6,946 research outputs found

    Active galactic nucleus feedback in clusters of galaxies

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    Observations made during the last ten years with the Chandra X-ray Observatory have shed much light on the cooling gas in the centers of clusters of galaxies and the role of active galactic nucleus (AGN) heating. Cooling of the hot intracluster medium in cluster centers can feed the supermassive black holes found in the nuclei of the dominant cluster galaxies leading to AGN outbursts which can reheat the gas, suppressing cooling and large amounts of star formation. AGN heating can come in the form of shocks, buoyantly rising bubbles that have been inflated by radio lobes, and the dissipation of sound waves.Comment: Refereed review article published in Chandra's First Decade of Discovery Special Feature edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

    Inside the Bondi radius of M87

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    Chandra X-ray observations of the nearby brightest cluster galaxy M87 resolve the hot gas structure across the Bondi accretion radius of the central supermassive black hole, a measurement possible in only a handful of systems but complicated by the bright nucleus and jet emission. By stacking only short frame-time observations to limit pileup, and after subtracting the nuclear PSF, we analysed the X-ray gas properties within the Bondi radius at 0.12-0.22 kpc (1.5-2.8 arcsec), depending on the black hole mass. Within 2 kpc radius, we detect two significant temperature components, which are consistent with constant values of 2 keV and 0.9 keV down to 0.15 kpc radius. No evidence was found for the expected temperature increase within ~0.25 kpc due to the influence of the SMBH. Within the Bondi radius, the density profile is consistent with ρr1\rho\propto r^{-1}. The lack of a temperature increase inside the Bondi radius suggests that the hot gas structure is not dictated by the SMBH's potential and, together with the shallow density profile, shows that the classical Bondi rate may not reflect the accretion rate onto the SMBH. If this density profile extends in towards the SMBH, the mass accretion rate onto the SMBH could be at least two orders of magnitude less than the Bondi rate, which agrees with Faraday rotation measurements for M87. We discuss the evidence for outflow from the hot gas and the cold gas disk and for cold feedback, where gas cooling rapidly from the hot atmosphere could feed the cirumnuclear disk and fuel the SMBH. At 0.2 kpc radius, the cooler X-ray temperature component represents ~20% of the total X-ray gas mass and, by losing angular momentum to the hot gas component, could provide a fuel source of cold clouds within the Bondi radius.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Homogeneous cooling of rough, dissipative particles: Theory and simulations

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    We investigate freely cooling systems of rough spheres in two and three dimensions. Simulations using an event driven algorithm are compared with results of an approximate kinetic theory, based on the assumption of a generalized homogeneous cooling state. For short times tt, translational and rotational energy are found to change linearly with tt. For large times both energies decay like t2t^{-2} with a ratio independent of time, but not corresponding to equipartition. Good agreement is found between theory and simulations, as long as no clustering instability is observed. System parameters, i.e. density, particle size, and particle mass can be absorbed in a rescaled time, so that the decay of translational and rotational energy is solely determined by normal restitution and surface roughness.Comment: 10 pages, 10 eps-figure

    Quasi-rigidity: some uniqueness issues

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    Quasi-rigidity means that one builds a theory for assemblies of grains under a slowly changing external load by using the deformation of those grains as a small parameter. Is quasi-rigidity a complete theory for these granular assemblies? Does it provide unique predictions of the assembly's behavior, or must some other process be invoked to decide between several possibilities? We provide evidence that quasi-rigidity is a complete theory by showing that two possible sources of indeterminacy do not exist for the case of disk shaped grains. One possible source of indeterminacy arises from zero-frequency modes present in the packing. This problem can be solved by considering the conditions required to obtain force equilibrium. A second possible source of indeterminacy is the necessity to choose the status (sliding or non-sliding) at each contact. We show that only one choice is permitted, if contacts slide only when required by Coulomb friction.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys Rev E (introduction and conclusion revised

    X-ray Supercavities in the Hydra A Cluster and the Outburst History of the Central Galaxy's Active Nucleus

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    A 227 ksec Chandra Observatory X-ray image of the hot plasma in the Hydra A cluster has revealed an extensive cavity system. The system was created by a continuous outflow or a series of bursts from the nucleus of the central galaxy over the past 200-500 Myr. The cavities have displaced 10% of the plasma within a 300 kpc radius of the central galaxy, creating a swiss-cheese-like topology in the hot gas. The surface brightness decrements are consistent with empty cavities oriented within 40 degrees of the plane of the sky. The outflow has deposited upward of 10^61 erg into the cluster gas, most of which was propelled beyond the inner ~100 kpc cooling region. The supermassive black hole has accreted at a rate of approximately 0.1-0.25 solar masses per year over this time frame, which is a small fraction of the Eddington rate of a ~10^9 solar mass black hole, but is dramatically larger than the Bondi rate. Given the previous evidence for a circumnuclear disk of cold gas in Hydra A, these results are consistent with the AGN being powered primarily by infalling cold gas. The cavity system is shadowed perfectly by 330 MHz radio emission. Such low frequency synchrotron emission may be an excellent proxy for X-ray cavities and thus the total energy liberated by the supermassive black hole.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; Submitted to ApJ, revised per referee's suggestion

    An Energetic AGN Outburst Powered by a Rapidly Spinning Supermassive Black Hole or an Accreting Ultramassive Black Hole

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    Powering the 10^62 erg nuclear outburst in the MS0735.6+7421 cluster central galaxy by accretion implies that its supermassive black hole (SMBH) grew by ~6x10^8 solar masses over the past 100 Myr. We place upper limits on the amount of cold gas and star formation near the nucleus of <10^9 solar masses and <2 solar masses per year, respectively. These limits imply that an implausibly large fraction of the preexisting cold gas in the bulge must have been consumed by its SMBH at the rate of ~3-5 solar masses per year while leaving no trace of star formation. Such a high accretion rate would be difficult to maintain by stellar accretion or the Bondi mechanism, unless the black hole mass approaches 10^11 solar masses. Its feeble nuclear luminosities in the UV, I, and X-ray bands compared to its enormous mechanical power are inconsistent with rapid accretion onto a ~5x10^9 solar mass black hole. We suggest instead that the AGN outburst is powered by a rapidly-spinning black hole. A maximally-spinning, 10^9 solar mass black hole contains enough rotational energy, ~10^62 erg, to quench a cooling flow over its lifetime and to contribute significantly to the excess entropy found in the hot atmospheres of groups and clusters. Two modes of AGN feedback may be quenching star formation in elliptical galaxies centered in cooling halos at late times. An accretion mode that operates in gas-rich systems, and a spin mode operating at modest accretion rates. The spin conjecture may be avoided in MS0735 by appealing to Bondi accretion onto a central black hole whose mass greatly exceeds 10^10 solar mass. The host galaxy's unusually large, 3.8 kpc stellar core radius (light deficit) may witness the presence of an ultramassive black hole.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Modifications: adopted slightly higher black hole mass using Lauer's M_SMBH vs L_bulge relation and adjusted related quantities; considered more seriously the consequences of a ultramassive black hole, motivated by new Kormendy & Bender paper published after our submission; other modifications per referee comments by Ruszkowsk

    Jet Interactions with the Hot Halos of Clusters and Galaxies

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    X-ray observations of cavities and shock fronts produced by jets streaming through hot halos have significantly advanced our understanding of the energetics and dynamics of extragalactic radio sources. Radio sources at the centers of clusters have dynamical ages between ten and several hundred million years. They liberate between 1E58-1E62 erg per outburst, which is enough energy to regulate cooling of hot halos from galaxies to the richest clusters. Jet power scales approximately with the radio synchrotron luminosity to the one half power. However, the synchrotron efficiency varies widely from nearly unity to one part in 10,000, such that relatively feeble radio source can have quasar-like mechanical power. The synchrotron ages of cluster radio sources are decoupled from their dynamical ages, which tend to be factors of several to orders of magnitude older. Magnetic fields and particles in the lobes tend to be out of equipartition. The lobes may be maintained by heavy particles (e.g., protons), low energy electrons, a hot, diffuse thermal gas, or possibly magnetic (Poynting) stresses. Sensitive X-ray images of shock fronts and cavities can be used to study the dynamics of extragalactic radio sources.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, invited review, "Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray, held in Girdwood, Alaska, U.S.A. 21-24 May, 2007, minor text changes; one added referenc

    Who Receives Specialist Palliative Care in Western Australia - and Who Misses Out

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    Our research describes the provision of palliative care services at a time of transition.Typically, palliative care has offered a holistic, non-curative focus with an emphasis on improving the quality of life of people with life-limiting conditions. Traditionally it has aimed to improve the conditions of people who were dying of cancer. Palliative care now seeks to extend a holistic, team-based and family-centred approach to people with other life-limiting conditions. Until now the degree to which this aim was reflected in the actual provision of health services has been unclear. There has been a paucity of population-based data on which to base equitable healthcare decision-making regarding the extension of palliative care topeople suffering from a range of life-limiting, complex and painful conditions. Our study provides such data for Western Australia and provides an insight into who is missing out on palliative care services in the last year of life