9 research outputs found

    ALLiance for sEcondary PREvention after an acute coronary syndrome. The ALLEPRE trial: A multicenter fully nurse-coordinated intensive intervention program

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    The main objective of cardiovascular disease prevention is to reduce morbidity and mortality by promoting a healthy lifestyle, reducing risk factors, and improving adherence to medications. Secondary prevention after an acute coronary syndrome has proved to be effective in reducing new cardiovascular events, but its limited use in everyday clinical practice suggests that there is considerable room for improvement. The short-term results of evidence-based studies of nurse-coordinated secondary prevention programs have been positive, but there is a lack of long-term outcome data. The Alliance for the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Emilia-Romagna region (ALLEPRE) is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial designed to compare the effects of a structured nurse-coordinated intensive intervention on long-term outcomes and risk profiles after an acute coronary syndrome with those of the standard of care. All of the patients randomized to the intervention group take part in 9 one-to-one sessions with an experienced nurse fromthe participating centerswith the aimat promoting healthy lifestyles, reducing risk factors, and increasing adherence to medication over a mean period of 5 years. The primary clinical end point is the reduction in the risk of the 5-year occurrence of major adverse events (a composite of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal reinfarction, and nonfatal stroke). The primary surrogate end point is the achievement of prespecified targets relating to classical risk factors, lifestyle modifications, and adherence to pharmacological therapy after 2 years of follow-up

    Review of numerical methods for simulation of mechanical heart valves and the potential for blood clotting

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    Der Mineralstoffwechsel der Zelle

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