26 research outputs found

    Excitation of Forbidden Electronic Transitions in Atoms by Hermite–Gaussian Modes

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    Photoexcitation of trapped ions by Hermite–Gaussian (HG) modes from guided beam structures is proposed and investigated theoretically. In particular, simple analytical expressions for the matrix elements of induced atomic transitions are derived that depend both on the parameters of HG beams and on the geometry of an experiment. By using these general expressions, the (Formula presented.) electric octupole (E3) transition is investigated in an Yb+ ion, localized in the low–intensity center of the HG10 and HG01 beams. It is shown how the corresponding Rabi frequency can be enhanced by properly choosing the polarization of incident light and the orientation of an external magnetic field, which defines the quantization axis of a target ion. The calculations, performed for experimentally feasible beam parameters, indicate that the achieved Rabi frequencies can be comparable or even higher than those observed for the conventional Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) modes. Since HG-like modes can be relatively straightforwardly generated with high purity and stability from integrated photonics, these results suggest that they may form a novel tool for investigating highly-forbidden atomic transitions

    Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite-pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion

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    In attempts to unify the four known fundamental forces in a single quantum-consistent theory, it is suggested that Lorentz symmetry may be broken at the Planck scale. Here we search for Lorentz violation at the low-energy limit by comparing orthogonally oriented atomic orbitals in a Michelson-Morley-type experiment. We apply a robust radiofrequency composite pulse sequence in the 2F7/2^2F_{7/2} manifold of an Yb+^+ ion, extending the coherence time from 200 μ\mus to more than 1 s. In this manner, we fully exploit the high intrinsic susceptibility of the 2F7/2^2F_{7/2} state and take advantage of its exceptionally long lifetime. We match the stability of the previous best Lorentz symmetry test nearly an order of magnitude faster and improve the constraints on the symmetry breaking coefficients to the 10−21^{-21} level. These results represent the most stringent test of this type of Lorentz violation. The demonstrated method can be further extended to ion Coulomb crystals

    Towards a transportable aluminium ion quantum logic optical clock

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    With the advent of optical clocks featuring fractional frequency uncertainties on the order of 10-17 and below, new applications such as chronometric leveling with few-centimeter height resolution emerge. We are developing a transportable optical clock based on a single trapped aluminum ion, which is interrogated via quantum logic spectroscopy. We employ singly charged calcium as the logic ion for sympathetic cooling, state preparation, and readout. Here, we present a simple and compact physics and laser package for manipulation of 40Ca+. Important features are a segmented multilayer trap with separate loading and probing zones, a compact titanium vacuum chamber, a near-diffraction-limited imaging system with high numerical aperture based on a single biaspheric lens, and an all-in-fiber 40Ca+ repump laser system. We present preliminary estimates of the trap-induced frequency shifts on 27Al+, derived from measurements with a single calcium ion. The micromotion-induced second-order Doppler shift for 27Al+ has been determined to be δνEMMν=-0.4-0.3 +0.4×10-18 and the black-body radiation shift is δνBBR/ν = (-4.0 ± 0.4) × 10-18. Moreover, heating rates of 30 (7) quanta per second at trap frequencies of ωrad,Ca+ ≈ 2π × 2.5 MHz (ωax,Ca+ ≈ 2π × 1.5 MHz) in radial (axial) direction have been measured, enabling interrogation times of a few hundreds of milliseconds

    Sideband Thermometry of Ion Crystals

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    Coulomb crystals of cold trapped ions are a leading platform for the realization of quantum processors and quantum simulations and, in quantum metrology, for the construction of optical atomic clocks and for fundamental tests of the standard model. For these applications, it is not only essential to cool the ion crystal in all its degrees of freedom down to the quantum ground state but also to be able to determine its temperature with a high accuracy. However, when a large ground-state cooled crystal is interrogated for thermometry, complex many-body interactions take place, making it challenging to accurately estimate the temperature with established techniques. In this work, we present a new thermometry method tailored for ion crystals. The method is applicable to all normal modes of motion and does not suffer from a computational bottleneck when applied to large ion crystals. We test the temperature estimate with two experiments, namely with a one-dimensional linear chain of four ions and a two-dimensional crystal of 19 ions and verify the results, where possible, using other methods. The results show that the new method is an accurate and efficient tool for thermometry of ion crystals

    Sideband thermometry of ion crystals

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    Coulomb crystals of cold trapped ions are a leading platform for the realisation of quantum processors and quantum simulations and, in quantum metrology, for the construction of optical atomic clocks and for fundamental tests of the Standard Model. For these applications, it is not only essential to cool the ion crystal in all its degrees of freedom down to the quantum ground state, but also to be able to determine its temperature with a high accuracy. However, when a large ground-state cooled crystal is interrogated for thermometry, complex many-body interactions take place, making it challenging to accurately estimate the temperature with established techniques. In this work we present a new thermometry method tailored for ion crystals. The method is applicable to all normal modes of motion and does not suffer from a computational bottleneck when applied to large ion crystals. We test the temperature estimate with two experiments, namely with a 1D linear chain of 4 ions and a 2D crystal of 19 ions and verify the results, where possible, using other methods. The results show that the new method is an accurate and efficient tool for thermometry of ion crystals.Comment: 12+5 pages, 9+2 figures, Fig.3(b) was correcte