2,032 research outputs found

    The current status of hepatic transplantation at the University of Pittsburgh.

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    Tacrolimus is a more potent and satisfactory immunosuppressant than CyA for combination therapy with prednisone. In randomized trials comparing the 2 drugs, the ability of tacrolimus to rescue intractably rejecting grafts on the competing CyA arm allowed equalization of patient and graft survival on both arms when the intent-to-treat analytic methodology was applied. The ability of tacrolimus to systematically rescue the treatment failures of CyA suggested, as a matter of common sense, that it is the preferred baseline drug for hepatic transplantation. This conclusion was supported by analysis of secondary end points, including the ability to prevent rejection. Hepatic-intestinal, multivisceral and isolated intestinal transplantation became feasible on a practical basis only after the advent of tacrolimus. Nevertheless, better management strategies must be devised before intestinal transplantation, alone or with other abdominal viscera, will meet its potential. One such strategy is based on the discovery of the presence of previously unsuspected, low-level donor leukocyte chimerism in long-surviving allograft recipients. We believe that this chimerism is the essential explanation for the feasibility of organ transplantation and a link to the acquired neonatal tolerance demonstrated by Billingham, Brent and Medawar (32). The hematolymphopoietic chimerism in organ recipients explains why weaning to a drug-free state in selected long-term survivors is frequently feasible and particularly if the allograft is a liver. Weaning should never be attempted without a stepwise protocol and careful monitoring of graft function. Recognition of the natural chimerism that develops after whole organ transplantation has led to efforts to augment it with perioperative donor BM infusion. This procedure has been shown to be free of significant complications (including GVHD) in all kinds of whole organ recipients, including those given intestine. The prospects of clinical xenotransplantation must be evaluated in the same context of chimerism as that delineated for allotransplantation with the discovery of spontaneous chimerism. Before addressing chimerism-related questions in xenotransplantation, the additional barrier of the complement activation syndromes that cause hyperacute rejection will have to be surmounted. Although measures to effectively transplant xenografts have so far eluded us, the availability of the more potent drug, tacrolimus, and recognition of the seminal basis of allograft (or xenograft) acceptance via chimerism has inserted an element of reality into the largely wishful thinking that has been evident in discussions about the future of xenotransplantation

    Genetic Diversity Among Banana streak virus Isolates from Australia

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    Banana streak virus (BSV) is an important pathogen of bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) throughout the world. We have cloned and sequenced part of the genomes of four isolates of BSV from Australia, designated BSV-RD, BSV-Cav, BSV-Mys, and BSV-GF. These isolates originated from banana cvs. Red Dacca, Williams, Mysore, and Goldfinger, respectively. All clones contained a sequence covering part of open reading frame III and the intergenic region of the badnavirus genome. The sequences were compared with those of other badnaviruses, including BSV-Onne, a previously characterized isolate from Nigeria. The BSV-RD sequence was virtually identical to that of BSV-Onne, differing by only two nucleotides over 1,292 bp. However, BSV-Cav, -Mys, and -GF were divergent in nucleotide sequence. Phylogenetic analyses using conserved sequences in the ribonuclease H domain revealed that all BSV isolates were more closely related to each other than to any other badnavirus. BSV-Cav was most closely related to BSV-Onne, and there was 95.1% identity between the two amino acid sequences. Other relationships between the BSV isolates were less similar, with sequence identities ranging from 66.4 to 78.2%, which is a magnitude comparable to the distance between some of the recognized badnavirus species. Immunocapture-polymerase chain reaction assays have been developed, allowing specific detection and differentiation of the four isolates of BSV

    Genetic and clinical contributions to cerebral palsy: A multi-variable analysis

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    All authors are contributors to the Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research Group The definitive version is available at www.wileyonlinelibrary.comAimThis study aims to examine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations with cerebral palsy in a multi-variable analysis adjusting for potential clinical confounders and to assess SNP-SNP and SNP-maternal infection interactions as contributors to cerebral palsy.MethodsA case control study including 587 children with cerebral palsy and 1154 control children without cerebral palsy. Thirty-nine candidate SNPs were genotyped in both mother and child. Data linkage to perinatal notes and cerebral palsy registers was performed with a supplementary maternal pregnancy questionnaire. History of known maternal infection during pregnancy was extracted from perinatal databases.ResultsBoth maternal and fetal carriage of inducible nitric oxide synthase SNP rs1137933 were significantly negatively associated with cerebral palsy in infants born at less than 32 weeks gestation after adjustment for potential clinical confounders and correction for multiple testing (odds ratio 0.55, 95% confidence interval 0.38-0.79; odds ratio 0.57, 95% confidence interval 0.4-0.82, respectively). Analysis did not show any statistically significant SNP-SNP or SNP-maternal infection interactions after correction for multiple testing.ConclusionsMaternal and child inducible nitric oxide synthase SNPs are associated with reduced risk of cerebral palsy in infants born very preterm. There was no evidence for statistically significant SNP-SNP or SNP-maternal infection interactions as modulators of cerebral palsy risk.Michael E O’Callaghan, Alastair H MacLennan, Catherine S Gibson, Gai L McMichael, Eric A Haan, Jessica L Broadbent, Peter A Baghurst, Paul N Goldwater, Gustaaf A Dekker and for the Australian Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Research Grou

    Sensitization of tumour cells to lysis by virus-specific CTL using antibody-targeted MHC class I/peptide complexes

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    A number of cell surface molecules with specificity to tumour cells have been identified and monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to some of these antigens have been used for targeting tumour cells in vivo. We have sought to link the powerful effector mechanisms of cytotoxic T-cells with the specificity of mAb, by targeting recombinant HLA class I molecules to tumour cells using an antibody delivery system. Soluble recombinant MHC class I/peptide complexes including HLA-A2.1 refolded around an immunodominant peptide from the HIV gag protein (HLA-A2/gag) were synthesized, and the stability of these complexes at 37°C was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a conformation-specific antibody. MHC class I-negative lymphoma cells (Daudi) were labelled with a biotinylated mAb specific for a cell surface protein (anti-CD20) then linked to soluble biotinylated HLA-A2/gag complexes using an avidin bridge. Flow cytometry revealed strong labelling of lymphoma cells with HLA-A2/gag complexes (80-fold increase in mean channel fluorescence). CTL specific for HLA-A2/gag efficiently lysed complex-targeted cells, while control CTL (specific for an HLA-A2.1-restricted epitope of melan-A) did not. Similarly, SK-mel-29 melanoma cells were also efficiently lysed by HLA-A2/gag-specific CTL when HLA-A2/gag complexes were linked to their surface via the HMW-MAA specific anti-melanoma antibody 225.28s. With further consideration to the in vivo stability of the MHC class I/peptide complexes, this system could prove a new strategy for the immunological therapy of cancer. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Analysis of Coaxial Soil Cell in Reflection and Transmission

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    Accurate measurement of moisture content is a prime requirement in hydrological, geophysical and biogeochemical research as well as for material characterization and process control. Within these areas, accurate measurements of the surface area and bound water content is becoming increasingly important for providing answers to many fundamental questions ranging from characterization of cotton fiber maturity, to accurate characterization of soil water content in soil water conservation research to bio-plant water utilization to chemical reactions and diffusions of ionic species across membranes in cells as well as in the dense suspensions that occur in surface films. In these bound water materials, the errors in the traditional time-domain-reflectometer, “TDR”, exceed the range of the full span of the material’s permittivity that is being measured. Thus, there is a critical need to re-examine the TDR system and identify where the errors are to direct future research. One promising technique to address the increasing demands for higher accuracy water content measurements is utilization of electrical permittivity characterization of materials. This technique has enjoyed a strong following in the soil-science and geological community through measurements of apparent permittivity via time-domain-reflectometery as well in many process control applications. Recent research however, is indicating a need to increase the accuracy beyond that available from traditional TDR. The most logical pathway then becomes a transition from TDR based measurements to network analyzer measurements of absolute permittivity that will remove the adverse effects that high surface area soils and conductivity impart onto the measurements of apparent permittivity in traditional TDR applications. This research examines the theoretical basis behind the coaxial probe, from which the modern TDR probe originated from, to provide a basis on which to perform absolute permittivity measurements. The research reveals currently utilized formulations in accepted techniques for permittivity measurements which violate the underlying assumptions inherent in the basic models due to the TDR acting as an antenna by radiating energy off the end of the probe, rather than returning it back to the source as is the current assumption. To remove the effects of radiation from the experimental results obtain herein, this research utilized custom designed coaxial probes of various diameters and probe lengths by which to test the coaxial cell measurement technique for accuracy in determination of absolute permittivity. In doing so, the research reveals that the basic models available in the literature all omitted a key correction factor that is hypothesized by this research as being most likely due to fringe capacitance. To test this theory, a Poisson model of a coaxial cell was formulated to calculate the effective extra length provided by the fringe capacitance which is then used to correct the experimental results such that experimental measurements utilizing differing coaxial cell diameters and probe lengths, upon correction with the Poisson model derived correction factor, all produce the same results thereby lending support for the use of an augmented measurement technique, described herein, for measurement of absolute permittivity, as opposed to the traditional TDR measurement of apparent permittivity

    Halfvortices in flat nanomagnets

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    We discuss a new type of topological defect in XY systems where the O(2) symmetry is broken in the presence of a boundary. Of particular interest is the appearance of such defects in nanomagnets with a planar geometry. They are manifested as kinks of magnetization along the edge and can be viewed as halfvortices with winding numbers \pm 1/2. We argue that halfvortices play a role equally important to that of ordinary vortices in the statics and dynamics of flat nanomagnets. Domain walls found in experiments and numerical simulations are composite objects containing two or more of these elementary defects. We also discuss a closely related system: the two-dimensional smectic liquid crystal films with planar boundary condition.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, To appear as a chapter in Les Houches summer school on Quantum Magnetis
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