2 research outputs found

    Best approximation of functions in generalized Hölder class

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    Abstract Here, for the first time, error estimation of the functions g∈Hz(w) g∈Hz(w)g\in H_{z}^{(w)} and g˜∈Hz(w) g~∈Hz(w)\tilde{g}\in H_{z}^{(w)} classes using TC1 TC1TC^{1} method of F. S. (Fourier Series) and C. F. S. (Conjugate Fourier Series), respectively, are determined. The results of (Dhakal in Int. Math. Forum 5(35):1729–1735, 2010; Dhakal in Int. J. Eng. Technol. 2(3):1–15, 2013; Kushwaha and Dhakal in Nepal J. Sci. Technol. 14(2):117–122, 2013) become the particular cases of our Theorem 2.1. Some important corollaries are also deduced from our main theorems