20 research outputs found

    Morphometrics as a robust tool for disambiguation in plant taxonomy: the case of Lactuca livida, a commonly accepted but never delimited taxon

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    An important goal of taxonomy is to clarify the identity of ambiguous taxa. Since lineage divergence usually involves ecological shifts that are associated with plant morphology, we propose that searching for fixed, non-overlapping morphological characters and specific associations of features should be the first task in disambiguation. We applied this idea in an analysis of the taxonomic identity of Lactuca livida, an Iberian endemic relative of L. virosa that, despite an extremely imprecise delimitation, is usually recognized in standard floras and germplasm banks. We analysed 24 possible diagnostic characters across the Iberian Peninsula, drawn from related taxonomic literature. No discontinuities in frequency variability distribution characters were found, even in two bimodal quantitative characters: leaf lobation and number of florets per capitulum. There were no notable patterns of association among characters, and the PCA/PCoA score plots did not show any distinctive groupings. Leaf lobation followed a significant geographic pattern, but there was no effective segregation of leaf shapes. We conclude that the variability found is symplesiomorphic, as it is present throughout the Serriola group of Lactuca, to which L. virosa belongs. The analyses, together with previous biological knowledge, indicates that Lactuca livida should be considered a synonym of L. virosa

    Calculation of the absolute hydration enthalpy and free energy of H+ and OH-

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    An ab initio density functional theory and a polarizable continuum model were used to calculate the hydration enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of proton and hydroxide. The proton hydration enthalpy data is found to be in agreement with the results from cluster-ion solvation data. It was found that the effect of adding explicit hydration molecules is more significant for the hydration free energies than for the enthalpies.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior PB98-0326Junta de Andalucía FQ20

    Next generation sequencing reveals the complete plastome sequence of newly discovered cliff-dwelling Sonchus boulosii (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) in Morocco

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    The complete chloroplast genome sequences of newly discovered cliff-dwelling species of Sonchus, S. boulosii, were reported in this study. The S. boulosii plastome was 152,016 bp long, with the large single copy (LSC) region of 83,988 bp, the small single copy (SSC) region of 18,566 bp, and two inverted repeat (IR) regions of 24,731 bp. The plastome contained 130 genes, including 88 protein-coding, six ribosomal RNA, and 36 transfer RNA genes. The overall GC content was 31.2%. Phylogenetic analysis of 12 representative plastomes within the order Cichorieae suggests that S. boulosii is closely related to S. oleraceus.National Research Foundation of Korea [NRF-2016R1D1A2B03934596

    Population genetics of self-incompatibility in a clade of relict cliff-dwelling plant species

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    The mating systems of species in small or fragmented populations impact upon their persistence. Small self-incompatible (SI) populations risk losing S allele diversity, responsible for the SI response, by drift thereby limiting mate availability and leading to population decline or SI system breakdown. But populations of relict and/or endemic species have resisted these demographic conditions over long periods suggesting their mating systems have adapted. To address a lack of empirical data on this topic, we studied the SI systems of three relict cliff-dwelling species of Sonchus section Pustulati (Asteraceae): S. masguindalii, S. fragilis and S. pustulatus in the western Mediterranean region. We performed controlled pollinations within and between individuals to measure index of SI (ISI) expression and identify S alleles in multiple population samples. Sonchus masguindalii and S. pustulatus showed strong SI (ISI = 0.6–1.0) compared to S. fragilis (ISI = 0.1–0.7). Just five S alleles were estimated for Spanish S. pustulatus and a moderate 11-15 S alleles for Moroccan S. pustulatus and S. fragilis, respectively. The fact that autonomous fruit set was generally improved by active self-pollination in self-compatible S. fragilis suggests that individuals with weak SI can show a wide range of outcrossing levels dependent on the degree of self or outcross pollen that pollinators bear. We conclude that frequent S allele dominance interactions that mask the incompatibility interactions of recessive S alleles leading to higher mate availability and partial breakdown of SI leading to mixed mating, both contribute to reproductive resilience in this group.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) BES–2007–17066 CGL2010–16512 CGL2006–0081

    Demographic vulnerability in cliff-dwelling sonchus species endemic to the western mediterranean

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    Species of Sonchus section Pustulati (Sonchus masguindalii, Sonchus fragilis and Sonchus pustulatus) constitute a group of endemic cliff plants in the Mediterranean region, restricted to narrow non-overlapping areas within the Baetic-Rifan hotspot of plant species diversity. S. pustulatus occurs both in SE Spain and N Africa, whereas the other related species are exclusive to N Africa. We characterized all the extant populations of Sonchus species (section Pustulati) in 2008 by recording population size, demographic structure and reproductive success, and we estimated the population trends for the critically endangered Spanish S. pustulatus by repeating censuses in 2013. We also calculated the stochastic population growth rate (λS) and modelled future viability (PVA) of one of the Spanish S. pustulatus populations by using matrix models derived from detailed demographic monitoring over a six-year period (2003-2008).Population sizes ranged between 100 and 22,000 reproductive individuals. In spite of differences in plant size, population protection and anthropogenic disturbance, the life history stage structure of all populations was similar and characterized by a low abundance of seedlings and juveniles, suggesting low recruitment. The population growth rate of Spanish S. pustulatus populations ranged between 0.91 and 1.01, and the matrix model showed significant population decline (λS=0.9042; 95% CI: 0.9041-0.9043). The PVA projected that this population would shrink to a few individuals in approximately forty years under present conditions. Since high temperatures and drought negatively affected the dynamics of this population, ongoing climatic change will jeopardize its future persistenc

    Variability in prickly sow-thistle (Sonchus asper) from western Mediterranean region

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    We studied the morphological variability of Sonchus asper (L.) Hill in the western Mediterranean region by means of multivariate analysis. A two-step clustering method indicated that selection of a two-cluster model was optimal, with anther length and ligule length as the main characters contributing to cluster delimitation. These variables presented a general bimodal pattern of frequency distribution, denoting the presence of two floral morphotypes in the complex that, although partially sympatric, seem to show distinct geographical ranges and important differences in their reproductive systems. In addition, a preliminary karyological analysis yielded differences in chromosome morphology between the two morphs. Possible taxonomic implications of this variability are discussed. We propose the segregation of plants showing different flower morphotype as different taxa at specific level: large-flowered plants should be designated as Sonchus nymanni Tineo & Guss. in Guss., while small-flowered plants correspond to Sonchus asper (L.) Hill.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CGL 2006-0081

    The study of ornamental plants: a form of meaningful learning of plant diversity and botanical classifications

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    El conocimiento de la biodiversidad y las clasificaciones biológicas es uno de los objetivos más difíciles de alcanzar en la enseñanza de las ciencias de la vida. La razón más comúnmente esgrimida es que dicho conocimiento está basado en un desarrollo memorístico carente de aprendizaje significativo, cuyo interés se aleja de cualquier aplicación técnica o práctica. La implantación de especialidades relacionadas con la Jardinería en los estudios de Agronomía y Arquitectura del Paisaje permite desarrollar programas de aprendizaje sobre la diversidad de especies vegetales ornamentales y su uso en los jardines, que constituyen formas de aprendizaje significativo de las clasificaciones botánicas y la diversidad vegetal con apoyo de una aplicación técnica. Un ejemplo lo constituye la asignatura “Botánica Ornamental”, de reciente incorporación a los Planes de Estudio de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad de Sevilla. En ella se desarrollan objetivos específicos basados en aquellos criterios biológicos que permiten realizar una selección adecuada de las especies vegetales para los jardines y desarrollar una comprensión de sus características de cultivo. En el presente trabajo se presenta una forma experimental de abordar esta asignatura en la que se relacionan caracteres morfológicos de las especies con su función y valor ornamentales, se explican condiciones y posibilidades de cultivo a partir del conocimiento biogeográfico y ecológico de los grupos, se justifica el uso de la nomenclatura científica a través de la necesidad de identificar correctamente especies ornamentales y sus cultivares, y se relaciona la biodiversidad con la disponibilidad de especies ornamentales y su adecuación a las distintas formas de jardinería. Esta convergencia de criterios permite establecer un amplio paralelismo entre Jardinería y Sistemática que sirve de soporte para el desarrollo tanto del programa teórico como el práctico. El resultado está avalado por una alta valoración de la signatura por parte de los alumnos.Knowledge on Biodiversity and Biological Classifications is one of the most difficult objectives to achieve in the teaching of Life Sciences. The most common argument is that such knowledge is based on rote development devoid of meaningful learning, whose interest is far from any technical or practical application. The implementation of specialties related to Gardening in the studies of Agronomy and Landscape Architecture enables the development of learning programs on ornamental plant diversity and its use in the gardens, which are forms of meaningful learning of botanical classification and plant diversity supported by a technical application. A valuable example is the subject "Ornamental Botany," which has recently been incorporated to the Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering, University of Seville. It develops specific goals based on biological information to make a proper selection of plant species for gardens and understand the basic aspects of their cultural characteristics. The rationale lies in the following: it is related morphological characters of the species with ornamental value and function, possibilities of growing conditions are explained based on biogeographical and ecological knowledge of the groups, the use of scientific nomenclature is justified through the need to correctly identify species and ornamental cultivars, and biodiversity relates to the availability of ornamental species and cultivars and their suitability for different forms of gardening. This convergence of criteria allows for a broad parallel between Garden Science and Systematics, which supports the development of both theoretical and practical program. The result is supported by a high value of the signature by the students

    Phylogeography of cliff-dwelling relicts with a highly narrow and disjunct distribution in the western Mediterranean

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The high biodiversity in the Baetic-Rifan hotspot of Mediterranean region is shaped by complex geological and climatic histories and has been a subject of recent intensive studies. However, very little is known about phylogenetic and biogeographic history of three rare and critically endangered cliff-dwelling species of Sonchus in section Pustulati in this region. METHODS: We investigated the genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of populations based on nuclear (ITS/ETS) and plastid (3’trnL–ndhJ/ psaI–accD ) DNA sequences, and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). We performed a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis with ITS data to estimate divergence times for major lineages. KEY RESULTS: ITS/ETS and AFLP phylogenies showed high concordance and contrasted with cpDNA data. The divergence between S. masguindalii and S. fragilis was dated at 5.48 Ma, between S. fragilis and S. pustulatus at 3.89 Ma, and between the Baetic and Rifan S. pustulatus at 1.18 Ma. Within each distribution area, AFLP data showed a relatively high genetic structuring and moderate genetic diversity, the latter being impoverished in the Baetic populations. CONCLUSIONS: Our results further confirm the hybrid origin of S. pustulatus , a critically endangered species. The origin and diversification of lineages appear to have occurred on the temporary land bridge that joined Iberian and North Africa during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.96–5.33 Ma) and the subsequent Zanclean flood that progressively refilled the Mediterranean Basin (5.33–3.60 Ma). The only Baetic populations of S. pustulatus most likely originated from the Rifan ones.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) BES–2007–17066 CGL2006–00817 CGL2010-1651

    Group and call effect in achieving success in a subject: Analyses of the "Biology and Botany" whole life in the E.U.I.T.A. (University of Seville)

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    La Biología y la Botánica son dos materias fundamentales en la formación de un ingeniero técnico agrícola. Sus contenidos se han ofrecido a veces en asignaturas independientes y, en otras ocasiones como la que nos ocupa, en una sola asignatura. Por otra parte, siempre se ha mirado con interés, e incluso preocupación, el efecto de la variable grupo, de forma independiente o relacionándola con su distribución en turnos de mañana o tarde, así como la importancia de la convocatoria (en los distintos momentos a lo largo del curso académico) en la que el alumno consigue superar la asignatura. Aquí presentamos los resultados en la consecución de objetivos por parte de los alumnos y, por ende, de los profesores y de la Universidad de Sevilla a lo largo de la totalidad de la vida de la asignatura "Biología y Botánica" dentro del plan de estudios 2003/04 para tres titulaciones simultáneas, desde su comienzo en el curso 2003/04 hasta su extinción en el curso 2009/10, de la E.U.I.T.A. (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola) de la Universidad de Sevilla. Además se consideran convocatorias pertenecientes al período de extinción añadido. Los análisis toman en cuenta además el éxito en la superación de la asignatura tanto de forma cualitativa (aprobado o suspenso de la evaluación a la que el alumno se ha sometido) como cuantitativa (nota conseguida). Las conclusiones obtenidas permiten mirar los resultados y la consecución de objetivos, así como una potencial toma de decisiones para el futuro, basándose en un marco temporal amplio y objetivo.Biology and Botany are two critical issues in the formation of a technical agricultural engineer. Their topics are sometimes offered in separate subjects and, at other times as here, within a single one. Besides, it has always been considered with interest, and even concern, the effect of the variable group, independently or in relation to their distribution in the morning or afternoon turns, and the importance of the call (at different times during the academic year) at which the student gets to pass the subject. Here we present the results in the achievement of objectives by students, and therefore teachers and the University of Seville, along the entire life of the subject "Biology and Botany" within the teaching 2003/04 plan for three simultaneous academic programs, from its start in the course 2003/04 to its extinction in the course 2009/10, in the E.U.I.T.A. (University School of Technical Agricultural Engineering) of the University of Seville. Calls belonging to the period of extinction are also considered. Analyses are both qualitative, based on having success in passing the subject or not, and quantitative (mark scored). Obtained conclusions let us see the results and the achievement of objectives, as well as a potential decision-making for the future, with a base on a comprehensive and objective frame