22 research outputs found

    A New Hybrid Decision Tree Algorithm with K-Nearest Neighbour for Cross Border Payment Risks

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    The technological advancement have aided in the dramatic growth in solving payment risks through the E-Commerce Applications. While blockchain technology was first developed to underpin Bitcoin, its potential uses outside that digital currency are also being investigated. Blockchain technology can be used to speed up the process in transactions, offered secured platform and resolve payment risks. Earlier to this development, the organization and companies are on huge demand of a finding a right solution to solve the payment risks, have to travel across border in search of it. This challenge is overcome with the technological advancement with blockchain. In this research, cross border based DTA-KNN model. KNN is utilized to perform the analysis in comparison with the neighbor countries and DTA performs choosing the right payment gateway  through cross-borders. The proposed model is compared with the existing algorithms such as DTA and KNN for the entire processes. The results show that the hybrid model has achieved higher accuracy of 99.89%

    Cross Border E-Commerce Uses Blockchain Technology to Solve Payment Risks

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    The exponential expansion of addressing payment risks through E-Commerce Apps is mostly attributable to technical developments in this area. Although the blockchain was first created to support Bitcoin, its potential applications outside that digital currency are currently being explored. The adoption of blockchain technology may reduce the time it takes to complete a transaction, provide a more secure platform, and eliminate payment risk. Before this change, businesses were forced to go outside their borders for a satisfactory answer to the problem of payment risks. Blockchain technology has allowed us to overcome this obstacle. DTA-KNN is used as a cross-border model in this study. To do this, KNN is used to analyse data from neighbouring nations, and DTA is used to choose the most appropriate international payment gateway. To evaluate the efficacy of the suggested model, it is put up against well-established algorithms like DTA and KNN. The findings demonstrate that the hybrid model is more accurate than the other two separately

    Challenges in the Initial Stage of Institutional Repository Implementation: A Study of Malaysian Public Universities

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    Knowledge management has been received the widespread attention from higher education institutions in their practice of managing institutional repository. With the significant growth in the need for managing and sharing information across different departments, the need for managing digital repository is felt more than ever. An institutional repository may include a wide range of digital contents such as journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, monographs, research reports, theses, patent, presentations, audio material and multimedia materials. The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of institutional repositories practice in Malaysian public universities. This paper presents the initial findings from electronic survey conducted at Malaysian public universities. Recently, many Malaysian public universities are now have built their institutional repositories, while some considering or working towards implementing them. There is no doubt academic library has its new challenge in managing its institutional repository not only from technological aspect but also management support and librarian skills. The conventional role of academic library is changing to meet new requirement of skills in information science and information technology in supporting knowledge management approach. It is prime concern for any academic library to understand the current challenge of managing institutional repository and to identify the prime supporting activities for its librarian to better serve the needs of academic community

    A multiple perspectives review of knowledge management literature

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    This paper reviews articles on knowledge management (KM) research published in journals within the disciplines of Information Systems (IS), Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT), Business & Management, and Sociology.Multiple Perspectives Theory (Mitroff and Linstone, 1993) was used as a theoretical framework to classify KM research into three perspectives, namely technical, organizational and personal perspectives.The multiple perspective classification of KM research is then used to analyze articles which discuss research issues related to KM.The review found that the most dominant perspective adopted mainly by researchers is the organizational (O) perspective.The O perspective is adopted mainly by researchers within the social science, and business & management disciplines.KM articles within the O perspective mainly discuss the organization’s capability to manage knowledge as a resource for competitive advantage.The technical (T) perspective of KM research is mainly adopted by researchers within the CS, IT, and IS disciplines. The T perspective of KM research discusses the technology that can be used to support KM process in an organization. Very few articles approach KM from a personal (P) perspective, which discusses attitudes and behavior of KM stakeholders

    Differentiating KMS Strategy from Business Strategy, KM Strategy and IS/IT Strategy

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    The era of the new millennium has witnessed a wide range of the revolutionized technology that affects our lives and the way an organization is conducted. The contemporary business sectors start to recognize the potential use of knowledge management in the new organizational processes. As a result, increasing numbers of organizations pay attention to the creative value of leveraging knowledge as one of their potential assets. Therefore, organizations start to focus on knowledge as one of the important elements in competitive advantage that needs to be utilized efficiently and effectively. They have shown a great attention of knowledge management in their business strategy incorporated with technology. The role of technological tools and applications is essential in supporting and enhancing knowledge management strategy. There has been a transition from traditional information system to new a concept of knowledge management system employed by organization to sustain competitive advantage in dynamic and unstable environment. Further, to shift the paradigm of knowledge management systems concept from business sectors, this study focused on the KMS applications and tools particularly in Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) environment. The purpose of this study is to (a) identify the relationship of business strategy, knowledge management (KM) Strategy, knowledge management systems (KMS) strategy, information system (IS) strategy and information technology (IT) strategy, particularly in the context of IHE, (b) describe those strategies and their relationship based on the context of IHE. This will provide guidance and effective methods for formulating the KMS strategy with the aim to align it with business strategies and ensuring success of its implementation

    Barriers to integrating tourism in the development planning: The perspective of the Malaysia local authorities

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    This paper discusses the barriers faced by the local authorities in Malaysia in integrating tourism in their development planning. This study undertook a quantitative survey. The questionnaires were sending out to 99 local authorities in Peninsular of Malaysia and 50% respondent rate were obtained. The findings show that 49 percent of Malaysia’s local authorities have formulated policies related to tourism development in their area of jurisdiction. Financial restriction, which is high cost, has been identified as the major barrier for those LAs in integrating tourism in their development planning and policy formulation. The findings also revealed that time constraints and view that tourism activities as not being an important contributor to their revenue are among the factors that prevent them from integrating tourism in their development planning

    Twitter Sentiment Analysis on Meta: A Lexicon-Based Analysis using Rapidminer

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    Meta is a new parent company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more as the tech giant tried to move on from its scandal-plagued social network to its metaverse vision. Meta-trended on Twitter as users worldwide tweeted their opinions about the rebrand. The rebranding of Meta has become a popular topic of debate. Social media users, companies, and investors desire to be a part of the next big thing. In this study, lexicon-based polarity detection automatically classifies data as positive, negative, and neutral. This study will investigate the main sentiments towards Meta and the topic social media users discussed Meta. In this study, 2997 tweets from the 9th  to the 10th of November 2021 were scraped from Twitter using RapidMiner. The findings showed that 36% had a positive sentiment, 29% had a negative sentiment, and 35% were neutral about the Mete rebranding announcement. In addition, the topics often tweeted include NFT and stock, reaction, Metaverse, partnership, AR and VR, and policy. This study can help the Meta understand the people's multi-faceted views towards the Meta rebranding

    Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Formulating KMSS within the Context of Malaysian PIHE

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    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how quantitative and qualitative methods collaborate and apply in formulating KMS strategy within the context of Malaysian PIHE. The latter is used to explore and identify special interest case study sites, while the former will be done to understand the process and context of real situation. Throughout the analysis the multiple perspectives theory by Mitroff and Linstone (1993) will be employed to represent the essential perspectives that need to take into consideration in formulating KMS strategy. This study emphasised on the holistic way of formulating KMS strategy by combining both technical and non-technical issues involving in an organization. This article elucidates the process of (a) how do both quantitative and qualitative methods involve? (b) how do the data is going to be analyze? And (c) what are the expected output of the methods?. The processes reflect upon the objective to answer the two main research questions; (a) How to formulate a more holistic strategy using multiple perspectives theory for KMS implementation in Malaysia PIHE context ? and (b) What factors conspire to influence the formulation of KMS strategy

    Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods in formulating KMSS within the context of malaysian PIHE

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    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how quantitative and qualitative methods collaborate and apply in formulating KMS strategy within the context of Malaysian PIHE. The latter is used to explore and identify special interest case study sites, while the former will be done to understand the process and context of real situation. Throughout the analysis the multiple perspectives theory by Mitroff and Linstone (1993) will be employed to represent the essential perspectives that need to take into consideration in formulating KMS strategy. This study emphasised on the holistic way of formulating KMS strategy by combining both technical and non-technical issues involving in an organization. This article elucidates the process of (a) how do both quantitative and qualitative methods involve? (b) how do the data is going to be analyze? And (c) what are the expected output of the methods?. The processes reflect upon the objective to answer the two main research questions; (a) How to formulate a more holistic strategy using multiple perspectives theory for KMS implementation in Malaysia PIHE context ? and (b) What factors conspire to influence the formulation of KMS strategy