5 research outputs found

    Impacts of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) elements on residential property market: a review

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    Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is among six criteria of Green Building Index (GBI) that need to be achieved by building owner in order to recognize their building as ‘green’ in Malaysia. The benefit of IEQ is to create conducive environment for human health. Besides influenced their overall image, leasing and resale value of the buildings, does indoor environmental quality (IEQ) features will give impact on real estate market in terms of price and rental particularly for residential building property? Therefore, this paper will review the broad literature regarding the impacts of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) for residential building property and its implication to towards property price and rental. The early hypothesis of this paper anticipates that indoor environmental quality (IEQ) features will indirectly increase residential property market price and rental. From this paper, it is hope that the positive impacts of these features will encourage building owners, developers and other main development actors to put these criteria into the same consideration as other criteria in GBI as one of the way to compensate the impact of the building towards economic, environment and social

    Impact Of Innovation (In) and Indoor Environmental quality (Eq) features on residential property price and rental

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    The encouragement from government through Green Technology Policy as well as the widespread of green building design implementation has brought to positive impacts on the urban real estate market. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and innovation (IN) were among six criteria of Green Building Index (GBI) that need to be achieved by building owner in order to recognize their building as 'green' in Malaysia. The benefit of IEQ is to create conducive environment for human health while IN is to contribute to high quality interior environment of the building. Besides influenced their overall image, leasing and resale value of the buildings, does innovation (IN) and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) features will give impact on real estate market in terms of price and rental particularly for residential building property? Therefore, this paper will review the broad literature regarding the impacts of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and innovation (IN) for residential building property and its implication to towardsproperty price and rental. The early hypothesis of this paper anticipates that innovation (IN) and indoor environmetal quality (IEQ) features will indirectly increase residential property market price and rental. From this paper, it is hope that the positive impacts of these features will encourage building owners, developers and other main development actors to put these criteria into the same consideration as other criteria in GBI as one of the way to compensate the impact of the building towards economic, environment and social


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    Isu tanah wakaf terbiar dan tidak dibangunkan bukanlah suatu isu yang baru. Permasalahan ini kerap dihadapi oleh setiap pemegang amanah tanah wakaf di negara ini. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan ia tidak diusaha dan dibangunkan juga telah diketahui umum. Walaupun ada di antaranya telah dibangunkan, namun ia hanya terhad kepada pembinaan masjid, sekolah-sekolah agama dan tanah perkuburan. Ini menyebabkan institusi wakaf di negara kita gagal menjana pendapatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia. Oleh itu satu pendekatan dan strategi baru perlu difikirkan bagi membentuk satu sistem pentadbiran yang tersusun dan cekap, berupaya menggunapakai teknologi maklumat yang mampu membekalkan data terkini berhubung dengan inventori tanah wakaf di sesebuah negeri di samping satu dimensi baru tentang tanah wakaf sebagai satu kekuatan ekonomi yang terpendam, perlu diterapkan bagi mengubah persepsi masyarakat Melayu tentang amalan wakaf yang bersifat konvensional. Melalui kertas kerja ini, beberapa strategi pembangunan dicadangkan dan diharap pihak-pihak yang berkenaan dapat mengambil inisiatif segera untuk mengatasi beberapa isu berkaitan pembangunan tanah wakaf ke arah pengeksploitasian sepenuhnya bagi kemajuan ekonomi ummah

    Pembangunan tanah wakaf - Isu, prospek dan strategi

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    Isu tanah wakaf terbiar dan tidak dibangunkan bukanlah suatu isu yang baru. Permasalahan ini kerap dihadapi oleh setiap pemegang amanah tanah wakaf di negara ini. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan ia tidak diusaha dan dibangunkan juga telah diketahui umum. Walaupun ada di antaranya telah dibangunkan, namun ia hanya terhad kepada pembinaan masjid, sekolah-sekolah agama dan tanah perkuburan. Ini menyebabkan institusi wakaf di negara kita gagal menjana pendapatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia. Oleh itu satu pendekatan dan strategi baru perlu difikirkan bagi membentuk satu sistem pentadbiran yang tersusun dan cekap, berupaya menggunapakai teknologi maklumat yang mampu membekalkan data terkini berhubung dengan inventori tanah wakaf di sesebuah negeri di samping satu dimensi baru tentang tanah wakaf sebagai satu kekuatan ekonomi yang terpendam, perlu diterapkan bagi mengubah persepsi masyarakat Melayu tentang amalan wakaf yang bersifat konvensional. Melalui kertas kerja ini, beberapa strategi pembangunan dicadangkan dan diharap pihak-pihak yang berkenaan dapat mengambil inisiatif segera untuk mengatasi beberapa isu berkaitan pembangunan tanah wakaf ke arah pengeksploitasian sepenuhnya bagi kemajuan ekonomi ummah

    Development of Waqf Land: Issues, Prospect and Strategies

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    The issues of abandoned and undeveloped waqf land are not new and the problem is faced particularly by the trustee. The factors that inhibit the development of waqf land are also publicly known. Although some waqf land has been developed in Malaysia, it is limited to the provision of mosque, religious school, and cemetery. This has hindered waqf properties from generating income that can benefit the Muslim society in this country. Therefore, there needs to be a new approach and strategy in creating an administrative system that is well-managed, efficient, and responsive, especially in the use of latest information technology, and a new dimension of development that can make waqf land the country's main economic strength, which will change the perception of the society about the traditional waqf practices. This paper gives a number of recommendations to the authorities for developing waqf land in the hope that they provide a path towards the full exploitation of waqf land for the economic development of the ummah and the society at large