168 research outputs found

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Data Release Two with absorption-line physics value-added products

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    We present the second major release of data from the Sydney – Australian Astronomical Observatory Multi-Object Integral Field Spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey. Data Release Two includes data for 1559 galaxies, about 50 per cent of the full survey. Galaxies included have a redshift range 0.004 11], the velocity dispersion strongly increases towards the centre, whereas below log (M⋆/M⊙) < 10 we find no evidence for a clear increase in the central velocity dispersion. This suggests a transition mass around log (M⋆/M⊙) ∼ 10 for galaxies with or without a dispersion-dominated bulge

    IFU observations of luminous type II AGN - I. Evidence for ubiquitous winds

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    We present observations of 17 luminous (log(L[O III]/L_Sun) > 8.7) local (z < 0.11) type II AGN. Our aim is to investigate the prevalence and nature of AGN driven outflows in these galaxies by combining kinematic and ionization diagnostic information. We use non-parametric methods (e.g. W80, the width containing 80% of the line flux) to assess the line widths in the central regions of our targets. The maximum values of W80 in each galaxy are in the range 400 - 1600 km/s, with a mean of 790 +- 90 km/s. Such high velocities are strongly suggestive that these AGN are driving ionized outflows. Multi-Gaussian fitting is used to decompose the velocity structure in our galaxies. 14/17 of our targets require 3 separate kinematic components in the ionized gas in their central regions. The broadest components of these fits have FWHM = 530 - 2520 km/s, with a mean value of 920 +- 50 km/s. By simultaneously fitting both the H{\beta}/[O III] and H{\alpha}/[N II] complexes we construct ionization diagnostic diagrams for each component. 13/17 of our galaxies show a significant (> 95 %) correlation between the [N II]/H{\alpha} ratio and the velocity dispersion of the gas. Such a correlation is the natural consequence of a contribution to the ionization from shock excitation and we argue that this demonstrates that the outflows from these AGN are directly impacting the surrounding ISM within the galaxies.Comment: 37 pages, 30 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Data Release Two with absorption-line physics value-added products

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    We present the second major release of data from the Sydney – Australian Astronomical Observatory Multi-Object Integral Field Spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey. Data Release Two includes data for 1559 galaxies, about 50 per cent of the full survey. Galaxies included have a redshift range 0.004 11], the velocity dispersion strongly increases towards the centre, whereas below log (M⋆/M⊙) < 10 we find no evidence for a clear increase in the central velocity dispersion. This suggests a transition mass around log (M⋆/M⊙) ∼ 10 for galaxies with or without a dispersion-dominated bulge

    IFU observations of luminous type II AGN - I. Evidence for ubiquitous winds

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    We present observations of 17 luminous (log(L[O III]/L) > 8.7) local (z < 0.11) type II AGN. Our aim is to investigate the prevalence and nature of AGN-driven outflows in these galaxies by combining kinematic and ionization diagnostic information. We use non-parametric methods (e.g. W80, the width containing 80 per cent of the line flux) to assess the line widths in the central regions of our targets. The maximum values of W80 in each galaxy are in the range 400–1600 km s−1, with a mean of 790 ± 90 km s−1. Such high velocities are strongly suggestive that these AGN are driving ionized outflows. Multi-Gaussian fitting is used to decompose the velocity structure in our galaxies. 14/17 of our targets require three separate kinematic components in the ionized gas in their central regions. The broadest components of these fits have FWHM = 530–2520 km s−1, with a mean value of 920 ± 50 km s−1. By simultaneously fitting both the Hβ/[O III] and Hα/[N II] complexes, we construct ionization diagnostic diagrams for each component. 13/17 of our galaxies show a significant (>95 per cent) correlation between the [N II]/Hα ratio and the velocity dispersion of the gas. Such a correlation is the natural consequence of a contribution to the ionization from shock excitation and we argue that this demonstrates that the outflows from these AGN are directly impacting the surrounding ISM within the galaxies. Key words: galaxies: active – galaxies: evolution – galaxies: kinematics and dynamic

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Revising the Fraction of Slow Rotators in IFS Galaxy Surveys

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    The fraction of galaxies supported by internal rotation compared to galaxies stabilized by internal pressure provides a strong constraint on galaxy formation models. In integral field spectroscopy surveys, this fraction is biased because survey instruments typically only trace the inner parts of the most massive galaxies. We present aperture corrections for the two most widely used stellar kinematic quantities V/σV/\sigma and λR\lambda_{R}. Our demonstration involves integral field data from the SAMI Galaxy Survey and the ATLAS3D^{\rm{3D}} Survey. We find a tight relation for both V/σV/\sigma and λR\lambda_{R} when measured in different apertures that can be used as a linear transformation as a function of radius, i.e., a first-order aperture correction. We find that V/σV/\sigma and λR\lambda_{R} radial growth curves are well approximated by second order polynomials. By only fitting the inner profile (0.5ReR_{\rm{e}}), we successfully recover the profile out to one ReR_{\rm{e}} if a constraint between the linear and quadratic parameter in the fit is applied. However, the aperture corrections for V/σV/\sigma and λR\lambda_{R} derived by extrapolating the profiles perform as well as applying a first-order correction. With our aperture-corrected λR\lambda_{R} measurements, we find that the fraction of slow rotating galaxies increases with stellar mass. For galaxies with logM/M>\log M_{*}/M_{\odot}> 11, the fraction of slow rotators is 35.9±4.335.9\pm4.3 percent, but is underestimated if galaxies without coverage beyond one ReR_{\rm{e}} are not included in the sample (24.2±5.324.2\pm5.3 percent). With measurements out to the largest aperture radius the slow rotator fraction is similar as compared to using aperture corrected values (38.3±4.438.3\pm4.4 percent). Thus, aperture effects can significantly bias stellar kinematic IFS studies, but this bias can now be removed with the method outlined here.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 16 pages and 11 figures. The key figures of the paper are: 1, 4, 9, and 1

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: mass-kinematics scaling relations

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    We use data from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral-field spectroscopy (SAMI) Galaxy Survey to study the dynamical scaling relation between galaxy stellar mass MM_* and the general kinematic parameter SK=KVrot2+σ2S_K = \sqrt{K V_{rot}^2 + \sigma^2} that combines rotation velocity VrotV_{rot} and velocity dispersion σ\sigma. We show that the logMlogSK\log M_* - \log S_K relation: (1)~is linear above limits set by properties of the samples and observations; (2)~has slightly different slope when derived from stellar or gas kinematic measurements; (3)~applies to both early-type and late-type galaxies and has smaller scatter than either the Tully-Fisher relation (logMlogVrot\log M_* - \log V_{rot}) for late types or the Faber-Jackson relation (logMlogσ\log M_* - \log\sigma) for early types; and (4)~has scatter that is only weakly sensitive to the value of KK, with minimum scatter for KK in the range 0.4 and 0.7. We compare SKS_K to the aperture second moment (the `aperture velocity dispersion') measured from the integrated spectrum within a 3-arcsecond radius aperture (σ3\sigma_{3^{\prime\prime}}). We find that while SKS_{K} and σ3\sigma_{3^{\prime\prime}} are in general tightly correlated, the logMlogSK\log M_* - \log S_K relation has less scatter than the logMlogσ3\log M_* - \log \sigma_{3^{\prime\prime}} relation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Accepted 2019 May 22. Received 2019 May 18; in original form 2019 January

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: gravitational potential and surface density drive stellar populations -- I. early-type galaxies

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    The well-established correlations between the mass of a galaxy and the properties of its stars are considered evidence for mass driving the evolution of the stellar population. However, for early-type galaxies (ETGs), we find that gig-i color and stellar metallicity [Z/H] correlate more strongly with gravitational potential Φ\Phi than with mass MM, whereas stellar population age correlates best with surface density Σ\Sigma. Specifically, for our sample of 625 ETGs with integral-field spectroscopy from the SAMI Galaxy Survey, compared to correlations with mass, the color--Φ\Phi, [Z/H]--Φ\Phi, and age--Σ\Sigma relations show both smaller scatter and less residual trend with galaxy size. For the star formation duration proxy [α\alpha/Fe], we find comparable results for trends with Φ\Phi and Σ\Sigma, with both being significantly stronger than the [α\alpha/Fe]-MM relation. In determining the strength of a trend, we analyze both the overall scatter, and the observational uncertainty on the parameters, in order to compare the intrinsic scatter in each correlation. These results lead us to the following inferences and interpretations: (1) the color--Φ\Phi diagram is a more precise tool for determining the developmental stage of the stellar population than the conventional color--mass diagram; and (2) gravitational potential is the primary regulator of global stellar metallicity, via its relation to the gas escape velocity. Furthermore, we propose the following two mechanisms for the age and [α\alpha/Fe] relations with Σ\Sigma: (a) the age--Σ\Sigma and [α\alpha/Fe]--Σ\Sigma correlations arise as results of compactness driven quenching mechanisms; and/or (b) as fossil records of the ΣSFRΣgas\Sigma_{SFR}\propto\Sigma_{gas} relation in their disk-dominated progenitors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Accepted to Ap

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Global stellar populations on the size-mass plane

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    We present an analysis of the global stellar populations of galaxies in the SAMI Galaxy Survey. Our sample consists of 1319 galaxies spanning four orders of magnitude in stellar mass and includes all morphologies and environments. We derive luminosity-weighted, single stellar population equivalent stellar ages, metallicities and alpha enhancements from spectra integrated within one effective radius apertures. Variations in galaxy size explain the majority of the scatter in the age--mass and metallicity--mass relations. Stellar populations vary systematically in the plane of galaxy size and stellar mass, such that galaxies with high stellar surface mass density are older, more metal-rich and alpha-enhanced than less dense galaxies. Galaxies with high surface mass densities have a very narrow range of metallicities, however, at fixed mass, the spread in metallicity increases substantially with increasing galaxy size (decreasing density). We identify residual correlations with morphology and environment. At fixed mass and size, galaxies with late-type morphologies, small bulges and low Sersic n are younger than early-type, high n, high bulge-to-total galaxies. Age and metallicity both show small residual correlations with environment; at fixed mass and size, galaxies in denser environments or more massive halos are older and somewhat more metal rich than those in less dense environments. We connect these trends to evolutionary tracks within the size--mass plane.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS in press Corrected typo in author lis