8 research outputs found

    "This is my unicorn, Fluffy": Personalizing frozen vision-language representations

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    Large Vision & Language models pretrained on web-scale data provide representations that are invaluable for numerous V&L problems. However, it is unclear how they can be used for reasoning about user-specific visual concepts in unstructured language. This problem arises in multiple domains, from personalized image retrieval to personalized interaction with smart devices. We introduce a new learning setup called Personalized Vision & Language (PerVL) with two new benchmark datasets for retrieving and segmenting user-specific "personalized" concepts "in the wild". In PerVL, one should learn personalized concepts (1) independently of the downstream task (2) allowing a pretrained model to reason about them with free language, and (3) does not require personalized negative examples. We propose an architecture for solving PerVL that operates by extending the input vocabulary of a pretrained model with new word embeddings for the new personalized concepts. The model can then reason about them by simply using them in a sentence. We demonstrate that our approach learns personalized visual concepts from a few examples and can effectively apply them in image retrieval and semantic segmentation using rich textual queries

    Strategic Formation of Heterogeneous Networks

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    Learning to reason about and to act on physical cascading events

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    Reasoning and interacting with dynamic environments is a fundamental problem in AI, but it becomes extremely challenging when actions can trigger cascades of cross-dependent events. We introduce a new supervised learning setup called {\em Cascade} where an agent is shown a video of a physically simulated dynamic scene, and is asked to intervene and trigger a cascade of events, such that the system reaches a "counterfactual" goal. For instance, the agent may be asked to "Make the blue ball hit the red one, by pushing the green ball". The agent intervention is drawn from a continuous space, and cascades of events makes the dynamics highly non-linear. We combine semantic tree search with an event-driven forward model and devise an algorithm that learns to search in semantic trees in continuous spaces. We demonstrate that our approach learns to effectively follow instructions to intervene in previously unseen complex scenes. It can also reason about alternative outcomes, when provided an observed cascade of events