129 research outputs found


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    韋孟和韋玄成是西漢《魯詩》學的著名代表,其傳世之作也每每體現了他們的經學家身份,研究者往往將二者互證。然考察韋孟《在鄒詩》之“我之退征,請於天子”後,容易發現這個説法與漢初諸侯國之官制多有齟齬,故該詩可能並非韋孟所作。《諷諫詩》究竟是否韋孟所作,自班固起已有懷疑,除了詩中塑造韋孟的忠謇形象與史實並不相符外,該詩與韋玄成《自劾詩》、《戒示子孫詩》某些方面的高相似度,也遠非模仿與借鑒所能解釋。尤可注意者,《自劾詩》與《諷諫詩》中多次化用《尚書》、《周易》等經典之句,可見諸經被確立崇高地位後,内部形成了一個封閉的體系。詩人的目的並非單純地言志抒情,而是要重新組合經典爲己所用。在此過程中,文本有了新的指向並獲得了新的生命力。 Wei Meng 韋孟 and Wei Xuancheng 韋玄 are well-regarded Lu shi 魯詩 scholars from the Western Han dynasty. Their poems also demonstrate their identity as classicists. In later scholarship, Wei Meng and Wei Xuancheng are often juxtaposed to highlight these achievements. An examination of “Zai zou shi” 在鄒詩 (Poem Written in Zou), a poem commonly attributed to Wei Meng, however, will reveal that Wei’s reputation of being a classicist and a poet has to do with the bureaucracy of Han dynasty principalities and consequently testifies against his authorship. Furthermore, the authorship of “Fengjian shi” 諷諫詩 (An Irony Poem), another poem famously attributed to Wei Meng has also been questioned since Ban Gu 班固 in the Eastern Han dynasty. Wei’s loyal figure depicted in the poem is different from historical records, and this poem also shares a high degree of similarity with Wei Xuancheng’s “Zihe shi” 自劾言寺 (A Self-reflection Poem) and “Jie shi zisun shi” 戒示子孫詩 (A Poem of Admonishment to the Descendents) , which is beyond the explanation of imitation. In particular, “A Self-reflection Poem” and “An Irony Poem” quoted classics Shang shu 尚書 (Book of Documents) and ZAou 周易 (Book of Change) frequently, which shows a closed system within the established classics. The purpose of a poet, I argue, is more than lyricism, but to recompose classics toward his own use in which texts are given new directions and new life

    An interpretable machine learning framework for measuring urban perceptions from panoramic street view images

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    The proliferation of street view images (SVIs) and the constant advancements in deep learning techniques have enabled urban analysts to extract and evaluate urban perceptions from large-scale urban streetscapes. However, many existing analytical frameworks have been found to lack interpretability due to their end-to-end structure and “black-box” nature, thereby limiting their value as a planning support tool. In this context, we propose a five-step machine learning framework for extracting neighborhood-level urban perceptions from panoramic SVIs, specifically emphasizing feature and result interpretability. By utilizing the MIT Place Pulse data, the developed framework can systematically extract six dimensions of urban perceptions from the given panoramas, including perceptions of wealth, boredom, depression, beauty, safety, and liveliness. The practical utility of this framework is demonstrated through its deployment in Inner London, where it was used to visualize urban perceptions at the Output Area (OA) level and to verify against real-world crime rate

    Distinct Roles of Wnt/ β

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    Attenuation of Relapsing Fever Neuroborreliosis in Mice by IL-17A Blockade

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    Relapsing fever due to Borrelia hermsiiis characterized by recurrent bacteremia episodes. However, infection of B. hermsii, if not treated early, can spread to various organs including the central nervous system (CNS). CNS disease manifestations are commonly referred to as relapsing fever neuroborreliosis (RFNB). In the mouse model of B. hermsiiinfection, we have previously shown that the development of RFNB requires innate immune cells as well as T cells. Here, we found that prior to the onset of RFNB, an increase in the systemic proinflammatory cytokine response followed by sustained levels of IP-10 concurrent with the CNS disease phase. RNA sequencing analysis of the spinal cord tissue during the disease phase revealed an association of the interleukin (IL)-17 signaling pathway in RFNB. To test a possible role for IL-17 inRFNB, we compared B. hermsii infection in wild-type and IL-17A2/2mice. Although the onset of bacteremia and protective anti-B. hermsii antibody responses occurred similarly, the blood-brain barrier permeability, proinflammatory cytokine levels, immune cell infiltration in the spinal cord, and RFNB manifestations were significantly diminished in IL-17A2/2mice compared to wild-type mice. Treatment of B. hermsii-infected wild-type mice with anti-IL-17A antibody ameliorated the severity of spinal cord inflammation, microglial cell activation, and RFNB. These data suggest that the IL-17signaling pathway plays a major role in the pathogenesis of RFNB, and IL-17A blockade may be a therapeutic modality for controlling neuroborreliosis

    Altered brain network modules induce helplessness in major depressive disorder

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    The abnormal brain functional connectivity (FC) has been assumed to be a pathophysiological aspect of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, it is poorly understood, regarding the underlying patterns of global FC network and their relationships with the clinical characteristics of MDD

    Correction: Surface Vulnerability of Cerebral Cortex to Major Depressive Disorder

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is accompanied by atypical brain structure. This study first presents the alterations in the cortical surface of patients with MDD using multidimensional structural patterns that reflect different neurodevelopment. Sixteen first-episode, untreated patients with MDD and 16 matched healthy controls underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The cortical maps of thickness, surface area, and gyrification were examined using the surface-based morphometry (SBM) approach. Increase of cortical thickness was observed in the right posterior cingulate region and the parietal cortex involving the bilateral inferior, left superior parietal and right paracentral regions, while decreased thickness was noted in the parietal cortex including bilateral pars opercularis and left precentral region, as well as the left rostral-middle frontal regions in patients with MDD. Likewise, increased or decreased surface area was found in five sub-regions of the cingulate gyrus, parietal and frontal cortices (e.g., bilateral inferior parietal and superior frontal regions). In addition, MDD patients exhibited a significant hypergyrification in the right precentral and supramarginal region. This integrated structural assessment of cortical surface suggests that MDD patients have cortical alterations of the frontal, parietal and cingulate regions, indicating a vulnerability to MDD during earlier neurodevelopmental process

    Motion Deblurring for Single-Pixel Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging

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    The single-pixel imaging technique is applied to spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) to bring significant performance advantages in band extension and sensitivity enhancement. However, the large number of samplings required can cause severe quality degradations in the measured image when imaging a moving target. This work presents a novel method of motion deblurring for single-pixel SFDI. In this method, the Fourier coefficients of the reflected image are measured by the Fourier single-pixel imaging technique. On this basis, a motion-degradation-model-based compensation, which is derived by the phase-shift and frequency-shift properties of Fourier transform, is adopted to eliminate the effects of target displacements on the measurements. The target displacements required in the method are obtained using a fast motion estimation approach. A series of numerical and experimental validations show that the proposed method can effectively deblur the moving targets and accordingly improves the accuracy of the extracted optical properties, rendering it a potentially powerful way of broadening the clinical application of single-pixel SFDI