurements estimated with a common cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) system used in dental clinical practice, by comparing it with microCT system as standard reference. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten bovine bone cylindrical samples containing one implant each, able to provide both points of reference and image quality degradation, have been scanned by CBCT and microCT systems. Thanks to the software of the two systems, for each cylindrical sample, two diameters taken at different levels, by using implants different points as references, have been measured. Results have been analyzed by ANOVA and a significant statistically difference has been found. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Due to the obtained results, in this work it is possible to say that the measurements made with the two different instruments are still not statistically comparable, although in some samples were obtained s