1 research outputs found

    Comparison of Fuel Yield of Biomaterials Between Fast Pyrolysis and Gasification

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    Pyrolysis is a viable method of extracting combustible fuels as gases or liquids from various, high carbon and hydrogen containing biomaterials. This Meta-study attempts to find the ideal combinations of processes for maximising biofuel output by comparing a range of biomaterials (cotton stalks, algae and peach scraps), put through the two primary methods of pyrolysis, through analysis of reactor type, Temperature, particle size and lower heating value achieved from biofuel output. It is proposed that the fast pyrolysis of Algae in a Fluidized bed reactor at a temperature of 550°C is the optimum combination of parameters for maximising biofuel output in terms of bio-oil yield and lower heating value (LHV) in kJ/kg