8 research outputs found

    Demographics, Disease Characteristics, and Adipokine Serum Concentrations of Study Participants Categorized by Gender.

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    <p>Notes: BMI, body mass index. MW, molecular weight.</p>*<p>Data summarized from participants who entered secondary analysis of adipokines and pain (35 women and 5 men).</p

    Unadjusted and Adjusted Analyses of Hand X-ray Kallman Score as a Function of Each Adipokine and Significant Determinants.

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    <p>Notes: In adjusted analyses, we retained only gender, history of coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus, and the statistically significant covariates (age, disease duration), selected during model building as defined by p<0.10. Unadjusted linear regression analysis was not performed in male participants due to the small sample size (N = 5). HMW, High Molecular Weight. MMW, Middle Molecular Weight. β refers to the beta coefficient estimated in linear regression models. SE, standard error.</p>¶<p>With adipokine serum concentrations not forced into the models, and adjusted for gender, history of coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus, only age and osteoarthritis disease duration were associated with Kallman scores, while history of coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, and gender were insiginificant, as defined by p-value>0.05.</p

    Unadjusted and Adjusted Linear Regression Analyses of Pain as a Linear Function of Each Adipokine and Significant Determinants.

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    <p>Notes: In adjusted analyses, we retained only gender, history of coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus, and the other significant covariates selected during model building as defined by p value<0.10. Unadjusted linear regression analysis was not performed in male participants due to the small sample size (N = 5). HMW, High Molecular Weight. MMW, Middle Molecular Weight. BMI, body mass index. VAS, visual-analog-scale. β refers to the beta coefficient estimated in linear regression models. SE, standard error.</p>¶<p>With adipokine serum concentrations not forced into the models, adjusted for gender, history of coronary artery disease, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus, we found leptin, BMI, history of coronary artery disease were associated with pain, while thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, and gender were insiginificant, as defined by p-value>0.05.</p