22 research outputs found

    Hope, Ethnic Pride, and Academic Achievement: Positive Psychology and Latino Youth

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    Previous studies have found that hope has beneficial effects in athletics, academics, physical health, and mental well being in majority populations. Given the challenges Latino youth face in the United States, ethnic identity and hope may be a powerful buffer from these negative stressors. The current study aimed to identify whether chronic levels of hope related to academic performance, whether an ethnic pride manipulation altered state hope levels, and whether there was a link between ethnic identity and chronic hope among a sample of Latino youth. Results indicated that GPA and chronic hope levels were not related, a manipulation to boost ethic pride increased state hope, and that ethnic identity was related to chronic levels of hope. The findings suggest that ethnic identity is an important contributor to hope levels

    Differential Therapeutic Outcomes of Community-Based Group Interventions for Women and Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence

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    Two community-based group therapies, emotion focused versus goal oriented, are compared among women exposed to intimate partner violence (n = 46) and their children ( n = 48) aged between 6 and 12 years. A series of repeated measures analyses are employed to evaluate the effects of time from baseline to postintervention following random assignment. Main and treatment effects for women provide support for the relative effectiveness in increasing quality of social support in the emotion-focused intervention and in the reduction of both family conflict and alcohol use for the goal-oriented intervention.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Lightner Witmer: Father and grandfather?

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    Mental health disparities, historical realities, and sociocultural barriers of american indians and alaska natives: A focus on suicide prevalence and prevention

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    American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) have experienced profound sociopolitical and economic hardship, characterized by a history of colonialism and racial oppression. These experiences have resulted in higher prevalence rates across a broad range of mental health difficulties, including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, substance use disorders, and suicide, as compared to the general U.S. population (Beals et al., 2005; IHS, 2015). In this chapter, we provide a conceptual overview of the current state of the problem. We begin byproviding a framework for understanding these mental health disparities, including discussion regarding interpretations (material vs. psychosocial) designed to enhance our understanding of this phenomena, followed by a description of latent, pathway, cumulative and latent effects of disparities across the lifespan. We then review current research, including comparisons of lifetime prevalence rates for a variety of mental health consequences across AI/AN communities. In order to enhance our understanding of these disparities, we focus on suicidality, which represents one of the greatest discrepancies experienced among AI/AN individuals, and the leading cause of death due to mental health difficulties. Next, we critically examine risk and protective factors known to impact suicidality and other mental health disparities across AI/AN communities. This is followed by a discussion of the complex relationship between risk and protective factors, which provides a foundation for our recommendations. Finally, we conclude with an examination of indigenous epistemologies and cultural competence to prevention and early intervention that promote social justice within these communities

    Depression Among Mexican Women: The Impact of Nonviolent Coercive Control, Intimate Partner Violence and Employment Status

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    There is significant empirical evidence documenting the link between intimate partner violence (IPV) and incidence of depression symptoms. This study explores the impact of intimate partner violence, nonviolent spousal coercive control, and women’s employment status on the incidence of depression symptoms in a sample of Mexican women. Results from regression models suggest different types of abusive relationships have differential impacts on incidence of depression. Specifically, a woman’s employment status contributed to the risk of depression in the context of prevalent nonviolent spousal controlling behaviors. On the other hand, employment status did not contribute to the risk of developing depression symptoms when women were in relationships where physical violence was not coupled with controlling behaviors. Results of the study are discussed in the context of the Mexican culture, as well as implications for the treatment of IPV among Mexican women

    Place-making and Its Impact on International Graduate Student Persistence

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    This study explored the impact of place-making activities on the persistence of graduate international students at an American university. Sixteen international graduate students over the age of 18, attending an American university and living in the community for at least 1 year, participated in an in-depth interview about their experiences of places in the Midwestern state where they are currently enrolled as students. The study used a qualitative research method with the goal of uncovering the unique experiences of the participants. The study results indicate that international students benefit from having access to a combination of places that foster growth, social interaction, restoration, and safety. This research contributes to the knowledge of factors impacting international student persistence in graduate education. Results are discussed in the context of strategies that universities can implement to facilitate adjustment among their graduate international students

    Mussolini’s Concentration Camps for Civilian. An Insight into the Nature of Fascist Racism

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    Il razzismo nazista influenzò il razzismo fascista? Questo fu una versione «diluita» di quello nazista? Mussolini utilizzò le leggi razziali solo per controllare le colonie? La risposta contenuta nel libro di Reale è negativa e viene risolta con la trattazione delle diverse categorie di campi istituti tra il 1940 e il 1943 e direttamente influenzati dalle leggi razziali del 1938. Si verificò sì un’influenza dal punto di vista delle leggi e delle regolamentazioni, ma non da quello politico-strategico e ideologico. La comparazione tra nazismo e fascismo serve all’A. per sottolineare le specificità del razzismo italiano e differenziarlo da quello nazista