17,738 research outputs found

    The envirome and the connectome: exploring the structural noise in the human brain associated with socioeconomic deprivation

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    Complex cognitive functions are widely recognized to be the result of a number of brain regions working together as large-scale networks. Recently, complex network analysis has been used to characterize various structural properties of the large scale network organization of the brain. For example, the human brain has been found to have a modular architecture i.e. regions within the network form communities (modules) with more connections between regions within the community compared to regions outside it. The aim of this study was to examine the modular and overlapping modular architecture of the brain networks using complex network analysis. We also examined the association between neighborhood level deprivation and brain network structure – modularity and grey nodes. We compared network structure derived from anatomical MRI scans of 42 middle-aged neurologically healthy men from the least (LD) and the most deprived (MD) neighborhoods of Glasgow with their corresponding random networks. Cortical morphological covariance networks were constructed from the cortical thickness derived from the MRI scans of the brain. For a given modularity threshold, networks derived from the MD group showed similar number of modules compared to their corresponding random networks, while networks derived from the LD group had more modules compared to their corresponding random networks. The MD group also had fewer grey nodes – a measure of overlapping modular structure. These results suggest that apparent structural difference in brain networks may be driven by differences in cortical thicknesses between groups. This demonstrates a structural organization that is consistent with a system that is less robust and less efficient in information processing. These findings provide some evidence of the relationship between socioeconomic deprivation and brain network topology

    Time transfer using NAVSTAR GPS

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    A time transfer unit (TTU) developed for the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) has consistently demonstrated the transfer of time with accuracies much better than 100 nanoseconds. A new time transfer system (TTS), the TTS 502 was developed. The TTS 502 is a relatively compact microprocessor-based system with a variety of options that meet each individual's requirements, and has the same performance as the USNO system. The time transfer performance of that USNO system and the details of the new system are presented

    Distinguishing coherent atomic processes using wave mixing

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    We are able to clearly distinguish the processes responsible for enhanced low-intensity atomic Kerr nonlinearity, namely coherent population trapping and coherent population oscillations in experiments performed on the Rb D1 line, where one or the other process dominates under appropriate conditions. The potential of this new approach based on wave mixing for probing coherent atomic media is discussed. It allows the new spectral components to be detected with sub-kHz resolution, which is well below the laser linewidth limit. Spatial selectivity and enhanced sensitivity make this method useful for testing dilute cold atomic samples.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Using C to build a satellite scheduling expert system: Examples from the Explorer Platform planning system

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    A C-based artificial intelligence (AI) development effort which is based on a software tools approach is discussed with emphasis on reusability and maintainability of code. The discussion starts with simple examples of how list processing can easily be implemented in C and then proceeds to the implementations of frames and objects which use dynamic memory allocation. The implementation of procedures which use depth first search, constraint propagation, context switching, and blackboard-like simulation environment are described. Techniques for managing the complexity of C-based AI software are noted, especially the object-oriented techniques of data encapsulation and incremental development. Finally, all these concepts are put together by describing the components of planning software called the Planning And Resource Reasoning (PARR) Shell. This shell was successfully utilized for scheduling services of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite since May of 1987 and will be used for operations scheduling of the Explorer Platform in Nov. of 1991

    Using C to build a satellite scheduling expert system: Examples from the Explorer platform planning system

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    Recently, many expert systems were developed in a LISP environment and then ported to the real world C environment before the final system is delivered. This situation may require that the entire system be completely rewritten in C and may actually result in a system which is put together as quickly as possible with little regard for maintainability and further evolution. With the introduction of high performance UNIX and X-windows based workstations, a great deal of the advantages of developing a first system in the LISP environment have become questionable. A C-based AI development effort is described which is based on a software tools approach with emphasis on reusability and maintainability of code. The discussion starts with simple examples of how list processing can easily be implemented in C and then proceeds to the implementations of frames and objects which use dynamic memory allocation. The implementation of procedures which use depth first search, constraint propagation, context switching and a blackboard-like simulation environment are described. Techniques for managing the complexity of C-based AI software are noted, especially the object-oriented techniques of data encapsulation and incremental development. Finally, all these concepts are put together by describing the components of planning software called the Planning And Resource Reasoning (PARR) shell. This shell was successfully utilized for scheduling services of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite since May 1987 and will be used for operations scheduling of the Explorer Platform in November 1991

    The effect of electron beam pitch angle and density gradient on solar type III radio bursts

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    Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Physics of Plasmas 19, 112903 (2012) and may be found at .supplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htmlsupplemental material at http://astro.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/sp.htm

    Close pairs of galaxies with different activity levels

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    We selected and studied 180 pairs with dV < 800 km/s and Dp < 60 kpc containing Markarian (MRK) galaxies to investigate the dependence of galaxies' integral parameters, star-formation (SF) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) properties on kinematics of pairs, their structure and large-scale environments. Projected radial separation Dp and perturbation level P are better measures of interaction strength than dV. The latter correlates with the density of large-scale environment and with the morphologies of galaxies. Both galaxies in a pair are of the same nature, the only difference is that MRK galaxies are usually righter than their neighbors. Specific star formation rates (SSFR) of galaxies in pairs with smaller Dp or dV is in average 0.5 dex higher than that of galaxies in pairs with larger Dp or dV. Closeness of a neighbor with the same and later morphological type increases the SSFR, while earlier-type neighbors do not increase SSFR. Major interactions/mergers trigger SF and AGN more effectively than minor ones. The fraction of AGNs is higher in more perturbed pairs and pairs with smaller Dp. AGNs typically are in stronger interacting systems than star-forming and passive galaxies. There are correlations of both SSFRs and spectral properties of nuclei between pair members.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.024

    Abdominal functional electrical stimulation to assist ventilator weaning in acute tetraplegia: a cohort study

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    Background Severe impairment of the major respiratory muscles resulting from tetraplegia reduces respiratory function, causing many people with tetraplegia to require mechanical ventilation during the acute stage of injury. Abdominal Functional Electrical Stimulation (AFES) can improve respiratory function in non-ventilated patients with sub-acute and chronic tetraplegia. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical feasibility of using an AFES training program to improve respiratory function and assist ventilator weaning in acute tetraplegia.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods AFES was applied for between 20 and 40 minutes per day, five times per week on four alternate weeks, with 10 acute ventilator dependent tetraplegic participants. Each participant was matched retrospectively with a ventilator dependent tetraplegic control, based on injury level, age and sex. Tidal Volume (VT) and Vital Capacity (VC) were measured weekly, with weaning progress compared to the controls.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results Compliance to training sessions was 96.7%. Stimulated VT was significantly greater than unstimulated VT. VT and VC increased throughout the study, with mean VC increasing significantly (VT: 6.2 mL/kg to 7.8 mL/kg VC: 12.6 mL/kg to 18.7 mL/kg). Intervention participants weaned from mechanical ventilation on average 11 (sd: ± 23) days faster than their matched controls.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusion The results of this study indicate that AFES is a clinically feasible technique for acute ventilator dependent tetraplegic patients and that this intervention may improve respiratory function and enable faster weaning from mechanical ventilation.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt