31 research outputs found

    Population variability in animal health: Influence on dose-exposure-response relationships: Part I: Drug metabolism and transporter systems

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    There is an increasing effort to understand the many sources of population variability that can influence drug absorption, metabolism, disposition, and clearance in veterinary species. This growing interest reflects the recognition that this diversity can influence dose-exposure-response relationships and can affect the drug residues present in the edible tissues of food-producing animals. To appreciate the pharmacokinetic diversity that may exist across a population of potential drug product recipients, both endogenous and exogenous variables need to be considered. The American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics hosted a 1-day session during the 2017 Biennial meeting to explore the sources of population variability recognized to impact veterinary medicine. The following review highlights the information shared during that session. In Part I of this workshop report, we consider sources of population variability associated with drug metabolism and membrane transport. Part II of this report highlights the use of modeling and simulation to support an appreciation of the variability in dose-exposure-response relationships

    Doxycycline Induces Expression of P Glycoprotein in MCF-7 Breast Carcinoma Cells

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    P-glycoprotein (P-gp) overexpression by tumor cells imparts resistance to multiple antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agents (multiple drug resistance). Treatment of tumor cells with chemotherapeutic agents such as anthracyclines, epipodophyllotoxins, and Vinca alkaloids results in induction of P-gp expression. This study was performed to determine if clinically relevant antimicrobial drugs (i.e., drugs that are used to treat bacterial infections in cancer patients) other than antineoplastic agents can induce expression of P-gp in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells. Expression of P-gp and MDR1 mRNA was determined in samples from MCF-7 cells that were treated in culture with doxorubicin (positive control) and the antimicrobial drugs doxycycline, piperacillin, and cefoperazone. The functional status of P-gp was assessed using laser cytometry to determine intracellular doxorubicin concentrations. The MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was used to determine if the cytotoxicity of experimental drugs was related to their ability to induce P-gp expression. MCF-7 cells treated with doxycycline (MCF-7/doxy) were stimulated to overexpress P-gp, whereas cells treated with piperacillin and cefoperazone did not overexpress P-gp. MCF-7/doxy cells were compared to a positive-control subline, MCF-7/Adr, previously selected for doxorubicin resistance, and to MCF-7 cells treated with doxorubicin (MCF-7/doxo). All three sublines overexpressed P-gp and MDR1 mRNA and accumulated less intracellular doxorubicin than did control MCF-7 cells. P-gp expression was induced only by experimental drugs that were cytotoxic (doxorubicin and doxycycline). Doxycycline, a drug that has been used for treatment of bacterial infections in cancer patients, can induce functional P-gp expression in cancer cells, resulting in multidrug resistance

    Tramadol Metabolism to O-Desmethyl Tramadol (M1) and N-Desmethyl Tramadol (M2) by Dog Liver Microsomes: Species Comparison and Identification of Responsible Canine Cytochrome P450s

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    ABSTRACT Tramadol is widely used to manage mild to moderately painful conditions in dogs. However, this use is controversial, since clinical efficacy studies in dogs showed conflicting results, whereas pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated relatively low circulating concentrations of O-desmethyltramadol (M1). Analgesia has been attributed to the opioid effects of M1, whereas tramadol and the other major metabolite (N-desmethyltramadol, M2) are considered inactive at opioid receptors. This study aimed to determine whether cytochrome P450 (P450)-dependent M1 formation by dog liver microsomes is slower compared with cat and human liver microsomes and to identify the P450s responsible for M1 and M2 formation in canine liver. Since tramadol is used as a racemic mixture of (+)-and (2)-stereoisomers, both (+)-tramadol and (2)-tramadol were evaluated as substrates. M1 formation from tramadol by liver microsomes from dogs was slower than from cats (3.9-fold) but faster than humans (7-fold). However, M2 formation by liver microsomes from dogs was faster than those from cats (4.8-fold) and humans (19-fold). Recombinant canine P450 activities indicated that M1 was formed by CYP2D15, whereas M2 was largely formed by CYP2B11 and CYP3A12. This was confirmed by dog liver microsome studies that showed selective inhibition of M1 formation by quinidine and M2 formation by chloramphenicol and CYP2B11 antiserum, as well as induction of M2 formation by phenobarbital. Findings were similar for both (+)-tramadol and (2)-tramadol. In conclusion, low circulating M1 concentrations in dogs are explained in part by low M1 formation and high M2 formation, which is mediated by CYP2D15 and CYP2B11/CYP3A12, respectively

    An insertion mutation in ABCB4 is associated with gallbladder mucocele formation in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: ABCB4 functions as a phosphatidylcholine translocater, flipping phosphatidylcholine across hepatocyte canalicular membranes into biliary canaliculi. In people, ABCB4 gene mutations are associated with several disease syndromes including intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (type 3), primary biliary cirrhosis, and cholelithiasis. Hepatobiliary disease, specifically gallbladder mucocele formation, has been recognized with increased frequency in dogs during the past decade. Because Shetland Sheepdogs are considered to be predisposed to gallbladder mucoceles, we initially investigated ABCB4 as a candidate gene for gallbladder mucocele formation in that breed, but included affected dogs of other breeds as well. RESULTS: An insertion (G) mutation in exon 12 of canine ABCB4 (ABCB4 1583_1584G) was found to be significantly associated with hepatobiliary disease in Shetland Sheepdogs specifically (P < 0.0001) as well as other breeds (P < 0.0006). ABCB4 1583_1584G results in a frame shift generating four stop codons that prematurely terminate ABCB4 protein synthesis within exon 12, abolishing over half of the protein including critical ATP and a putative substrate binding site. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of a significant association of ABCB4 1583_1584G with gallbladder mucoceles in dogs suggests that this phospholipid flippase may play a role in the pathophysiology of this disorder. Affected dogs may provide a useful model for identifying novel treatment strategies for ABCB4-associated hepatobiliary disease in people