574 research outputs found

    Comparatively Mapping Genres in Academic and Workplace Engineering Environments

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    In the Engineering workplace, one must be able to negotiate many genres of writing: he or she must deliver updates, understand technical requirements, weigh project priorities, develop and carry out problem-solving techniques, all while using different forms of technical communication. Engineering work relies on the ability to flexibly transition between a variety of technical writing genres, while also navigating the broad array of technologies required to effectively complete these projects. However, the genres and types of writing present in the workplace do not always reflect the genres and types of writing undergraduate Engineering students complete during coursework. From a Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) perspective, this is a problem because genres are not preset templates but rather forms of social action and as such embody a community’s way of knowing, being, and acting; therefore, a disconnect between genres indicates a disconnect between academic and workplace communities of practice, leaving undergraduates underprepared to meet the expectations of workplace communities. The purpose of the project discussed in this paper is to develop a heuristic of common workplace genres of regional workplaces and explore whether these genres are receiving coverage in the engineering courses at a southeastern, midsize research institution. This exploration emerged from a grant-supported, interdisciplinary faculty learning community consisting of faculty from the Department of English (with Technical and Professional Writing specialties) and different departments in engineering and technology. One of the primary tasks of this community, shaped largely from a Writing in the Disciplines (WID) approach characteristic of the institution’s curricular and assessment bodies, was to map the current state of technical writing genres in engineering courses and to better understand the present gaps, if identified. This task was accomplished through workshop-based discussions and cross-disciplinary collaborative research. Based on the application of RGS methodologies to the interdisciplinary faculty learning community workshop, it is suggested that a genre-based categorization of writing tasks and projects in undergraduate engineering curricula is critically formative in working toward the holistic integration of writing across courses for the sake of preparation and conceptual-based student understanding of writing practices

    A pilot study of respiratory rate derived from a wearable biosensor compared with capnography in emergency department patients

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    © 2019 Li et al. Purpose: Respiratory rate is assessed less frequently than other vital signs, and documented respiratory rates are often erroneous. This pilot study compared respiratory rates derived from a wearable biosensor to those derived from capnography. Methods: Emergency department patients with respiratory complaints were enrolled and had capnography via nasal cannula and a wireless, wearable biosensor from Philips applied for approximately one hour. Respiratory rates were obtained from both of these methods. We determined the difference between median respiratory rates obtained from the biosensor and capnography and the proportion of biosensor-derived respiratory rates that were within three breaths/minute of the capnography-derived respiratory rates for each patient. A Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the strength of the correlation between mean respiratory rates derived from both methods. Plots of minute-by-minute respiratory rates, per patient, for each monitoring method were shown to two physicians. The physicians identified time periods in which the respiratory rates appeared invalid. The proportion of time with invalid respiratory rates for each patient, for each method, was calculated and averaged. Results: We analyzed data for 17 patients. Median biosensor-derived respiratory rate was 20 breaths/minute (range: 7-40 breaths/minute) and median capnography-derived respiratory rate was 25 breaths/minute (range: 0-58 breaths/minute). Overall, 72.8% of biosensorderived respiratory rates were within three breaths per minute of the capnography-derived respiratory rates. Overall mean difference was 3.5 breaths/minute (±5.2 breaths/minute). Respiratory rates appeared invalid 0.7% of the time for the biosensor and 5.0% of the time for capnography. Conclusion: Our pilot study suggests that the Philips wearable biosensor can continuously obtain respiratory rates that are comparable to capnography-derived respiratory rates among emergency department patients with respiratory complaints

    Developing a Faculty Learning Community to Support Writing Across Different STEM Disciplines

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    Writing to learn is one of the very important pedagogical strategies in a variety of disciplines. This concept is not specifically addressed in the majority of engineering courses. Hence, university initiatives such as the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), emerging out of accreditation and institutional assessments, are focusing on infusing scholarship from other disciplines (in this case English) for the purpose of student learning improvement. Engineering and Science programs do include various courses in English Composition as the part of the curriculum; however, writing is not embedded in all discipline-specific courses at the upper-division level. The program outlined here focuses on the exploration of possible methods for engineering and science faculty to embed more writing assignments in their STEM courses so that undergraduate students can adequately transfer what they learned from English courses and apply it in their specific discipline once they attain higher proficiency (at the junior and senior level). The project presented in this paper included the creation of a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) composed of English, Engineering, and Science scholars, with the goal of developing writing assignments that enhance student learning while also building off of writing concepts students learn in introductory writing courses. This paper evaluates the effect of the FLC on student learning and on faculty professional development

    Combining mathematical modelling with in vitro experiments to predict in vivo drug-eluting stent performance

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    In this study, we developed a predictive model of in vivo stent based drug release and distribution that is capable of providing useful insights into performance. In a combined mathematical modelling and experimental approach, we created two novel sirolimus-eluting stent coatings with quite distinct doses and release kinetics. Using readily measurable in vitro data, we then generated parameterised mathematical models of drug release. These were then used to simulate in vivo drug uptake and retention. Finally, we validated our model predictions against data on drug kinetics and efficacy obtained in a small in vivo evaluation. In agreement with the in vivo experimental results, our mathematical model predicted consistently higher sirolimus content in tissue for the higher dose stents compared with the lower dose stents. High dose stents resulted in statistically significant improvements in three key efficacy measures, providing further evidence of a basic relationship between dose and efficacy within DES. However, our mathematical modelling suggests a more complex relationship is at play, with efficacy being dependent not only on delivering an initial dose of drug sufficient to achieve receptor saturation, but also on the consequent drug release rate being tuned to ensure prolonged saturation. In summary, we have demonstrated that our combined in vitro experimental and mathematical modelling framework may be used to predict in vivo DES performance, opening up the possibility of an in silico approach to optimising the drug release profile and ultimately the effectiveness of the device

    Development of a bioactive polymeric drug eluting coronary stent coating using electrospraying

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    Drug-eluting stents are now routinely used in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes caused by coronary artery disease. Whilst the sustained release of anti-proliferative drugs from these devices has greatly reduced the need for repeat revascularisation procedures, this approach is not suitable for all patients and appears to delay regrowth of the endothelium, necessitating the use of prolonged dual anti-platelet therapy. Although the development of more advanced stent platforms and drug coatings has produced modest improvements in performance, these devices have not fully addressed the limitations experienced with their first-generation counterparts. In the present study, we developed a novel stent coating that provides controlled sirolimus release from a bioactive polymer (accelerateâ„¢ AT) that has previously been shown to support endothelial cell growth in vitro. A bespoke electrospray deposition process provided control over the coating thickness, surface roughness, drug load, and release kinetics. The resultant optimised coating combines rapid release of an anti-proliferative agent from a bioactive polymer coating that promotes re-endothelialisation, thereby offering potential protection against in-stent restenosis and thrombosis. This novel, dual-action coating therefore has significant therapeutic potential, with the enhanced control of drug load and release kinetics offered by electrospray deposition also opening up opportunities for more personalised treatment approaches. Further development and evaluation of these technologies in vitro and in vivo is therefore warranted

    Professionalization of a nonstate actor

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    Can nonstate militants professionalize? That is the core question of this piece. Discussions of professionalism have spread to the state military from civilian professions such as education, medicine, and law. This piece examines whether nonstate actors exhibit the same fundamental processes found within these state-based organizations. These fundamentals are the creation of a recognized internal ethos, which acts as a collective standard for those involved. A commitment to expertise and the punishment of those who do not reach these collective expectations reinforce this ethos. To answer this question, this piece examines the development of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) during the Troubles. It highlights consistencies and inconsistencies with traditional forces and argues that groups like the PIRA can professionalize and increase their effectiveness in doing so. This widens the field of professionalism studies and provides an additional lens through which to examine nonstate groups

    Acute Renal Failure in Association with Community-Acquired Clostridium difficile Infection and McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome

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    We report the case of a 65-year-old Caucasian woman who experienced two separate episodes of acute renal failure within an 18-month period, both requiring emergency admission and complicated treatment. Each episode was precipitated by hypovolaemia from intestinal fluid losses, but from two rare and independent pathologies. Her first admission was attributed to community-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea (CDAD) and was treated in the intensive therapy unit. She returned 18 months later with volume depletion and electrolyte disturbances, but on this occasion a giant hypersecretory villous adenoma of the rectum (McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome) was diagnosed following initial abnormal findings on digital rectal examination by a junior physician. Unlike hospital-acquired C. difficile, community-acquired infection is not common, although increasing numbers are being reported. Whilst community-acquired CDAD can be severe, it rarely causes acute renal failure. This case report highlights the pathological mechanisms whereby C. difficile toxin and hypersecretory villous adenoma of the rectum can predispose to acute renal failure, as well as the values of thorough clinical examination in the emergency room, and early communication with intensivist colleagues in dire situations
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