6 research outputs found

    Prisustvo termofilnih Campylobacter vrsta kod brojlera i svinja na nekim klanicama u republici Srbiji

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    Examinations were carried out during the period from January 2006 until March 2007 on a total of 449 samples of the cecum of broilers and the cecum and the colon of pigs. These samples included 251 samples originating from broilers and 198 samples of pig cecums and colons. All the listed samples were obtained by scraping the surface of these parts of the digestive system of broilers and pigs. At the site of sampling, the diluted material was sown on a medium (Karmali agar), in order to get individual colonies. After sowing, the bases were placed in anaerobic jars in which microaerophilic conditions were achieved using Campy Pak, BBL bags. On arrival at the laboratory, the jars containing the sown bases were placed in a thermostat, at a temperature of 42oC for 48 hours for the purpose of incubation. Following incubation, the grown colonies were examined macroscopically, and then microscopic preparations were made from them, which were stained with 2% carbol fuchsin after drying and fixation. Those isolates which were in the form of a comma, the letter S, or gull's wings in the microscopic preparations were considered Campylobacter species (Figures 1 and 2). The isolated thermophilic campylobacteria were identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests API Campy, manufactured by Bio Mérieux, France. With the application of these microbiological methods, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 203 (80.88%) of the 251 samples of broiler cecums. Furthermore, thermophilic campylobacteria were isolated from 153 (77.27%) of the 198 samples from the cecum and colon of pigs taken within these investigations. The obtained results indicate that there is a somewhat greater prevalence of these bacteria among the broilers. However, such a high percentage of both broilers and pigs colonized by thermophilic Campylobacter species could pose a serious problem, in particular when it is known that infections of humans caused by the consumption of insufficiently thermally processed meat of broilers or pigs are not infrequent.Ispitivanjima obavljenim u periodu od januara 2006. godine do marta 2007. godine ukupno je pregledano 449 uzoraka cekuma brojlera i cekuma i kolona svinja. Od navedenog broja 251 uzorak je poticao od brojlera, a 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja. Svi navedeni uzorci dobijeni su struganjem površine navedenih delova digestivnog sistema brojlera i svinja. Materijal je na mestu uzorkovanja zasejavan sa razređenjem na podlogu (Karmali agar), radi dobijanja pojedinačnih kolonija. Nakon zasejavanja podloge su odlagane u lonce za anaerobe, u kojima su mikroaerofilni uslovi postignuti primenom Campy Pak, BBL kesica. Lonci sa zasejanim podlogama po dopremanju u laboratoriju stavljani su u termostat na temperaturu od 42oC tokom 48 časova radi inkubiranja. Nakon inkubacije izrasle kolonije su pregledane makroskopski, a zatim su od njih pripremani mikroskopski preparati koji su nakon sušenja i fiksiranja bojeni 2% karbol fuksinom. Oni izolati koji su na mikroskopskim preparatima imali oblik zareza, latinskog slova S ili galebovih krila smatrani su Campylobacter vrstama (slika 1 i 2). Identifikacija izolovanih termofilnih kampilobakterija vršena je primenom klasičnih i komercijalnih biohemijskih testova API Campy, proizvođača Bio Mérieux, Francuska. Primenom navedenih mikrobioloških metoda od 251. uzorka iz cekuma brojlera iz 203 (80,88%) izolovane su termofilne Campylobacter vrste. Takođe, od 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja koji su bili obuhvaćeni ispitivanjem termofilne kampilobakterije su izolovane iz 153 (77,27%). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na nešto veću prevalenciju ovih bakterija kod brojlera. Međutim, ovako visok procenat kolonizovanih, kako brojlera, tako i svinja termofilnim Campylobacter vrstama može predstavljati ozbiljan problem, posebno ako se zna da infekcije ljudi izazvane konzumiranjem nedovoljno termički obrađenog mesa brojlera i svinja nisu tako retke

    Presence of thermophilic Campylobacter species in Broilers and pigs at certain abattoirs in Republic of Serbia

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    Examinations were carried out during the period from January 2006 until March 2007 on a total of 449 samples of the cecum of broilers and the cecum and the colon of pigs. These samples included 251 samples originating from broilers and 198 samples of pig cecums and colons. All the listed samples were obtained by scraping the surface of these parts of the digestive system of broilers and pigs. At the site of sampling, the diluted material was sown on a medium (Karmali agar), in order to get individual colonies. After sowing, the bases were placed in anaerobic jars in which microaerophilic conditions were achieved using Campy Pak, BBL bags. On arrival at the laboratory, the jars containing the sown bases were placed in a thermostat, at a temperature of 42oC for 48 hours for the purpose of incubation. Following incubation, the grown colonies were examined macroscopically, and then microscopic preparations were made from them, which were stained with 2% carbol fuchsin after drying and fixation. Those isolates which were in the form of a comma, the letter S, or gull's wings in the microscopic preparations were considered Campylobacter species (Figures 1 and 2). The isolated thermophilic campylobacteria were identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests API Campy, manufactured by Bio Mérieux, France. With the application of these microbiological methods, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 203 (80.88%) of the 251 samples of broiler cecums. Furthermore, thermophilic campylobacteria were isolated from 153 (77.27%) of the 198 samples from the cecum and colon of pigs taken within these investigations. The obtained results indicate that there is a somewhat greater prevalence of these bacteria among the broilers. However, such a high percentage of both broilers and pigs colonized by thermophilic Campylobacter species could pose a serious problem, in particular when it is known that infections of humans caused by the consumption of insufficiently thermally processed meat of broilers or pigs are not infrequent

    Presence of thermophilic Campylobacter species in Broilers and pigs at certain abattoirs in Republic of Serbia

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    Examinations were carried out during the period from January 2006 until March 2007 on a total of 449 samples of the cecum of broilers and the cecum and the colon of pigs. These samples included 251 samples originating from broilers and 198 samples of pig cecums and colons. All the listed samples were obtained by scraping the surface of these parts of the digestive system of broilers and pigs. At the site of sampling, the diluted material was sown on a medium (Karmali agar), in order to get individual colonies. After sowing, the bases were placed in anaerobic jars in which microaerophilic conditions were achieved using Campy Pak, BBL bags. On arrival at the laboratory, the jars containing the sown bases were placed in a thermostat, at a temperature of 42oC for 48 hours for the purpose of incubation. Following incubation, the grown colonies were examined macroscopically, and then microscopic preparations were made from them, which were stained with 2% carbol fuchsin after drying and fixation. Those isolates which were in the form of a comma, the letter S, or gull's wings in the microscopic preparations were considered Campylobacter species (Figures 1 and 2). The isolated thermophilic campylobacteria were identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests API Campy, manufactured by Bio Mérieux, France. With the application of these microbiological methods, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 203 (80.88%) of the 251 samples of broiler cecums. Furthermore, thermophilic campylobacteria were isolated from 153 (77.27%) of the 198 samples from the cecum and colon of pigs taken within these investigations. The obtained results indicate that there is a somewhat greater prevalence of these bacteria among the broilers. However, such a high percentage of both broilers and pigs colonized by thermophilic Campylobacter species could pose a serious problem, in particular when it is known that infections of humans caused by the consumption of insufficiently thermally processed meat of broilers or pigs are not infrequent.Ispitivanjima obavljenim u periodu od januara 2006. godine do marta 2007. godine ukupno je pregledano 449 uzoraka cekuma brojlera i cekuma i kolona svinja. Od navedenog broja 251 uzorak je poticao od brojlera, a 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja. Svi navedeni uzorci dobijeni su struganjem površine navedenih delova digestivnog sistema brojlera i svinja. Materijal je na mestu uzorkovanja zasejavan sa razređenjem na podlogu (Karmali agar), radi dobijanja pojedinačnih kolonija. Nakon zasejavanja podloge su odlagane u lonce za anaerobe, u kojima su mikroaerofilni uslovi postignuti primenom Campy Pak, BBL kesica. Lonci sa zasejanim podlogama po dopremanju u laboratoriju stavljani su u termostat na temperaturu od 42oC tokom 48 časova radi inkubiranja. Nakon inkubacije izrasle kolonije su pregledane makroskopski, a zatim su od njih pripremani mikroskopski preparati koji su nakon sušenja i fiksiranja bojeni 2% karbol fuksinom. Oni izolati koji su na mikroskopskim preparatima imali oblik zareza, latinskog slova S ili galebovih krila smatrani su Campylobacter vrstama (slika 1 i 2). Identifikacija izolovanih termofilnih kampilobakterija vršena je primenom klasičnih i komercijalnih biohemijskih testova API Campy, proizvođača Bio Mérieux, Francuska. Primenom navedenih mikrobioloških metoda od 251. uzorka iz cekuma brojlera iz 203 (80,88%) izolovane su termofilne Campylobacter vrste. Takođe, od 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja koji su bili obuhvaćeni ispitivanjem termofilne kampilobakterije su izolovane iz 153 (77,27%). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na nešto veću prevalenciju ovih bakterija kod brojlera. Međutim, ovako visok procenat kolonizovanih, kako brojlera, tako i svinja termofilnim Campylobacter vrstama može predstavljati ozbiljan problem, posebno ako se zna da infekcije ljudi izazvane konzumiranjem nedovoljno termički obrađenog mesa brojlera i svinja nisu tako retke

    Arthroscopic findings after shoulder dislocation

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    Background/Aim. Recurrent instability of the shoulder joint is frequently difficult to differentiate from diseased or injured rotator cuff or tendon of the forearm flexor (m. biceps brachii). Shoulder joint arthroscopy has been only recently introduced into instable shoulder joint lesion examination. The aim of this study was to present and analyze an arthroscopic finding on instable shoulder joint in order to determine causes and mechanisms of instability, as well as principles of surgical treatment. Methods. Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint was performed in 158 patients with at least one documented shoulder joint dislocation. These patients were divided into two groups. The group I included the patients with one to three dislocations, while the group II those with more than three dislocations. Preoperative diagnosis was based on anamnestic data and clinical examination using specific tests, and on the diagnosis of shoulder joint using radiography or computed tomography. Results. Out of the total number of the patients 138 (87.34%) had injury of the anterior patellar brim, 119 (75.32%) had failure of the anterior capsule, 126 (79.75%) had compressive cartilage injury of the posterior part of the head of the upper arm bone (Hill-Sachs lesion), 102 (64.56%) had insufficiency of glenohumeral tendon, 11 (6.96) had complete cut of the rotator cuff, 23 (14.56%) had injury of the posterior patellar brim, 12 (7.59%) had injury of the upper anterior-posterior patellar brim (SLAP). Conclusion. According to the obtained results it could be concluded that there is no a unique injury that leads to shoulder joint instability. It is necessary to point out to the significance of anamnesis and clinical examination in making diagnosis. Arthroscopic diagnostics is indicated in clinically unreliable findings as an additional method for determining operative treatment

    New approach to equipment quality evaluation method with distinct functions

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    The paper presents new approach for improving method for quality evaluation and selection of equipment (devices and machinery) by applying distinct functions. Quality evaluation and selection of devices and machinery is a multi-criteria problem which involves the consideration of numerous parameters of various origins. Original selection method with distinct functions is based on technical parameters with arbitrary evaluation of each parameter importance (weighting). Improvement of this method, presented in this paper, addresses the issue of weighting of parameters by using Delphi Method. Finally, two case studies are provided, which included quality evaluation of standard boilers for heating and evaluation of load-haul-dump (LHD) machines, to demonstrate applicability of this approach. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is used as a control method