5,158 research outputs found

    On the C-E Translation of the Chengdu Public Signs from the Perspective of Communication Theory

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    With the rapid development of economy and technology, China’s overall national strength, international status and influence have increased considerably. China has entered into the cultural output era, and it is important to tell China’s stories well, spread China’s voice and present a real and comprehensive China to the world. In the past several decades, China’s practical cooperation with other countries continues to develop, as well as the larger international games and conferences, attracting a quantity of people from overseas travelling in and out of China. Most public places have offered pubic signs in bilingual language, which effectively serve people at home and abroad. The public signs have become the most direct and common medium for people around the world to get to know China. Meanwhile, the quality of public signs’ translation directly reflects the social landscape and human civilization of a country and a city. This essay will focus on the Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games to be held from July to August 2023, and jointly study the 5W mode of communication with the Chinese-English Dictionary of Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games Public Signs, discuss and analyze the quality and communication effect of Chinese-English public signs in the five aspects of communication subject, content, media, audience and effect, hoping can provide some new insights to the public signs’ translation

    Bayesian Optimization through Gaussian Cox Process Models for Spatio-temporal Data

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    Bayesian optimization (BO) has established itself as a leading strategy for efficiently optimizing expensive-to-evaluate functions. Existing BO methods mostly rely on Gaussian process (GP) surrogate models and are not applicable to (doubly-stochastic) Gaussian Cox processes, where the observation process is modulated by a latent intensity function modeled as a GP. In this paper, we propose a novel maximum a posteriori inference of Gaussian Cox processes. It leverages the Laplace approximation and change of kernel technique to transform the problem into a new reproducing kernel Hilbert space, where it becomes more tractable computationally. It enables us to obtain both a functional posterior of the latent intensity function and the covariance of the posterior, thus extending existing works that often focus on specific link functions or estimating the posterior mean. Using the result, we propose a BO framework based on the Gaussian Cox process model and further develop a Nystr\"om approximation for efficient computation. Extensive evaluations on various synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate significant improvement over state-of-the-art inference solutions for Gaussian Cox processes, as well as effective BO with a wide range of acquisition functions designed through the underlying Gaussian Cox process model.Comment: 2024 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR

    Comparison of Cell Proliferation, Protein, and Glucose Metabolism in Musculoskeletal Tumors in a PET Study

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    11C-choline and 18F-FAMT are known to correlate with tumor cell proliferation and amino acid metabolism. We investigated the ability of 11C-Choline and 18F-FAMT PET in diagnosis of musculoskeletal tumors in thirty-six patients in comparison of 18F-FDG PET. 11C-Choline and 18F-FDG PET were positive in all the malignant tumors (n = 13), whereas 18F-FAMT was positive in 11 tumors. The mean SUVs for malignant tumors were significantly higher than those for benign lesions in all three tracers imaging. A moderate correlation was found between 11C-Choline and 18F-FDG (r = 0.540, P < .05), or 18F-FAMT and FDG (r = 0.596, P < .05). The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for malignancy were 91.7% and 71.4%, respectively, using 11C-choline with a SUV cut-off of 2.69. The sensitivity and specificity of 18F-FAMT for malignancy were 66.7% and 85.7%, respectively, using a SUV cut-off of 1.26. For 18F-FDG, using a SUV cut-off of 2.77, the sensitivity and specificity were 83.3% and 71.4%, respectively. According to ROC analysis, the ROC curves for 11C-Choline, 18F-FAMT, and 18F-FDG were 0.855, 0.734, and 0.847, respectively. 11C-Choline PET is superior in the visualization of musculoskeletal tumors with high contrast imaging, whereas the combination of 18F-FAMT and 18F-FDG PET provides valuable information for the preoperative planning in patients with musculoskeletal tumors

    Molecular Imaging in Therapeutic Efficacy Assessment of Targeted Therapy for Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer

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    Membrane distillation is a thermally driven membrane process for seawater desalination and purification at moderate temperatures and pressures. A hydrophobic micro-porous membrane is used in this process, which separates hot and cold water, allowing water vapor to pass through; while restricting the movement of liquid water, due to its hydrophobic nature. This paper provides an experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer in tubular membrane module for water desalination. Different operating parameters have been examined to determine the mass transport mechanism of water vapor. Based on the experimental results, the effects of operating parameters on permeate flux and the heat transfer analysis have been presented and discussed in details

    Anaesthesia Management of Caesarean Section in Two Patients with Eisenmenger's Syndrome

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    Recently two parturients with Eisenmenger's syndrome underwent caesarean section at our hospital. They were managed by a multidisciplinary team during their perioperative period. The caesarean sections were uneventfully performed, one under general anaesthesia and one with epidural anaesthesia, with delivery of two newborns with satisfactory Apgar scores. One patient died in the post-partum period, and the other did well. We discuss the anaesthetic considerations in managing these high-risk patients