77 research outputs found

    Cohesin Releases DNA through Asymmetric ATPase-Driven Ring Opening

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    Cohesin stably holds together the sister chromatids from S phase until mitosis. To do so, cohesin must be protected against its cellular antagonist Wapl. Eco1 acetylates cohesin's Smc3 subunit, which locks together the sister DNAs. We used yeast genetics to dissect how Wapl drives cohesin from chromatin and identified mutants of cohesin that are impaired in ATPase activity but remarkably confer robust cohesion that bypasses the need for the cohesin protectors Eco1 in yeast and Sororin in human cells. We uncover a functional asymmetry within the heart of cohesin's highly conserved ABC-like ATPase machinery and find that both ATPase sites contribute to DNA loading, whereas DNA release is controlled specifically by one site. We propose that Smc3 acetylation locks cohesin rings around the sister chromatids by counteracting an activity associated with one of cohesin's two ATPase sites. Tight regulation of DNA entrapment and release by the cohesin complex is crucial for its multiple cellular functions. Elbatsh et al. find that cohesin's release from DNA requires an activity associated with one of its ATPase sites, whereas both sites control cohesin's loading onto DNA

    Optimizing RNA interference for application in mammalian cells

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    Over the last 2 years, the scientific community has rapidly embraced novel technologies that allowgene silencing in vertebrates. Ease of application, cost effectiveness and the possibilities for genome-wide reverse genetics have quickly turned this approach into a widely accepted, almost mandatory asset for a self-respecting laboratory in life sciences. This review discusses some of the recent technological developments that allow the application of RNAi (RNA interference) in mammalian cells. In addition, the advantages of applying RNAi to study cell cycle events and the emerging approaches to perform mutational analysis by complementation in mammalian cells are evaluated. In addition, common pitfalls and drawbacks of RNAi will be reviewed, as well as the possible ways to get around these shortcomings of gene silencing by small interfering RNA

    P21ras and insulin signal transduction

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    The role of p21ras in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling

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    The notion that ras proteins are required for the stimulation of mitogenesis by different receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) has spurred researchers to investigate the precise role of p21ras in signal transduction. A large number of stimuli can drive p21ras in the active conformation, and several proteins that play an important role in regulating the GTP/GDP balance on p21ras have been identified. Indeed, activation of p21ras has been demonstrated to occur by stimulation of guanine nucleotide-releasing proteins (GNRPs) or inhibition of GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Moreover, a number of SH2-containing proteins have been implicated in this signaling pathway, such as shc and sem-5/grb2. On the other hand, downstream signaling from p21ras involves an important protein kinase cascade. This pathway seems to be conserved in evolution, and analogous routes have been described in organisms such as yeast, nematodes, and fruit flies. Nevertheless, the direct effector molecule of p21ras that could couple to this kinase cascade is still unknown. Some indications have been obtained that suggest that this function might be partially performed by p120GAP. This review gives an overview of the role of p21ras in signaling from diverse RTKs. Elucidation of this pathway will improve our understanding of mitogenic signaling pathways and the basis of cancer

    Exploiting the compromised spindle assembly checkpoint function of tumor cells: dawn on the horizon?

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    Aneuploidy is a frequent property of cancer cells that arises as a consequence of chromosomal instability (CIN). A major safeguard mechanism protecting cells from CIN is the spindle assembly checkpoint. This checkpoint surveys proper attachment of chromosomes to the mitotic spindle and effectively suppresses erroneous chromosome segregation by delaying mitotic progression until proper spindle-chromosome interactions have been established. Several lines of evidence suggest that the development of aneuploidy may be a gradual process that in many cases could result from subtle spindle checkpoint defects that occur during tumorgenesis and steadily weaken spindle checkpoint function. Here we discuss the evidence for this concept and address the question whether normal somatic cells and tumor cells could perhaps exhibit differences in spindle checkpoint regulation that allow the design of more specific anti-tumor strategies that effectively kill tumor cells but spare normal cells

    The survivin/Aurora B complex: its role in coordinating tension and attachmen

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    Proper chromosome segregation relies on the action of the spindle checkpoint. Recent data have shown that the chromosomal passenger proteins survivin and Aurora B play an important auxiliary role in spindle checkpoint surveillance. Knock-down experiments in human cells indicate that the function of the survivin/Aurora B complex is required to correct improper microtubule-kinetochore interactions. Combined data of four different groups show that the survivin/Aurora B complex is not an integral component of the spindle checkpoint, but it enables the cell to communicate lack of tension back to the attached microtubules. Moreover, they show that the affinity of BubR1 for kinetochores is directly influenced by the absence or presence of the survivin/Aurora B complex. These functions of the survivin/Aurora B complex are essential for chromosome biorientation, a prerequisite for proper chromosome segregation. As such, this complex plays an important role in the maintenance of a stable genome

    Decisions on life and death: FOXO Forkhead transcription factors are in command when PKB/Akt is off duty

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    Forkhead transcription factors of the FOXO family are important downstream targets of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, a kinase shown to play a decisive role in cell proliferation and cell survival. Direct phosphorylation by PKB/Akt inhibits transcriptional activation by FOXO factors, causing their displacement from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. Work from recent years has shown that this family of transcription factors regulates the expression of a number of genes that are crucial for the proliferative status of a cell, as well as a number of genes involved in programmed cell death. As such, these transcription factors appear to play an essential role in many of the effects of PKB/Akt on cell proliferation and survival. Indeed, in cells of the hematopoietic system, mere activation of a FOXO factor is sufficient to activate a variety of proapoptotic genes and to trigger apoptosis. In contrast, in most other cell types, activation of FOXO blocks cellular proliferation and drives cells into a quiescent state. In such cell types, FOXO factors also provide the protective mechanisms that are required to adapt to the altered metabolic state of quiescent cells. Thus, as PKB/Akt signaling is switched off, FOXO factors take over to determine the fate of a cell, long-term survival in a quiescent state, or programmed cell death. This review summarizes our current understanding of the mechanisms by which PKB/Akt and FOXO factors regulate these decisions

    Checking out the G(2)/M transition

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    Tight regulation of cell cycle progression is essential for the maintenance of genomic integrity. The orderly progression from one cell cycle phase to the other is mediated by timed activation of distinct cyclin/cdk complexes. For example, onset of mitosis is regulated by the activation of cyclin B/cdc2 and this event is controlled by several cell cycle checkpoints. Such checkpoints ensure that chromosome segregation does not occur in the case of unreplicated or damaged DNA, or misaligned chromosomes. Recently, new insights into the targets of the DNA damage checkpoint help to unravel more of the complex mechanisms of cell cycle checkpoints. This review focuses on the factors controlling the transition from G2 phase to mitosis. Also, the pathways contributing to the DNA damage checkpoints in these phases of the cell cycle will be discussed

    Checkpoint adaptation and recovery: back with Polo after the break

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    S. cerevisiae cells that are unable to repair a double strand break ultimately escape the DNA damage checkpoint arrest and enter mitosis. This process called 'adaptation' depends on functional Cdc5, a Polo-like kinase, and was long thought to be limited to single-cell organisms. However, the recent finding that Xenopus extracts can adapt to a long-lasting stall in DNA replication indicates that checkpoint adaptation does also occur in multicellular organisms. Interestingly, the Xenopus Polo-like kinase (Plx1) plays an important role in this adaptation. To add to this, data from our laboratory have shown that the human Polo-like kinase (Plk1) is also required for cell cycle re-entry following a DNA damage-induced arrest. But here, Plk1 was shown to be required for bona-fide checkpoint recovery, rather than adaptation. That is, Plk1 is required to restart the cell cycle once all of the damage is repaired and checkpoint signaling is turned off. While the target of Plx1 during adaptation is a component of the checkpoint machinery (Claspin), the target of Plk1 during recovery turns out to be a mitotic regulator (Wee1). Here, we discuss some of the remarkable similarities and subtle differences in the molecular mechanisms that control checkpoint adaptation and recovery, and the role of Polo-like kinases therein

    Getting in and out of mitosis with Polo-like kinase-1

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    Research in different species has shown that Polo-like kinases are essential for successful cell division. In human cells, Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) has been implicated in the regulation of different processes, including mitotic entry, spindle formation and cytokinesis. Recently, a range of new downstream targets of Plk1 has been identified, as well as a molecular mechanism that explains recruitment of Plk1 to potential substrate proteins through its polo-box domain. On the basis of these reports, we discuss possible mechanisms by which Polo-like kinases can exert their multiple functions during mitosis. Polo-like kinases also function in DNA damage checkpoints. Plk1 has been shown to be a target of the G2 DNA damage checkpoint, while Cdc5, the Polo-like kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has long been known to be required for adaptation to persistent DNA damage. Just recently, a similar requirement for Polo-like kinases during checkpoint adaptation was demonstrated in multicellular organisms. Moreover, Plk1 was also shown to be required for checkpoint recovery following checkpoint inactivation, that is, in cells where the damage is completely repaired. Thus, Plk1 appears to play a role at multiple points during a restart of the cell cycle following DNA damage. Based on these novel observations, we discuss possible consequences of using Plk1 as a target in anticancer strategies
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